My Golden Core is a Star, do you call this cultivating?

Chapter 297: Cold and Heartless Humans

Chapter 297: Cold and Heartless Humans

Warm light shone on Xie Xinsu's body as she curled up on the soft bedding. She felt very cozy, almost like the feeling of sneaking a nap back at the Xuantian Sect.

Her mind was somewhat dazed.

She felt as though she had dreamed—a dream where she left the Xuantian Sect, traveled to a new world, and began a life of hiding.

It was a nightmare.

After finally succeeding in hiding, the world reset, and she turned into a dim-witted cat.

And so began her tragic life as a cat.

Fortunately... the dream seemed to have ended.

However, at that moment, she heard a conversation near her.

"Liver damage and... not suitable for spaying."

"Can't be spayed? Aren't all stray cats supposed to be spayed? That's what the law says."

"It's not suitable due to its physical condition."

"Oh... if it can't be spayed, then just put it down. That way, it's not against the law."

Hearing the cold, emotionless man's voice while she was sleeping, Xie Xinsu woke up suddenly.

Meow, meow, meow?
Spay me?


Can't be spayed, so just kill me to stay within the law?
These humans are terrifying—what kind of logic is that?

Fine, spaying is better!
She jolted awake and realized she was still a cat.

It seemed the dream was real after all.

She had been stuck in a manhole and rescued by this cold, emotionless man.

Heh... she had already decided that if she ever restored her true form, she definitely wouldn't bring this man onto the path of immortality.

"Meow, meow, meow!" But at this moment, survival was more important. For the first time, Xie Xinsu acted cute in such a way, just to stay alive.

At this point, the cold, emotionless man who wanted to kill her looked at her, his gaze calm. "What if it goes into heat?"

He asked a key question.

Meow, meow, meow!
Xie Xinsu meowed frantically.

What does he mean by going into heat?

How could she possibly go into heat?
Although she had reset into a cat, her mind had become hazy and muddled.

But to go into heat at random? Xie Xinsu believed she was still a human at heart and wouldn't be controlled by animal instincts.

She was, after all, the Holy Maiden of the Xuantian Sect.

Though the Xuantian Sect had fallen, with only a dozen or so disciples left, she was the Holy Maiden tasked with its revival.

Her master, He Yunzi, the 31st sect leader of the Xuantian Sect, had once sought a bestowed technique from their Upper Realm ancestors for her.

It could be said that if she followed the standard path, she would have the chance to reach the Purple Mansion realm in this lifetime.

Moreover, if she had a stroke of good fortune, she might even get a glimpse of the legendary Yin God realm.

If she reached the Yin God realm, she would have a chance to ascend to the Upper Realm, becoming a legend of the Xuantian Sect.

With such extraordinary talent, even though she had reset as a cat and her mind was a little off, she wouldn't go into heat just like that.

Also, how do you deal with a cat going into heat?
Is that even something people say?

"To solve this problem, apart from spaying, there's another method," the robot Zero-One said smartly.

"What method?"

"A cat's joy stick."

As Zero-One spoke, a screen appeared on its face.

Displayed on the screen was a link to a product, with some unspeakable images.

The cat's expression in the pictures resembled that of a white cat eating corn.

"This..." Qi Yuan looked like he had discovered a new world. He glanced at the black-and-white Xie Xinsu, a contemplative expression on his face. "You handle it."

Zero-One nodded, its mechanical voice carrying a hint of a smile.

Hearing the conversation between the robot and its owner, Xie Xinsu felt rather helpless.

Were they really deciding her fate so casually?

Xie Xinsu decided that when the time was right, she would slip away from this house.

These people were a bit too strange.

Thinking this, she was preparing to find an opportunity to escape when her pink nose twitched, and Xie Xinsu's feline heart filled with excitement.

"A treasure, there's definitely a treasure here!"

Before the world reset, she had already spent several years on this planet.

She was quite familiar with this world.

This world had extremely thin spiritual energy, and although it was slowly recovering, the gap compared to the world of the Xuantian Sect was still significant.

However, there were some remnants and immortal opportunities in this world.

In the next ten years, these would gradually appear.

Among them were some valuable treasures.

She had just taken a light sniff and caught a strong whiff of spiritual energy.

The source of the spiritual energy was clearly in this room.

This meant there was an immortal cultivation treasure left behind in this house.

It emitted extremely dense spiritual energy.

At this moment, she couldn't bring herself to leave.

Her miserable state over the past month was mainly due to several factors: first, the cat's body was too weak; second, the spiritual energy here was too scarce; third, she didn't have a suitable cultivation technique for this body; and fourth, her mind was not very clear.

These factors had led her, the top Golden Core cultivator of the Xuantian Sect, to her downfall.

Now, there was an immortal treasure in this house with dense spiritual energy.

She suddenly didn't want to leave.

With her cat body, cultivating outside was impossible; only in a place with dense spiritual energy like this could she cultivate to some extent.

She decided to show great mercy and lower herself to stay in this simple mortal house.

"Alright, chase it out; it's not my cat anyway."

At this moment, the cold and emotionless man spoke again, his voice as indifferent as ever.

Xie Xinsu froze for a moment, then panicked. Meow, meow, meow!

She didn't want to leave!
If she left, she might end up as a stray cat again.

She wanted to stay here and cultivate.

She cried out anxiously, her voice rather pitiful.

"Master, it seems like it doesn't want to leave," Zero-One said at the right moment.

