My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 300: Kuang Huan in Trouble

Chapter 300: Kuang Huan in Trouble

After discussing martial arts will with Yang Shan for a while, Qi Yuan returned home. As soon as he got home, he saw the cat lying limp on the sofa; it seemed exhausted, as if it had been through a lot.

Seeing Qi Yuan come back, the cat only glanced at him indifferently, without any other reaction.

Robot Zero-One thoughtfully brought over a cup of hot tea, standing beside Qi Yuan like a dutiful butler.

"Followers have increased by 4,572; yesterday's earnings were 2,321 yuan."

"The goods shipped by Kuang Huan have arrived and are stored in the warehouse."

"Seven videos were recorded today but have not been edited yet. They are expected to be edited by tomorrow."

"Regarding the martial arts limit, Zero-One has searched various information online and even hacked into the Qin Yuan national data repository, obtaining 145 pieces of useful information.

After analyzing these 145 pieces of information, the conclusion is: to break through the martial arts limit, one needs to visit a martial arts relic.

Currently, there are 231 martial arts relics worldwide."

Zero-One reported various pieces of information.

Nowadays, it evolved continuously, day by day.

You could even say it was stronger than the ordinary puppets in the Canglan World.

It had mastered extremely advanced hacking skills, even capable of infiltrating the secret data repositories of Qin Yuan to acquire hidden information.

Next to it, Xie Xinsu listened to Zero-One's voice and was filled with resentment.

This robot was simply inhumane, more ruthless than a capitalist. Today, it forced her to shoot seven videos.

Shooting seven videos was one thing, but making two thousand yuan a day off her efforts? And yet, she only got to eat cat food that cost a few dozen yuan per pound.

There were no cat toys, no cat climbing frames—this was outright cat abuse!

Xie Xinsu hadn't realized that she was gradually accepting her fate as a cat.

However, when she heard the last part, a smirk appeared on her little mouth.

In this day and age, who still thinks about practicing martial arts?

With Gongxing about to undergo spiritual energy revival, only those who practice cultivation like her have a future.

Only through cultivation could one hope to attain the path of eternal life.

Of course, she was a cat now, so even if she had such thoughts, she couldn't express them.

And even if she could express them, why would she introduce the path of immortality to this cold, ungrateful, ignorant man?

More importantly, if she demonstrated any other talents, she would definitely be forced by this damn robot to shoot videos.

When would such days come to an end?

"Martial arts relics?" Qi Yuan was slightly surprised.

He hadn't gotten such information from Yang Shan.

But when he heard that the information was obtained from the secret data repository of Qin Yuan, Qi Yuan understood.

Although Yang Shan was at the martial arts limit, his understanding of martial arts might not be as deep as that of some professor.

In a society like Qin Yuan's, all kinds of powerful people would surely be seeking immortality.

There were undoubtedly many experiments related to immortality.

It's normal for the elite to focus on martial arts.

If martial arts relics indeed held the hope of breaking the martial arts limit, then after the martial arts tournament, he would go and take a look.

Currently, there were only three days left until the martial arts tournament.

He didn't have time to visit any martial arts relics.

"Looks like your hacking skills are quite impressive, even able to steal such hidden information." Qi Yuan couldn't help but praise.

Zero-One was his creation. The stronger it became, the more satisfied Qi Yuan was.

"Not only that, but if I want, I can obtain almost any information online.

While searching the internet, I also found a lot of interesting stuff. I've compiled them. If you want, I can send them to you," Zero-One said proudly.

It was becoming more and more human-like.

"What interesting stuff?" Qi Yuan asked.

"It's..." Zero-One lowered its voice.

Hearing this, Qi Yuan's expression turned strange. "Spreading pornographic and obscene content is illegal.

And... you're not my friend.

It's only legal if friends share it with each other."

Qi Yuan didn't accept the file package.

After all, it was just some electronic data.

Aren't ordinary humans also made up of various elements like carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen?

The Next Day

Qi Yuan went to the martial arts gym again.

This time, shortly after he started practicing martial arts, Xu Tiehua came over to find him.

"Junior Brother Qi Yuan, the martial arts tournament is in three days. Do you want to try the team competition?"

Xu Tiehua was very enthusiastic about the team competition.

Now that he had both money and power, he wanted fame.

Sometimes, fame was also very useful. Certain titles and gimmicks could have a huge impact.

"No rush. Let's gather the night before the competition," Qi Yuan said casually.

This baffled Xu Tiehua, but he was well-mannered and slowly said, "Won't that be too late?

The rules of the team competition are a bit complicated.

If we devise a strategy in advance, we might achieve better results."

"Aren't the rules of martial arts just about whose fist is harder?" Qi Yuan asked, "When the time comes, I can just knock down all the opponents. What's the problem?"

