My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 301: Using Connections

Chapter 301: Using Connections

Inside the villa, the atmosphere was heavy.

It had been more than a day and a night since Kuang Huan was captured.

No one had come to express their sympathy at Kuang Huan's villa, leaving it eerily quiet.

It was as if everyone had forgotten about Kuang Huan.

Meanwhile, at the military camp:

The general, dressed in his military uniform, wore a complex expression.

He had just finished a call with his superiors.

At this moment, his assistant asked, "Should we inform Kuang Huan's family?"

The general shook his head. "Kuang Huan's family is already acting irrationally. There's no point in saying anything now.

They only care about their own interests and don't put the country's interests first.

With such a serious matter, it's impossible to reason with them."

As soon as he spoke, it was clear he was trying to justify his actions with moral high ground.

The state is a tool of the ruling class, especially in Qin Yuan, where the royal family and the Seven Martial Stars rule together.

The assistant nodded, understanding the general's intentions.

He was well aware of what the general meant.

"The higher-ups want to keep this issue low-key and handle it discreetly," the general continued. "If Kuang Huan's family contacts me again, find an excuse to brush them off."

"Understood," the assistant replied. "This time, it was Kuang Huan's own fault. He should have stuck to selling arms instead of going to the front line."

The general nodded in agreement.

If Kuang Huan had followed their plan to sell arms, he wouldn't have ended up in trouble.

From his perspective, Kuang Huan was greedy and ventured into other businesses, which is why he ended up in enemy hands.

They were already being lenient by not prosecuting him for his mistakes.

Now that Kuang Huan had been captured, it put them in a passive position, which the general saw as a major blunder.

"He probably won't be killed, but some physical pain is inevitable," the general said calmly.

Since Wugui and Qin Yuan were adversaries, and Kuang Huan was captured by Wugui, he was bound to suffer physically.

In fact, whether he would return with all his limbs and organs intact was another question altogether.


Back at the villa.

Kuang Xi looked at the somewhat frail-looking man before her, a hint of disappointment flashing in her eyes.

During this time, she had also investigated some of Qi Yuan's background and found out that Qi Yuan was merely a student at the Mingwu Resonance Martial Arts Gym.

His meeting with her brother was purely coincidental.

As for other information, she couldn't find anything.

Of course, she didn’t know that the modified robot Zero-One had already hidden and disguised Qi Yuan’s online identity.

What others could find out was just the most basic information.

"So... Kuang Huan is currently at the Saqing Military Camp in Wugui?" Qi Yuan asked softly.

According to what Kuang Xi said, Kuang Huan was captured while collecting Youlong root.

Youlong root is a crucial material that Qi Yuan needed.

But this plant grows in Wugui, so Kuang Huan took a risky trip there, only for the news to leak out, leading to his capture by Wugui.

"Yes, we asked the general above, but they all refused.

Mr. Qi, I don't know if you know any influential people who could communicate with Wugui and have my brother released.

Our Kuang family is willing to pay... any price!" Kuang Xi said earnestly.

Kuang Huan was the family's hope and even held the title of viscount.

Her brother had no children, and if he were to die outside like this, the hereditary title of viscount would probably pass to another branch.

"I don't know any influential people," Qi Yuan replied honestly.

He had only been in this world for three months.

Today was the first time he had left Tianyue City.

How could he know any powerful figures?

Sure enough, upon hearing Qi Yuan's words, both the young woman and Kuang Xi showed signs of disappointment in their eyes.

"The fact that Mr. Qi is here already makes me happy," the young woman couldn't help but say, feeling even more aggrieved when she thought about how others had reacted.

At this moment, Qi Yuan said, "Actually... I'm pretty good myself.

Why don't you arrange a special vehicle to take me to the front lines, and I'll go rescue Kuang Huan."

Qi Yuan said casually.

Kuang Huan was caught because of him.

Kuang Huan was also his subordinate and had been working for him.

Naturally, he had to rescue Kuang Huan.

He was a good person—lawful good. He didn’t need to put on a selfish persona, and he would do things as he pleased.

Having cultivated for so long, he had yet to encounter a modern military.

Now that he had the chance, he would naturally go for it.

After all, once his strength grew, and he regained his peak combat power, even the stars in the sky could be punched out by him. At that point, bullying ordinary people would be pointless.

"Mr. Qi... you're going to rescue him yourself?" Kuang Xi was stunned.

This answer was beyond her expectations.

Not only her, but even Kuang Huan's wife was stunned.

"Yes, I'll personally go and bring him back from the military camp," Qi Yuan said casually.

