My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 298: All This Trash, Just Throw It Away

Chapter 298: All This Trash, Just Throw It Away

After posting the video, Zero-One came out and sat on the couch in the living room, seemingly dozing off.

Not far away, Xie Xinsu sneaked a glance at Zero-One and felt her mind relax.

In front of a robot, she didn't bother to hide her peculiarities, like sitting in meditation and cultivating.

The stupid robots in this world didn't understand what that was.

Even if they saw it, they wouldn’t record it or make any associations.

"The spiritual energy here is so dense, there must be an ancient magical treasure here!"

She twitched her pink nose, trying to find the source of the spiritual energy.

"Once they fall asleep, I need to search for that treasure! An ownerless treasure like this must be a heaven-sent opportunity!"

Xie Xinsu was very excited.

Was this her bitter days finally coming to an end?

After all the suffering she endured, wasn't it about time she had some good luck?

She continued to meditate and cultivate.

However, even though the spiritual energy was dense, her progress in cultivation was worryingly slow.

She soon realized this issue.

"A cat's body isn't suited for the immortal cultivation methods I learned before..."

The cultivation method she learned was a grand and proper one.

However, it was designed for human cultivators.

She had never mastered any immortal cultivation techniques suitable for beasts before.

Now, trying to cultivate felt strange.

"Never mind, just keep cultivating. If nothing goes wrong, just continue!"

All kinds of immortal cultivation methods lead to the Great Dao.

Even if some minor issues arise, they shouldn’t be a problem.

At this time, the night grew darker.

Throughout the Jun’an residential complex, except for a few streetlights glowing orange, it was particularly dark and quiet.

From space, the entire Gongxing looked like a big misty ball.

Above this mist, there were two distinct kinds of mist blending together... swallowing each other.

In the living room, Zero-One, who had been pretending to sleep, suddenly opened its eyes.

It couldn't sleep.

Especially after posting the video.

Every so often, it had to check on the video it posted to see if there were any comments.

It opened the video and saw the red dot notification; it couldn't help but click in.

A video featuring a cat cooking and meditating to cultivate was bound to attract traffic.

Sure enough, after just a few hours, there were hundreds of comments.

"Can I come to your house to watch the cat cook?"

"I stole this video to send to my goddess, inviting her over to watch the cat cook."

"It's 4 a.m. now, and I have to get up for work in three hours."

"Can someone tell me if this video is real or synthesized? How can a cat cook, and what's with the meditation?"

"As everyone knows, videos can't be photoshopped, so this must be real."

"Cats are very smart, sometimes even smarter than humans. It's normal for them to cook!"


The comments varied.

Most of them praised the cat for being cute and smart.

However, some people also believed the video was synthesized.

After all, a cat cooking... it was too far-fetched.

In this world, a cat was just a cat. If it could understand human instructions, that was already remarkable, let alone cooking.

How could an ordinary cat cook?

Zero-One read these comments, and a ripple formed in its otherwise calm electronic heart.

It posted a comment in the comment section to clarify.

"This video is authentic and not synthesized."

Seeing that it had gained over a hundred followers, Zero-One felt an inexplicable sense of joy.

It glanced at Xie Xinsu, who had already fallen asleep, and pondered what to film next.

A few days later.

Xie Xinsu lay weakly on the couch, feeling very aggrieved in her little cat heart.

This robot was simply inhuman! It had been tormenting her these past few days.

Initially, it was just cooking performances, but then it escalated to making her perform with nunchucks.

Unfortunately, with her frail body, she couldn't even hold the nunchucks properly, and the performance was... miserable.

This robot was relentless and seemed to enjoy it.

Xie Xinsu felt like a circus animal.

Especially when she saw Zero-One boasting about the video views in front of her; she wanted to comment so badly.

"Conflict of interest, say no to animal performances!"

But she didn't have a phone.

She lay on the couch, feeling her life as a cat was bleak.

But when she thought about being able to cultivate, she gathered her spirit again.

Once she had advanced in her cultivation, she would make this robot cook, play with nunchucks, take baths, and make videos.

With this in mind, she perked up to continue her cultivation.

"Hmm... the spiritual energy has become even denser. That treasure... smells so good."

She had an intoxicated look on her face, similar to the expression of the white cat eating corn, looking bewitched.

Regarding the treasure, Xie Xinsu’s original plan was to sneak in and steal it when Qi Yuan wasn't around.

But that annoying robot kept watching her and made her shoot videos, so she had no chance to get close; she hadn’t even been inside Qi Yuan's room.