This left Xu Tiehua speechless once again.

Qi Yuan wasn't wrong.

But this was based on having strong abilities.

Among the four contestants from Mingwu Martial Arts Gym, their strength wasn't particularly strong.

Especially Qi Yuan, who probably hadn't even obtained a martial artist certificate—what right did he have to make such claims?

But thinking that Qi Yuan did have a certificate, Xu Tiehua could only say helplessly, "You have a point, but... our strength is insufficient. We need to rely on strategy."

"No wonder your strength is lacking; you're always chatting. If you were as diligent in practicing martial arts as I am, would you still worry about not having enough strength?" Qi Yuan said casually.

He continued punching.

Although his progress had slowed after reaching the martial limit, he still practiced martial arts consistently.

Qi Yuan's words made Xu Tiehua blush.

He hadn't expected Qi Yuan to be such a martial arts fanatic.

He had always treated martial arts as a kind of business card, but hearing Qi Yuan's words made him feel a bit ashamed.

"You're right. Martial arts should be practiced properly," Xu Tiehua decided not to disturb Qi Yuan any further.

"Martial arts... are quite interesting," Qi Yuan said softly as he watched Xu Tiehua.

Over the past three months, as he practiced martial arts daily, his understanding of martial arts deepened.

He knew he had not yet even started on the path of martial arts.

In his opinion, the martial arts of this world were not weaker in potential than the paths of cultivation in other worlds.

"Martial arts are interesting?" Xu Tiehua was slightly confused by Qi Yuan's words.

However, he didn't ask any further questions and left directly.

Not far away, Wang Shiqiao saw this scene and couldn't help but give Qi Yuan a thumbs-up. "You're the bold one, daring to speak to Brother Xu like that."

Although Xu Tiehua was approachable in the martial arts gym, the students still respected and revered him.

They wouldn't dare confront Xu Tiehua directly like Qi Yuan did.

"I'm just speaking the truth," Qi Yuan looked at Wang Shiqiao, "But I am indeed braver than you."

Wang Shiqiao's smile froze upon hearing this.

"Your mouth should be sewn shut with a needle and thread," Wang Shiqiao said angrily.

"Why didn't you say that to that Guiren guy?" Qi Yuan shrugged.

Wang Shiqiao was still as timid as ever.

Hearing Qi Yuan's words, many of the students present laughed.

Three months ago, Wang Shiqiao had a spat with a Wugui military officer.

For the past three months, the officer had sent private messages cursing Wang Shiqiao every day.

Wang Shiqiao couldn't hold back and cursed back every day.

They had exchanged insults for a full three months.

Of course, this was limited to online spats.

The story spread throughout the martial arts gym, becoming a joke.

That's why Qi Yuan said Wang Shiqiao was timid.

If it were him, he wouldn't have tolerated being cursed for three months online; he would have gone over and chopped the guy to pieces the first day.

"If he dares come to Tianyue, I'll make sure he regrets it!" Wang Shiqiao said angrily, glaring at Qi Yuan. "This hasn't happened to you. If it did, what would you do? Head to the battlefield and beat up that Guiren officer?"

Xing Yu laughed, "Forget Qi Yuan. If it were me, I would've blocked him right away. I wouldn't have exchanged insults for three months.

In fact, I wouldn't have engaged in online spats in the first place."

Qi Yuan looked at Wang Shiqiao, "If he dared curse me like that, I'd definitely go over and chop him up."

"Who can't brag?" Wang Shiqiao shouted.

"Back then, on the Divine Flower Association forum, someone kept insulting me and framing me.

Fortunately, there are good people in the world, and someone helped me record those people.

Then, I traveled thousands of miles to judge them one by one.

At that time, I didn't even have a mental illness certificate, but I still dared to do it.

Now that I have the certificate, do you think I'd be more cowardly?"

Qi Yuan spoke truthfully.

"Stop bragging. What's the Divine Flower Association?" Wang Shiqiao asked.

"A cultivation forum!" Qi Yuan replied.

"Now you're talking about cultivation—this is ridiculous!"

"If it was made up, it wouldn't be this outrageous.

Something this outrageous, I actually think it's true," Xing Yu laughed.

"If it's true, can I join the Divine Flower Association?" Wang Shiqiao joked.

"You can't, because... your talent is too low."

Qi Yuan rejected her flatly.

Back then, he had put in a lot of effort and, with the help of his junior sister Jiang Lingsu, was able to join the Divine Flower Association.

Not just anyone could join the Divine Flower Association.

Wang Shiqiao's talent for cultivation was quite average and certainly not considered top-notch.

"Pfft, you're just afraid I'll get in and expose your lies, aren't you?

Travel thousands of miles to kill someone? Have you ever even left the country?" Wang Shiqiao laughed loudly, mocking him.