To him, this matter seemed like a trivial task.

His words left Kuang Xi completely speechless.

Generally speaking, the way they would handle this situation was for some big shot to negotiate through diplomatic channels or trade interests to get her brother back.

Directly rescuing someone from Wugui's military camp... no one had ever considered such an idea.

With Qin Yuan's military strength, it could indeed overrun Wugui.

But the Guwu Nation wasn't to be trifled with either.

How could Qin Yuan start a war over someone like Kuang Huan?

"Mr. Qi... are you kidding?

That's the Wugui military camp, with an entire regiment inside!"

According to Wugui’s military system, a regiment consists of about three thousand soldiers.

These three thousand soldiers are equipped with various advanced weapons, tanks, armored vehicles, drones, and even fighter jets.

Breaking into such a military camp to rescue someone was nothing short of a dream.

Yet Qi Yuan said he would go and rescue him. How could they not be shocked and find it absurd?

"Yes, I know.

I'll handle the rescue; you just need to arrange the transportation," Qi Yuan said confidently.

The young woman was dumbfounded.

Kuang Xi was also stunned, unsure of how to respond.

Seeing their reactions, Qi Yuan said helplessly.

"Madam, you don’t want Kuang Huan to suffer in the military camp, right?

Don’t waste time. Prepare the people to take me to the front line.

As for how I will save him, you can imagine it however you like."

Qi Yuan was always efficient and never wasted time.

The young woman and Kuang Xi exchanged glances.

Both were a bit stunned by the unusual turn of events.

They felt it would be quite normal if they were dealing with someone who was mentally ill.

However, Kuang Huan’s wife could only nod vigorously, "I’ll have someone arrange for Mr. Qi to be taken to the front line right away.

Mr. Qi... if things go south, please take care of yourself!"

Kuang Huan's wife spoke very tactfully.

If he couldn’t save Kuang Huan, that would be fine, but she didn’t want him to get caught up in it himself.

Kuang Xi also said at this time, "Since my brother trusts you, I’ll leave this matter to you!"

Kuang Huan had told his wife that if there was ever a dangerous situation, Qi Yuan would help him.

So, Kuang Xi and Kuang Huan's wife were willing to arrange for Qi Yuan to go to the front lines.

"Hurry up, I'm in a rush," Qi Yuan said.

This trip to the front lines, considering the distance, would take a few days.

There were only two days left until the martial arts tournament.

He certainly wouldn’t be able to return in time.

"Alright, I'll make the arrangements right away. Please wait a moment," Kuang Xi said before turning to leave.

At this moment, only Kuang Huan's wife and Qi Yuan remained in the room.

Qi Yuan glanced at the young woman and said, "I have something to do, need to make a call."

He took out his phone and dialed a number.

Yang Shan's voice came from the other end of the line.

"Why are you calling me?"

"I'm here to pull some strings," Qi Yuan answered honestly.

Although he wasn’t a privileged figure, didn't enjoy special privileges, he figured that with his mental illness certificate, pulling a few strings shouldn't be a big deal.

"What strings?" Yang Shan was a bit puzzled.

"My partner got into some trouble, and I need to go abroad to get him out," Qi Yuan explained the situation.

"You’re serious? Your combat skills are good, but against genetic warriors, you might not stand a chance," Yang Shan didn’t know what had happened.

He feared that Qi Yuan, after reaching the martial arts limit, had become arrogant enough to challenge beings he couldn't handle.

Qi Yuan didn’t pay attention to his concerns and continued, "I won’t be able to participate in the martial arts tournament in two days.

Can you help me get directly promoted to the national level?"

He didn’t have time to attend the Tianyue City martial arts tournament.

His plan was to directly join the national level competition.

As a martial arts master at the pinnacle, Yang Shan was well-known in martial arts circles.

So Qi Yuan thought of asking him for help.

Yang Shan pondered for a moment and said, "Your strength does indeed warrant skipping the city-level competition to participate in the national competition.

Alright, when you return, I’ll take you through a special channel to enter the national tournament.

But... you’ll need to undergo a test to prove your ability, and you’ll have to fight someone."

"No problem," Qi Yuan said, relieved.

If it wasn't possible, he’d have to go to the martial arts tournament’s organizing body in person.

That would be too much trouble.

If this could be resolved, that would be great.

About half an hour later, Kuang Xi returned and said respectfully, "Mr. Qi, the route has been arranged.

First, we’ll take a car to the airport, then a plane to Diàn City. From there, we’ll switch to a car, and there will be someone specially assigned to pick you up! The journey will take about two and a half days."

