My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 91-1

Chapter 91-1


Lin Yan today is driving a high-end model of the BMW M series. Its powerful engine almost instantly sent the numbers on the dashboard soaring, and with a roaring vroom, the car surged forward.

No, shes trying to escape. Chase her! The black car behind also revved up its engine, doggedly pursuing.

Lin Yan glanced at Song Yuhang: Hold tight.

No sooner had she spoken than she executed a beautiful 180-degree drift around a sharp bend, the tires screeching painfully and leaving a white streak on the ground.

Song Yuhang retched twice, thrown about: F***, next time give me a heads-up before we take a turn like that!

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With a pleased whistle, Lin Yans bangs fluttered up: I did give a heads-up. You just didnt hold on properly.

Song Yuhang glanced through the rearview mirror and saw that the car behind them had also taken the sharp turn with a slick drift and was sticking close to their tail.

It seems theyve trained well in driving specialized vehicles. Since we cant shake them off, what do you want to do?

The mountain road was serene and narrow, with signs on both sides: Accident-prone area, please drive with caution.

A fierce resolve suddenly flashed in Lin Yans eyes: If we cant shake them off, then well just

Seeing her pull up the handbrake, Song Yuhang watched as she slammed the clutch pedal to the floor. Before the expletive F*** me could leave her mouth, the car suddenly lurched, the rear wheels lost traction, and the car tail skidded out with a speed so fierce it was like thunder, threatening to smack the black car ruthlessly into the cliffside.

The vehicles screeched sharply against each other, engines roaring, and sparks flew as the car scraped against the rocky wall.

In that critical moment, the black car responded swiftly, its driver knowing full well that continuing like this would lead to being crushed against the mountain by Lin Yan, resulting in a vehicle rollover with no place to bury the wreckage. Deciding to stake it all, the black cars driver pushed the horsepower to the max, the numbers on the dashboard instantly soared to 300 km/hour, and with a firm press on the gas pedal, he carved out a path of survival between the rock wall and Lin Yans squeezing car.

As rocks tumbled down, the paint on the black cars body started flaking off. It flicked its tail like a dragon, finding a perfect angle to swing into the tunnels entrance.

If Lin Yan didnt brake in time, she would crash head-long into the concrete wall outside the tunnel, leading to a catastrophic end for both car and occupants.

Damn it, she spat angrily, her mind fixated on a single thought: she couldnt die, Song Yuhang was still in the car with her.

Her hands on the steering wheel were slick with cold sweat.

Song Yuhang didnt rush her. As the wall in her pupils loomed ever larger, she swallowed hard and cast a look at Lin Yan.

Panting heavily, Lin Yan wrestled with the steering wheel, sending the rear of the car skidding along the stone wall, carving an arc. The tires left the main road, crushing the scrubby underbrush along the way into a tattered mess.

Song Yuhang knew that at this moment, it was too late to either hit the brakes or rely on the engines own power and speed to reduce traction. In the nick of time, she executed a sleek sideslip jump with the poise of a top-notch racer.

The moment they collided, Lin Yans heart pounded like a drum. The airbag deployed, and she violently jerked the steering wheel to the left, the car swinging out and entering the tunnel at an uncanny angle.

With a boom, the hood was catapulted by the force, smashing into the windshield. Song Yuhangs vision went dark, then was immediately assaulted by the tunnels fluorescent lights, making her squint.

You okay?

Her voice came through beside Song Yuhangs ear.

Song Yuhang breathed a sigh of relief and looked at her firmly: Im fine, what about you?

Lin Yans forehead was beaded with sweat the size of soybeans: Im fine.

Having weathered such an ordeal, both cars were severely damaged. Lin Yan fought back like a wild beast tearing at its prey, vowing not to give up.

The other party was also dead set on forcing her to a stop, squeezing along the stone walls, colliding and rolling over obstacles, with sparks and lightning streaking out of the tunnel.

Lin Yan wanted to speed up, but was blocked by a car overtaking her from the side. She hit the brakes, but the other party was relentless in pursuit, exhibiting extreme cunning.

Exiting the tunnel, they were immediately confronted with a sharp turn, and Song Yuhang took on the role of an observer.

Be careful, theres a pothole in the road surface a hundred meters ahead, steer right by five, full throttle through.

Lin Yan understood the hint, turned the steering wheel slightly to the right, and skimmed past the edge of the pothole.

The car behind copied the maneuver, doggedly tailing her.

This wont do, once we enter the urban area, its swarming with their people. If we run into traffic police, well be completely exposed.