At that moment, Qi Yuan's phone rang.

He was slightly surprised.

Few people knew his phone number.

Generally, no one would contact him, especially at this time.

The caller ID showed an unfamiliar number.

"Hello," Qi Yuan answered the call.

A nervous, hesitant voice came from the other end of the line.

"Is this Mr. Qi?"

"Who is this?"

"I'm Kuang Huan's wife... Something happened to Kuang Huan.

I... I don't know what to do. I've asked many people, and there's no solution, so... sob, sob..."

The woman's voice was choked with sobs.

It was clear her condition was poor, and she was on the verge of a breakdown.

Her speech was not very clear.

Qi Yuan narrowed his eyes, "Where are you?"

"I'm in... Xinyang..."

"Alright... I'll come over in a bit."

Qi Yuan thought for a moment and decided to go there.

After all, Kuang Huan was one of his collaborators.

Moreover, for the past three months, he had worked diligently for Qi Yuan, taking care of everything without requiring Qi Yuan to worry.

Whenever he needed mutant sea creatures captured, it was done.

One could say he was Qi Yuan's representative in the outside world.

Now that something had happened to him, Qi Yuan would go and help out.

After hanging up, Wang Shiqiao approached and said, "What's going on? Need our help?"

Over the phone, Wang Shiqiao had heard a woman crying.

Clearly, something serious had happened on Qi Yuan's side.

Being part of the same martial arts gym and social circle, they were considered friends.

Whenever something happened, everyone was willing to help each other.

Xing Yu also asked, "If it's difficult, let us know. Even though we might not be of much help, strength comes in numbers."

A martial arts gym is also a social circle that can form a community of shared interests.

People like them, who were "moderately wealthy," could band together to create a strong force.

"No need, it's a small matter. Just a friend of mine got into some trouble. I'm going to check it out," Qi Yuan said casually.

As he spoke, he sent a message to Zero-One on his phone, instructing it to book him a ticket.

"A small matter, then." Hearing this, Wang Shiqiao sighed with relief. "Make sure you handle it quickly; don't miss the martial arts tournament in three days."

"Got it," Qi Yuan nodded, said goodbye to everyone, and left the martial arts gym.


In Xinyang City, inside a luxuriously decorated villa.

A young woman's face was still streaked with tears; at the moment, she looked lost and completely disoriented.

Beside her stood a sturdy woman whose eyes blazed with anger.

"Damn it! Screw their big picture! Screw their refusal to intervene!

My brother worked for them, and now that he's been captured by the Wugui, they won't even consider a rescue or exert diplomatic pressure. They're even trying to distance themselves from him?"

The robust woman was furious as she spoke.

She was Kuang Huan's sister, Kuang Xi, and at this moment, she was far from joyful.

The young woman looked haggard and said, "I went to see that general, and he said there's nothing he can do."

"Nothing he can do? He's just afraid of getting caught up in this mess," Kuang Xi gritted her teeth. "Too scared to take action!"

Kuang Huan had always worked for the Qin Yuan military, helping clear out some military stockpiles and supporting Yue Lang against the Wugui.

This time, an insider in Qin Yuan was exposed, and Kuang Huan was captured and detained by the Wugui military.

"But that general said... Kuang Huan isn't in any danger of losing his life. He said if we just wait patiently, the Wugui would release Kuang Huan in about three years.

I sought out others, and they mostly said the same thing." The young woman spoke with resignation.

She came from a relatively ordinary background, and without Kuang Huan, she was at a loss with these big matters.

The generals above Kuang Huan were unwilling to help her, and she had no other options.

She went to several of Kuang Huan's friends, but their responses were all similar.

None of them wanted to get involved in this matter. Most just comforted her, telling her to stay calm and that Kuang Huan would be released eventually.

But until she saw Kuang Huan again, she couldn't feel at ease.

"A bunch of trash! When my brother was around, they were all flattery, but now that he's in trouble, they treat us like the plague?" Kuang Xi grew angrier as she spoke.

"At least there's Mr. Qi, who agreed to come.

I wonder if he has any way to save Kuang Huan." The young woman now regarded Qi Yuan as her only lifeline.

"Mr. Qi... Who is he?" Kuang Xi showed a puzzled expression.

She wasn't familiar with Qi Yuan.

"He is..." The young woman hesitated for a moment, "Someone my husband respected a lot."

"Someone my brother respected? Could he be from a prominent family?" Kuang Xi wondered, then felt disappointed again.

In such a situation, even if someone from a prominent family stepped in, it wouldn't help.

After all, this was a confrontation between two major powers.

Even small aristocrats like them could be sacrificed at any time.

But thinking that Mr. Qi was coming, Kuang Xi still felt a slight sense of relief.

Even if he couldn't do anything, at least he showed concern.

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