At this moment, inside the house, Qi Yuan opened his eyes, a smile appearing in them.

"I've finally reached the Foundation Establishment stage... no longer afraid of flying."

After being in this world for over a month, he had finally reached the Foundation Establishment stage.

Of course, unlike the usual Heavenly Dao Foundation Establishment, this time it was simple. Qi Yuan casually asked Kuanghuan to find some mutated sea monsters and refined them into Foundation Establishment spiritual items to establish his foundation.

After reaching the Foundation Establishment stage, Qi Yuan's strength increased significantly. Even if he took a plane and something went wrong, he could survive a fall without worrying about dying.

"Unfortunately... this curse is still too powerful.

Even after reaching the Foundation Establishment stage, I've only extended my life by a few years; I still can't resolve the curse."

The curse on his body was terrifying.

Qi Yuan had a hunch that unless he reached the Yin God realm, he might not be able to lift it.

That was quite extraordinary.

Images of the hairless bird he once saw kept flashing in his mind.

The rank of that bird must be very high.

Otherwise, how could it have been that when he was just a mortal, he saw that bird and became cursed, destined to die within a year?

"However... if I participate in the Martial Arts Tournament now... I should be able to dominate, right?"

Qi Yuan thought to himself.

The curse had always suppressed his strength.

But now, he was a genuine Foundation Establishment stage cultivator.

Moreover, his martial arts skills had also progressed rapidly.

The "Ming Wu Resonance Fist" had reached the tenth level.

Before the Martial Arts Tournament began, he was confident he could reach the twelfth level.

And then... break through the limits of martial arts.

He was looking forward to what lay beyond the martial arts limit.

At this moment, a notification on his phone interrupted Qi Yuan's thoughts.

He opened the message and found it was a video.

In the video, a cat was using nunchucks, performing impressively and quite entertainingly.

The sender of the video was his old classmate, Li Yan.

There were several messages under the video.

"Is this your account?"

"I saw this video, and it looked familiar." "Isn't this your home's decor?"

"You got a new cat, pretty funny. How did you make this video?"

"I'm so jealous, ten thousand followers already. When you get famous, remember to give me a shoutout!"

In the messages, Li Yan sounded quite excited.

Qi Yuan read these messages and casually replied.

"It wasn't me who made it; my robot did."

"The cat is a dumb one I picked up on the street."

"It can't just freeload at my place; it has to work to earn its keep."

"So, I had Zero-One make videos of it."

Qi Yuan sent out a few messages in a row.

Li Yan's reply came quickly.

"So it was the robot that made it. The cat is real, and the video isn't synthesized. Your cat is amazing! Ugh, too bad I'm on a business trip; otherwise, I would have definitely come to your house to see the cat. It's incredible.

Damn capitalists, making us work ourselves to death every day.

If only I had a cat like yours, I could make a few videos every day and become a big influencer, no more need to work."

Li Yan's tone was filled with envy.

After all, she could already foresee that Qi Yuan could achieve financial freedom thanks to this cat.

This made her emotions quite complicated.

It was like a failing student in class suddenly getting into a prestigious university at another school.

"You're right, working a job is not an option for me. I will never work a job in my life; playing games is much better."

Qi Yuan agreed with Li Yan's words.

"Next time, Wang Xu and I will come over to see the cat.

Oh, by the way, how did the blind date go last time? I heard Cui Fan ended up in jail; did you know that? The blind date he set up might not be reliable."

Originally, Li Yan didn't want to bring this up.

But seeing that Qi Yuan was about to make a lot of money, likely benefiting that blind date, she felt a bit unbalanced.

"It was fine; I even borrowed quite a bit of money from her."

After replying to these messages, Qi Yuan thought of the young woman in tight clothes.

Now that he had money, he was ready to pay her back.

But... he couldn't find her.

Following Qi Yuan's style, he would definitely find the person to pay back the money.

But now, he had a certificate for mental illness, so a mentally ill person not paying back... seemed reasonable, right?

He turned off his phone and looked at the pile of items in the box not far away.

"And this pile of leftover materials from the Foundation Establishment... the smell is too strong; it's polluting the air."

Using mutated sea monster meat to refine Foundation Establishment spiritual items had also produced a pile of waste.

The smells of this waste were varied and quite unpleasant to the nose.

"Zero-One, come over and throw this trash in the bin."

Qi Yuan called out.

Immediately, Zero-One opened the door and followed Qi Yuan's instructions, carrying the trash-filled box away.

Xie Xinsu, who was nearby, also ran in at this moment. When she saw the contents of the box, her eyes widened.

