My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 151: Trash Duo!

Chapter 151: Trash Duo!

the timer just doesnt work ig,

I'll have to update them my own.


"Listen here, It's a dream of every warrior on this continent to hold the Weapon made by Lady Zenobia but not everyone can have the chance to meet her, That Young Boy that came out just now is known as the second prodigious genius of the Wykes family, But it looks like even he didn't make the cut." The man said with admiration as he looked at the Shop.

Haru didn't reply to him and just looked at the 'Trash Duo' Why trash duo you ask? Because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree now does it?

Haru can tell what type of person the Head of the Wykes family was from the way he was acting right now.

[Kurumi what do you think of these two?] Haru asked curiously.

[That man in the front has a lot of Greed in him, it is impressive for a human, And the one behind him has a lot of pride and envy, but he is a glass cannon without any power to back that pride of his. He is a spineless fellow with no guts,] Kurumi said as she lazily opened her eyes slightly.

[Hmm, Quiet accurate,] Haru just hummed as he was uninterested in the Wykes duo after he heard the answer that he already guessed but he suddenly looked at the second floor of the Shop and saw Zenobia looking at him with a small smile.

'I forgot I was supposed to conceal my presence,' Haru sighed as he can't just conceal his presence when he needed to ask questions from the people around him.

Zenobia moved her lips and Haru nodded.

'I guess I'll meet her now that she has seen me,' Haru shrugged and saw the carriage going down the street.

"Come on let's get back to work,"

"Yeah, let's go,"

The crowd slowly dispersed now that the show was over Haru concealed his presence and walked inside the shop without anyone noticing him.

"Sir, who are you? Why did you sneak in?" Haru heard a voice behind his back and saw a young boy that looked around 15 years of age with short brown hair and black eyes with an average face looking at him. He also had pointed ears with a muscly physique.

"It is Ok Randel I asked Mr. Haru to come here, go on and do your job," Zenobia came from the stairs on the left side as she walked down with a small smile.

She was wearing a grey sleeveless and strapless blouse than covered her big chest and left her tone stomach and shoulders exposed with black pants that stuck to her full and shapely hips and thighs. Her long dark grey hair was left untied and fell on her back with short bangs in the front that reached her eyebrows.

"Oh Ok Big sis," Randel looked at Haru and his eyes had a hint of surprise and jealousy clear in them.

'What did I do to you boy?' Haru titled his head.

[It is because of your looks obviously,] Kurumi lazily answered as Haru just rolled his eyes at the simple reason.

"I am sorry for this suddenly asking you to come in Mr. Haru," Zenobia said politely.

"No it is fine I was about to visit your shop after I finished my work," Haru lied he didn't have much intention to come here maybe later but definitely not now.

"Well welcome to my small shop, What does Mr. Haru think of this place?" Zenobia asked.

Haru looked around and saw various weapons displayed on the wall they all looked of nice quality and shined brightly. There was a small drinking area on the right side with a small tavern-type feel to it.

"I don't think a small shop is something you should use to describe this place but It has a cozy feeling," Haru said with a small smile while looking at the shop even though it was a weapons shop with had a homely feeling and vibe to it.

'Cozy is it?' Zenobia smiled as she heard his answer.

"Mr. Haru, you didn't know about me before right?" Zenobia asked as she started walking towards the tavern.

"Yeah I didn't, it was really surprise when I came to know about you Lady Zenobia, I wasn't really sure if I should come here, I am not someone who put much attention to other things and I mostly live in the forest," Haru answered truthfully as he added a few things to make it look less stupid I mean the person he is talking to is the best blacksmith in this place not knowing her will be equivalent to living under a rock but it is possible to twist things as this isn't a modern world and information here isn't well circulated.

"You are a very straightforward person Mr. Haru, and please just call me Zenobia," Zenobia giggled as she sat down on a chair.

"Ok," Haru laughed a little and sat down on the chair as well.

"It is very rare for me to meet people like you who don't have any hidden intentions," Zenobia said while looking at the door.

"Ah, do you have to deal with those types of people daily?" Haru asked curiously as he knew it surely would be annoying if she had to though.

"No, it is occasional. And that man is especially persistent, his older son as well," Zenobia said while shaking her head.

"Tsk," Haru heard a click of the tongue and looked over to see Randel frowning at the mention of the Wykes family.

'It looks like the matter here isn't as simple as 'not getting along',' Haru thought as he looked at Zenobia who placed a cup of tea in front of him.

"Can't you ask the royal family for help with your status?" Haru asked a dumb question as to probe Zenobia's relationship with the royal family.

If she has a good relationship stopping the Wykes family won't be hard even if there is a Lance in their family, The lance listens to the royal family and not the Wykes family.

"That….. I don't have a good relationship with the royal family of Sapin," Zenobia said plainly while sipping on her tea.

"Are you sure you should be saying that so openly?" Haru raised his eyebrow.

"It isn't something people don't know, I am from a fallen noble family which was the supporter of the former king, and the family was wiped out following the death of the previous king, I survived solely because of my father's pleas and the current king needed to use set an example that he was a merciful king, even though he took my only family that is my father away," Zenobia said with a shrug as Haru nodded he this being common knowledge was a lie and she told this to him on purpose.

'Does she want to have revenge? well, that doesn't seem right?' Haru thought.

[That is correct she doesn't have any intention of revenge,] Kurumi answered in Haru's head making him nod.

"And even if I did have a good relationship with the Royal Family I would be the one who will have to compromise because the Wykes family is an important part of the Kingdom and a big supporter of the current king, no matter what they do at the end of the day the royal family needs them," Zenobia said while shaking her head without caring much for it.

"What did the Head of the Wykes family ask you for? Was it a weapon for his younger son?" Haru asked while sipping on the tea. It was quite good and had a mellow taste.

"That was the second request," Zenobia said plainly.

"Then why did you reject it?" Haru asked as he was curious about why it was so hard to get her to make a weapon he didn't ask about the first reason that old man came here as he wasn't that interested in it and he could see the complicated look on Zenobia's face and Randel clicking his tongue again so he avoided it.

"I have a habit that was the same as my teacher, I meet the person to see if they are worthy enough to hold the weapons made by me, I reject them if they aren't, it doesn't matter who they are, the kid from before has a bit of talent but is severely lacking in character plus I have heard some things about him that the Wykes family tried to bury in order to save his or more appropriately their own reputation, so I rejected it with no questions asked. But if a person is worthy of a weapon I'll make it for them even if I don't get along with them," Zenobia said with a polite smile but the confidence in her eyes flashed.

'It must be about the dungeon incident,' Haru thought briefly.

"That's Amazing, you sure have courage, Zenobia." Haru gave her thumbs up as he was sure he wont find people who are courageous enough to turn down even the royal families.

Seeing Haru's reaction Zenobia giggled.

"You are amazing yourself Mr. Haru I haven't seen someone with two bonds before and you are a powerful person with a splendid personality, I am really happy to meet someone like you," Zenobia said as Haru felt that her words weren't just for show she actually meant every word she uttered.

"I didn't know how it happened either," Haru flashed a silly smile to dodge the question and Zenobia smiled as well.

"It is still amazing," Zenobia said with a smile without prying further.

"Then Mr. Haru, There is something I want to tell you" Zenobia spoke seriously as Haru looked at her.




if there are any mistakes or suggestions on how to make the story interesting comment them down.





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