My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 150: Information, Wykes?

Chapter 150: Information, Wykes?

It has been three days since Haru came to Xyrus city, He has been staying in his room (That is what it looks like to the inn owner) But comes down for breakfast and dinner.

He would spend the rest of his time in the depths of the Beast Glades to search for dungeons.

'Hmm, I have found a good amount of dungeons that will be useful for them now I guess I should look for a house,' Haru thought as he changed into a white dress shirt with purple patterns and black pants with black shoes.

The clothes were rather plain but they looked great on him as he tied his hair in a loose ponytail and draped a cloak on his shoulders the cloak was off-white with purple designs on the lower end.

He had brought some clothes in the City to not stand out with his Yukata, Not that he can avoid it thanks to his looks. Every time he made his presence known it got troublesome for him.

[Just live in the forest you should live close to nature to seek inspiration,] Kurumi who was on Haru's shoulder said as she was annoyed with all those horny women who tried to make a move on Haru whenever he went downstairs.

"Why do you sound like a Master from a Cultivation novel? I can't do that, you know even if I can," Haru sighed as Kurumi has been mentioning this to him every half an hour like an alarm clock.

This was annoying for him as well you know, that was the reason he wanted to go and buy a house which would be needed when his lovers come to this world, he can't let them live in an Inn or in the forest after all.

[Hmph,] Kurumi pouted as she failed yet again but she was happy that he was buying his own place so that the thirsty women can't bother him.


Haru smiled and walked out of his room after Raum sat on his left shoulder.

"Did you find something?" Haru asked Raum because he had asked him to search for dungeons with high-level monsters while Haru was searching for dungeons suitable for jin-ah's power level.


Raum nodded with a proud look as he had completed his job.

"That's good I'll give you a treat today," Haru said as he stroked Raum's head who was super happy to get a treat which was just fried Mana beasts meat that Haru was trying in the Beast Glades.

And Raum really liked like along with Kurumi who would deny it but she was picky with the meat and only liked the meat of ones that Haru killed when he saved Zenobia, He came to know the name of the beast 'Cockatrice' after he bought a few books related to beasts habitats, geography and history books to deepen his knowledge of this place the info in the novel was limited and mentioned in passing so he had to get the info himself.

'Well it has a rooster head and its meat taste like premium chicken, I should keep some reserves because someone who likes chicken more than anyone will be coming here soon,' Haru nodded as he liked it as well and prayed that the cockatrice doesn't go extinct after Jin-ah arrives.

Haru has also started to take in common information about the continent and it was helpful to him in many ways. Although Haru hated being pestered by women whenever he went down he still couldn't deny how helpful it was for him.

'If anyone can't sense my core. which I don't have. so it is obvious they can't. it will just mean that I have more control over it and am stronger than them, so that saves me the trouble of being suspected as an outsider,' Haru thought as he heard this reason from a drunk female conjurer who told him that he had excellent control over his core that she can't sense it. That woman was a light yellow core so her saying that held credibility as Haru had sensed her core he has been learning this just in case.

Haru went down to the first floor and saw the burly man at the reception desk.

"You are going out?" The Burly man asked as he rasied an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I will be back before you close down so don't worry," Haru said and the burly man nodded.

Haru walked out on the street and headed towards the property dealership in the commercial district, Haru also got info on Zenobia, she had asked him to come and meet her if he was in Xyrus, and from the info he got from the inn owner and the adventurers Zenobia seemed to be quite the famous character.

'The Master Blacksmith, Eh?' Haru smiled as he found out about her as she was famous for making weapons for Lances and many of her weapons were even placed in the royal treasury of the three kingdoms.

All in all, she was a distinguished person on the continent and was even given the title of 'The Best Blacksmith on the continent' by the Dwarven royal family, Which further vouched for her skills as even the Dwarves who were famous for their blacksmithing acknowledged her.

Haru didn't know anything about her from the novel as she wasn't introduced, so the only reason he could come up with was….

'It is either she was introduced in the future or she was not a character the author wrote and things changed because this a real-world now, Just like how things changed in the previous world where characters that weren't in the novel appeared.' Haru thought and didnt put much thought into it.

"It should be around here," Haru muttered as he searched for the dealership in the lively streets of the city while ignoring the burning gazes he got from his surroundings.

'Not just anyone can go in there, was it?' Haru thought with a smile as he had heard an interesting fact about Zenobia's shop.

He had gotten this information from a drunk AA-class Adventurer who was crying because she was asked to 'leave' politely after she went to request a weapon made for herself.

'Zenobia seems to be quite eccentric in nature,' Haru thought as he had to risk his body to get this information (Not really) the female adventurer was making advances on him making him wonder if all the women were so fearless in this world. Anyway, he also heard that the Royal family of the three nations had to pay huge amounts in order for Zenobia to make weapons for the Lances.

'Does she not like the Royal family or something, I mean the king of Sapin isn't likable anyway, so I won't put it past her is she dislikes them,' Haru thought but didn't bother thinking too deeply.

Haru shook his head as this one was a rumor that he heard when he was talking about the Lances with some people during the dinner to check if anything was out of place. But thankfully there wasn't and Haru was able to get some useful information.

'Arthur seems to have finished his adventurer arc it seems, after hearing about the masked swordsman named 'Note' there doesn't seem to be any differences, there is also the important Announcement that will happen in like two weeks,' Haru thought as he was walking down the streets, as he was thinking about the announcement which was going to be about the discovery of the new continent.

"Hey what is happening here?"

"Shut up don't say anything,"

"Yeah just stand silently, don't cause a commotion,"

Haru heard a commotion and looked over to see a large number of people being gathered in the distance to the right side.

'What happened there?' Haru thought as he walked over curiously and felt a familiar mana signature.

Haru walked over and meddled in with the crowd. Then saw a big luxurious carriage parked outside of a shop that had two stories painted in red with white outlines.

There were knights standing guard near the carriage in full armor. Haru looked at them and checked their strength from the air around them.

'They are at most lower B-rank if I go by Solo leveling verse, But here they are about dark orange core,' Haru thought as he turned to his right and saw a man who was wearing normal clothes but had a sword on his waist.

"Hey friend what happened here?" Haru asked in a low voice as he acted like a clueless fellow.

"Oh you just came now, The Head of the Wykes Family came to visit Lady Zenobia with his younger son, They were stopped at the gate by the staff but The head of the Wykes made a fuss then they were called in Lady Zenobia," The man whispered and Haru looked over at the Shop.

'So it is this one? This shop looks rather plain,' Haru thought as he didn't ask about the location of Zenobia's shop because he had other things he needed to do first.

Then the doors of the shop opened and a middle-aged man with long grey hair that was tied in a ponytail that fell on his back and a short grey goat-like beard walked out with blood shot eyes and a distorted expression on his face.

"Get the carriage ready," The man said angrily as a young boy with pale skin, platinum blonde shoulder-length hair, and piercing yellow eyes with slightly pointed ears walked behind him with fear on his face as he kept his eyes down with anger in his eyes.

'Isn't that Trash Wykes,' Haru thought as he looked at Lucas, it might be immature of him as an adult to hate a kid who is barely 13 but well he didn't care.

"It looks like the Wykes family failed as well," The man beside him said with a sigh.

"Failed in what?" Haru asked curiously.

"You seriously don't know anything do you?" The man said and scratched the back of his head.

"Listen here," The man beside Haru whispered in a low voice.




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