She instantly recognized that the items in the box were... all Foundation Establishment spiritual items.

And their ranks weren't low.

According to the classifications in her world, many of these Foundation Establishment spiritual items were of high grade.

Several among them were even of the first grade.

To put it into perspective, when Xie Xinsu established her foundation, she used only second-grade Foundation Establishment spiritual items.

Here, there was a whole pile of first-grade items—how could she not be envious?

If all these Foundation Establishment spiritual items were brought back to Xuantian Sect, the sect's strength would increase considerably.

Where did Qi Yuan get so many treasures?

She was envious, but more than that, she felt anxious and a bit resentful.

Because she had heard something!

This clueless, cold, and indifferent man was treating these Foundation Establishment spiritual items as trash and wanted to throw them in the garbage bin.

"Meow, meow, meow!" Xie Xinsu anxiously rolled over, trying to stop Qi Yuan.

Qi Yuan glanced at her and seemed to see through her intent to stop him: "These pieces of trash smell too bad. Keeping them here pollutes the air. Zero-One, take them outside and throw them away."

Qi Yuan gave the order directly.

Zero-One carried the box, ignoring Xie Xinsu's meowing, and left the house.

Xie Xinsu stayed in the living room, her eyes blank, filled with a deep sense of heartache.

This damn owner... didn't recognize the value!

How did the smell of these Foundation Establishment spiritual items stink? They clearly emitted a wonderful aura of immortality.

Sadly, she was just a cat, and a cat constantly bullied by a robot at that.

And the owner... also had a certificate for mental illness; she knew it would be hard to communicate.

She decided to add a few more words to the prefix of her insult for the owner.

A clueless, trash, unappreciative, cold, and indifferent man.

She felt resentful as if her own treasures were being wasted by an ignorant boar—utterly heartbreaking.

At this moment, in the neighbor's house, a group of people had gathered in Yang Shan's place.

Yang Shan was filled with doubt.

He recognized some of these people.

One of them was the son of the military district's number one figure.

Such a second-generation person was from a different world from Yang Shan.

But now, this second-generation person seemed like a mere sidekick to an ordinary-looking man.

That ordinary-looking man was the leader of this group.

This puzzled Yang Shan greatly.

Could it be... another person from a prominent family?

"So... he's been practicing martial arts all this time?"

The ordinary man looked at Yang Shan, his eyes calm, seemingly quite dignified.

"Yes... he's been practicing martial arts. His martial arts talent... is the strongest I've ever seen, and he might even break through the martial artist's limits!" Yang Shan spoke with a hint of fervor in his eyes.

Those were the limits of a martial artist.

Breaking through that would be enough to go down in history.

He didn't know what this group's intentions were, but given his orders from above, he could only reveal information about Qi Yuan.

Of course, he hinted at Qi Yuan's importance in martial arts, fearing these people might do something to him.

In fact, he was puzzled about why this group was asking for information on Qi Yuan. Was it related to Qi Yuan's parents?

"A martial artist... his choice is interesting!" At this point, the second-generation man smiled, his smile carrying a hint of mockery. "Brother-in-law, I don't think there's any need for cooperation. He's... only a year."

These cryptic words left Yang Shan even more confused.

The ordinary-looking man, Luo Ping, pondered for a moment before saying, "You're right. If he were like me, he wouldn't have chosen martial arts."

Even if the spiritual energy revives ten years later, martial arts would only experience a slight resurgence.

But... that's about it; compared to immortality, the gap is too vast.

It seemed that Qi Yuan didn't have memories of the next ten years; it was only one year—hardly anything.

As a Regressor, Luo Ping had returned to the present and contacted and communicated with a major family from the Seven Martial Stars.

He had also, as promised in his previous life, married the family's prized daughter, the Little Princess of the Two Seas.

You should know, in his previous life, such a woman was out of his league, even without a chance to meet her.

In this life, however, she lay beneath him, offering herself with tenderness.

This is opportunity—the opportunity of a Regressor.

He was also leveraging his information gap to seek all kinds of benefits and opportunities.

Among them, the greatest opportunity was... the immortal fate.

Originally, he had thought of meeting Qi Yuan to see if there was any useful information from him.

But Qi Yuan was going to die in a year, so there couldn't be any valuable information. Not to mention that ten years later, the Seven Martial Stars family didn't even contact him.

Otherwise, why would he foolishly pursue martial arts?

"Indeed, he's not a suitable partner... but it wouldn't hurt to meet him." Luo Ping said.

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