Nightmare's Call

Chapter 352 - Expanding: Part 2

Chapter 352: Expanding: Part 2

“My childhood lay in a broken mud-walled hut. There was a simple, hand-made wooden horse in it, and a sandbag made out of rags. That was everything I had.”

Lin Sheng sighed.

“I’ve never had any education, and even now, I barely read at all. I am really, really just a simple young man. If I threw away my training, and the blessing of the holy light, I might as well be just a kid out there picking junk.”

He lamented as he swept his gaze across the crowd.

“My mother was dead.”

“....” The crowd was silent.

“My father was sickly.

“....” It was silent still.

“My elder brother was dull-witted, while my sister paralyzed.”

“That tragic? Is it even real?” The crowd below looked on at him with sympathy.

Lin Sheng expression was serious as a pure white radiance glowed in his eyes.

“Since young, I swore that I would see to that there shall be no more tragedies, war, chaos and pity in this world. Yes, if there is no tragedy, there will be no need for pity.” He said as he radiated the light of humanity and emotions.

“That time, the three year old me had to take care of my grandparents, and also tend to my sickly father. My elder siblings were of no help, and even beat me at times.”

“...” the crowd had nothing to say at all.

Three years old? Can things be more exaggerated than that? A three year old not wetting his own bed is already a commendable thing in itself. But seeing how engrossed Lin Sheng had already went into the story, even when they thought the story too unreal, they still bore the idea that he might be a special three years old after all? He was chosen by the Holy Sanctum to lead this place after all.

Lin Sheng went on and on.

“And I don’t know how or when, a thought of believing in something came to mind, and I had only just been expose to the teachings of the Holy Sanctum, and to have faith in the light within your heart. That, attracted me.

So I thought, humans all needed something to sustain them internally, so I decided to give it a try, and embarked on the life of studying the holy power.

And that actually worked! After my holy power was awakened, its effect was obvious!

My brother’s mind was healed, my sister regained her mobility! Even my father’s sickness was cured, so was my grandparents. Even my mother came back alive!”

“....” Right, go on then...

The crowd had no intention to say anything, as long he was happy waxing the tale...

And Lin Sheng got even more emotional.

“In truth, my mother was not dead. She had lost hope, and ran off to live alone. And when she saw hope, she came back. So things will definitely turn for the better when there is hope, don’t you agree?” He said as he tried to round the tale up.

While clearly a group of them did not believe him, but most had the thought of doing so.

Being a transcendent, a Darksider does not someone is well educated or of noble social status. Most of them only had powerful will and souls within them. So Lin Sheng just simply went about picking the most tear-jerking story from his memory and exaggerate them a little to allow the audience to draw the audience into the tale.

And next, he continued on his experience as he went from a poor and weak vagrant boy to a successful person, as he defied his fate step by step.

As all of these stories were real, it slowly resonated with the audience below. And half an hour later, even Lin Sheng felt like crying as his voice was slightly choked while taking a deep bow.

“I’m very glad that we can gather here and bask in the glory of the holy light. Pray that the light within your heart will bring radiance to the world.

This is the unchanging purpose of the Holy Sanctum since the beginning and henceforth! Justice, may come late, but light, shall never be wanting! Thank you!”

Lin Sheng bowed again as his voice echoed across the hall.

After a brief silence.

Clap, clap, clap!!

The entire hall broke into applause as at least ninety percent of the audience were touched by Lin Sheng’s speech. Perhaps some of them had thought some of the initial story was too outlandish, but the latter part when he talked about his experience, they could tell whether it was real or fake.

And with a torrent of truthful stories, Lin Sheng’s speech slowly gained their approval. What mattered was that they have vaguely understood what was the most of important thing of training of holy power from Lin Sheng’s story.

After his speech, a few crimson armor warriors brought out some prepared leaflets and headed it to the audience.

“Thank you. May all men bask in the light, and never find himself inferior again.”

“Thank you. May all men bask in the light, and never find himself inferior again.”

“Thank you, thank you.”

“If you have any friends or family who is suffering sickness or tribulations, you can introduce them to the Holy Sanctum, we can try to cure them, but with fees.”

“Hope all of you understand that the healers still need to survive, and cannot simply just use the holy power he trains so hard for free; so with payment can the service be expanded. I seek your understanding.”

And on the leaflet was the Ashen Seal mark that Lin Sheng had just drawn. This was the most basic Sanctuary seal, with a two hour effectiveness.

Even when he had already broken through level twelve in his holy power, he was not able to completely replicate his Ashen Seals. Without the Tome of Heritance, the longest possible effectiveness of an Ashen Seal was two hours.

As the members of the Holy Sanctum exchanged salutations, and the experience of their training, they soon focused on meditating the Ashen Seal as they got more familiar with each other.

As all of the seeds originated from Lin Sheng, so their power were all linked to Lin Sheng, and this link would further develop as time passed.

The holy light will gradually change the trainee’s body by brute force as it strengthened and change the body until it totally becomes a conduit of holy light.

And by that stage, if anyone were to turn their backs on the Holy Sanctum, upon losing access to the Ashen Seal, his entire strength will fade away. The entirety of it, not only the holy light would be lost, but also all of the other energies within the body.

That was the most terrifying part.

It was not death, but for transcendents, such a situation was as good as death.

Of course, the Holy Sanctum now was to everyone, a benevolent organization that was in its growth period. So everyone only saw benefits. But not long after, should anyone chooses to betray, only then the terrifying part of the Holy Sanctum would be revealed.

And soon, the gathering was completed successfully.

All of the members present felt a kinship to one another as they left. As all of them were worshippers of the holy light.

And thus, the Holy Sanctum slowly grow around Baine University under a benevolent façade.

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