"No problem," Qi Yuan nodded.

He would just treat it as a sightseeing trip.


Two days later.

Qi Yuan was sitting in a car, looking calm.

The driver was a burly man with a gun at his waist.

This burly man was one of Kuang Huan's trusted men, a member of the mercenary group.

As the car drove down the road, the burly man focused on driving but occasionally glanced back at Qi Yuan.

He didn’t know Qi Yuan's identity but knew from above that Qi Yuan was going to rescue his boss.

He was puzzled and didn’t understand how Qi Yuan planned to carry out the rescue.

At this moment, Qi Yuan suddenly spoke.

"Stop the car."

The car immediately came to a halt, and the burly man looked puzzled. "What’s wrong?"

"There’s something interesting over there. Didn’t expect to find it here."

Qi Yuan got out of the car.

In the distance, there was a landscape that looked like a desert, with weeds interspersed with some yellow sand.

The air was somewhat dry, and a gust of wind would raise some dust.

Not far from them, there were occasional discarded water bottles and condoms hanging on trees.

Qi Yuan stopped in front of a plant and showed a serious expression.

"This is a pitcher plant, a good thing for purifying bloodlines."

Purifying bloodlines also has its uses in the cultivation world.

Some cultivators who inherited the bloodlines of ancient ferocious beasts use pitcher plants and other materials to purify their bloodlines.

However, this is useless for ordinary cultivators.

Their cultivation isn’t related to bloodlines.

Qi Yuan’s cultivation also didn’t require pitcher plants.

But in the way of martial arts, it might be useful.

Since Qi Yuan encountered it, he wouldn’t be polite. He bent down and dug up the pitcher plant.

The burly man beside him looked puzzled, unsure of what to make of Qi Yuan's peculiar behavior.

"Alright, let’s get back in the car and continue on our way."

Qi Yuan got back into the car.

He was now wearing a trench coat, and his hair had grown quite a bit in the last three months.

With longer hair and dressed in ancient attire, he could easily pretend to be a historical figure.

The burly man resumed driving, and as he drove, he spoke, "The road we’re on now is a smuggling route.

Soon, we’ll join a smuggler convoy from Yue Lang and pretend to be one of them to enter Wugui."

"Oh... Aren’t the two countries at war? Why is there still smuggling?" Qi Yuan asked.

"Because the smuggled goods are high-end products needed by the nobility in both countries.

For example, TiMi wine is a specialty of Yue Lang, brewed with unique spring water from Mount Tira.

This wine is particularly popular among the upper echelons and aristocrats of Wugui.

So, even though there’s a war going on, those at the top and the nobility will ban the smuggling of other items, but not TiMi wine.

So now, the smuggler convoys actually serve the elites and nobility of both countries.

Although those at the bottom are fighting to the death, the elites... still have to maintain their luxurious lifestyles, right?" The burly man’s words carried a certain weight.

After all, in this world, he was among the lower ranks, the common folk.

"No wonder everyone wants to be among the elite," Qi Yuan couldn’t help but sigh.

"Even the upper echelons of Wugui live in such luxury. Can’t imagine what life is like for those in the Seven Martial Stars families." The burly man’s eyes were filled with envy.

His boss, Viscount Kuang Huan, was already a big figure in his eyes.

But compared to the Seven Martial Stars families, he was nothing.

Qi Yuan chuckled, showing no interest in this.

About two hours later, the car stopped in a small town.

The burly man said to Qi Yuan, "Mr. Qi, just follow my lead from here."

On the way, the burly man had already explained what was about to happen.

Everything had been arranged by him.

"Alright," Qi Yuan nodded.

At this point, the burly man said, "Mr. Qi, there’s still time to turn back. Once we join the convoy, we can’t turn back directly."

These words were also instructed by Kuang Huan’s wife for him to say to Qi Yuan.

Once they decide to go, there’s no turning back.

The two countries are still at war, and wandering around the front lines could get them killed by a drone strike.

"We’ll return after rescuing Kuang Huan," Qi Yuan chuckled. "Let’s hurry up and get it done quickly. The air here is too dry, and I don’t want to stay too long."

Hearing this answer, the burly man wasn’t sure whether to feel relieved or disappointed.

Because he had to accompany him throughout the journey.

If Mr. Qi was courting death, he would surely die too.

To some extent, he hoped that Mr. Qi wouldn’t go.

However, if Mr. Qi decided to go, he would follow.

His life was given by his boss.

He could always return it to his boss.

For him, the world was just that simple.

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