Xie Xinsu was momentarily stunned. This robot seemed quite smart.

She continued to cry even more eagerly.

She wanted to stay here and cultivate.

As for the cat's joy stick, once she regained her strength through cultivation, would she still fear such a thing?

"All it does is eat, sleep, and poop. It can't do a backflip, and it can't cook—what's the use?
I never keep idle cats."

The cold and emotionless man was indeed cold and emotionless, already thinking about exploiting her.

Without much thought, Xie Xinsu twisted her body, leaped up, and did a backflip.

She was working especially hard now.

After all, a cat that could do a backflip and understand human speech was quite rare.

Wouldn't this flip win over the man in front of her?

Sure enough, the cold and emotionless man looked at her with a strange expression in his eyes. "This cat... has it mutated to understand human speech?"

Zero-One also glanced at Xie Xinsu, its expression inexplicable. "It does seem different from other people's cats."

For some reason, being scrutinized by this person and robot, Xie Xinsu felt like she was merchandise.

The cold and emotionless man stared at her, seemingly pondering whether to keep her.

At this moment, Zero-One suggested, "Master, nowadays, making videos can also earn money.

We can keep this cat and make videos to earn money.

The money we earn can be used to upgrade my parts, which will save you money."

Zero-One was very considerate.

It was currently keen on upgrading and modifying itself.

However, the previous upgrades and modifications were all funded by its owner.

Aspiring to become its owner's number one little helper, Zero-One didn't want to trouble its owner for everything. It wanted to earn money and improve itself, becoming someone of great use to its owner.

"Alright, in that case, you handle it.

Oh, and don't let it go into heat and make noise; it would distract me while I'm training. When I train, I need to concentrate."

Qi Yuan was already accustomed to cultivating immortality and could do it anytime, anywhere. Training in martial arts, however, was a first for him, and he was very serious about it.

Hearing this, Xie Xinsu breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, she snuck a glance at the cold and emotionless yet somewhat handsome man, thinking.

A man, in this day and age, still practices martial arts.

Cultivating immortality is far superior to martial arts.

If you treat this lady well, I might just show some kindness and grant you a path to immortality.

Watching the cold and emotionless man leave, Xie Xinsu suddenly felt a sense of relief.

The living room was now hers. With no one around, her stress lifted, and she could start attempting to cultivate immortality.

The spiritual energy here was quite dense.

As for Zero-One?

It wasn't a human, after all.

Xie Xinsu knew that the robots in this world were rather basic—hardly intelligent at all, with no consciousness of their own.

If they could develop their own consciousness, that would be truly extraordinary.

Only treasures refined by cultivators at the Purple Mansion realm or above had the potential to gain a spirit of their own.

This pile of scrap metal shouldn't be considered a real life form.

She was just about to leap away and find a comfortable spot to cultivate when suddenly, a pair of cold hands grabbed her.

"Please cooperate with me in making a cat cooking video!" Zero-One said in a stiff voice.

Its tone was not as soft as it was when it spoke to Qi Yuan.

Meow, meow, meow?
Xie Xinsu meowed.

Are you kidding me? You actually want a cat to cook?

How could a cat possibly cook?
Xie Xinsu pretended not to understand, putting on an innocent expression.

A cat that doesn't understand human speech shouldn't have to work... that's normal, right?

Unfortunately, Zero-One ignored her entirely. "Oh, you said yes, great... Let's make the video then!

If we don't make it successfully, I'll let you try out the cat's joy stick tonight!"

"Meow?" Xie Xinsu was speechless.

Threatening a cat?
Is this robot out of its mind?
How can such a robot exist in this world?

She planned to continue pretending not to understand.

But unfortunately, Zero-One gave Xie Xinsu no chance to react. It grabbed her by the legs and dragged her towards the kitchen.

Meow, meow, meow!
This is cat abuse!
Xie Xinsu cried out, but to no avail.

Faced with the robot, she had no ability to resist.

An hour later, Xie Xinsu lay weakly curled up on the ground.

These two hours had been exhausting.

Under Zero-One's coercion, she reluctantly began her humiliating life as a cat, cooking dishes.

Not only that, but she was also forced by Zero-One to perform several of the most popular online dances of the time.

It was extremely embarrassing.

Now, she was utterly drained, with no strength left.

"When I regain my cultivation and transform back into human form, I will definitely tear this wretched robot into pieces!"

Perhaps Zero-One seemed overly malicious in Xie Xinsu's eyes.

Now, that cold and emotionless man looked somewhat handsome to her.

"It's just that... how is this robot different from the ones I've seen before?

Even the most advanced robots in the highly developed Canxing don't have this level of intelligence, right?"

During these two hours of being forced by Zero-One, she also vaguely realized that Zero-One was different from the robots she had encountered before.

For instance, those robots were just dumb and had no emotional nuance at all.

Zero-One, on the other hand, knew how to threaten her.

"This whole household... is really strange?"

"Could it be that the immortal treasure here has affected them?"

Xie Xinsu thought to herself.

"No, I must cultivate and rise again!"

She decided to start cultivating.

She found a safe spot and began to sit and meditate.

Little did she know, a pair of mechanical eyes had already locked onto her.

The recording function had already started, capturing the cat's meditation and cultivation on video.

Zero-One returned to its room to edit the video and add a voiceover.

About half an hour later, an account named "Working Hard to Earn Money for Batteries" posted a new video.

"My cat has become a spirit! Not only can it cook, but it also meditates and cultivates!"

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