The occupants of the black car discussed amongst themselves.

The man behind the wheel, his face covered, gritted his teeth: Hold tight, Im going to ram.

His accomplice gripped the handle on the roof of the car tightly.

The next moment, the engine roared as the vehicle fiercely sped off.

The white BMW took to the air, a fleeting sensation of weightlessness hit, and the numbers on the dashboard scrambled wildly.

An alarm started to blare.

Lin Yan clenched her teeth and timely pulled the handbrake; the sports cars excellent performance allowed the rear wheels to quickly touch ground, gripping the pavement, preventing the car from fishtailing out of the road.

Just one centimeter away was a bottomless abyss, and the sea surface shimmered brilliantly.

Song Yuhangs heart pounded like a drum, leaning back in her seat, she took deep breaths.

Through the broken rearview mirror, she saw the other car smashing up again.

A twinge of anxiety gripped her heart: Lin Yan?!

Lin Yan caught on and swiftly put the car in reverse, the tires rubbing against the ground, sending off dazzling sparks.

Adrenaline and the digits on the dashboard soared together.

In the distance, the break of day could faintly be seen, with bright sunlight piercing through the windshield.

The roads gone.

Lin Yan turned her head to look at her: Scared or not?

Song Yuhang grasped the hand that Lin Yan used to control the gear stick, covering the back of her hand: Im not afraid. You say jump, well jump together.

Alright. Lin Yan turned her head back, staring straight ahead, watching as the road became narrower until it reached the end.

Those people wanted the evidence they had on them; they were determined to drive them to their deaths. Rather than waiting to be captured, it was better to burn the boats and fight with all they had.

She sped up; the black car behind would surely keep up and ram into her. The drivers skills were on par with hers.

At this time, it all came down to who was more ruthless, who was more willing to leave the other without a grave to rest in.

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So even though she knew it was a dead-end, she still chose to drive up the path with no hesitation.

She relied on her own driving skills, relied on Song Yuhangs determination to stick with her through life and death, and also on the superb performance of her supercar.

An ordinary race car might not have the same gripping power as hers; under inertia, it was uncertain who would meet their end.

Lin Yans lips curved into a slight smile; Song Yuhang held her hand, shifting gears with her as they pushed the horsepower to the max. The white car shot towards the cliff like an arrow released from its bow.

The black car had its view blocked by her, and by the time it wanted to brake, it was already too late.

The numbers on the dashboard wildly surged, the needle fluctuating erratically. He stomped on the brakes only to find them unresponsive. After frantically pumping a few more times, it was clearthe brakes had completely failed.

Sweat streamed down the forehead of the man in black, as he yelled sharply, Jump!

The road had come to an end, both car doors swung open at the same time.

Song Yuhang and Lin Yan quickly let go of each others hands, and two figures tumbled out separately.

Bang! The two cars crashed fiercely into one another. The person sitting in the passenger seat of the black car didnt manage to jump out in time and was instantly engulfed by the flames that erupted.

The tires squeezed against each other, leaving white streaks on the ground as they both flipped below the sea level, disappearing without a trace.

All that remained were scattered car parts and fuel leaking from the gas tank, with flames licking and black smoke billowing, bearing witness to just how fierce the confrontation had been.

Under the high-speed inertia, the parabolic trajectory slammed people toward the ground. Lin Yan rolled several times, her head hitting the ground, and the world went dark as she lost consciousness completely.

When she came to, she was being held up by someone, the bright blade of a knife pressed against her neck.

The man in black demanded, Hand over your bag to me.

His voice was hoarse, fierce and ruthless, and he was injured too, with fresh blood streaming down one of his legs.

Song Yuhang rose from the ground, the majority of her clothes torn and her head bleeding, as she raised her hands in surrender.

Dont touch her!

The man in black, holding Lin Yan captive, roared, Give me your bag, and Ill let her go!

Lin Yan breathed with difficulty, lifting her head to look at her: Dont dont mind me, go!

Song Yuhang gripped her backpack with one hand, glancing at the black-clothed figure and his wicked eyes, as well as the knife pressed against her throat, ready to sever it at any moment. Tears welled up in her eyes as she trembled and moved her lips.

Lin Yan

The black-clothed figure roared, Dont come any closer! Back off! Give me what you have in your hands, or else or else

He paused for a moment, his whole being sinking into a slightly manic state. The blade pierced two inches into the skin, blood oozing out and trickling down along the collar.

Ill kill her!

Song Yuhang cried out in horror, Dont!

Song Yuhang! Lin Yan struggled, her eyes reddening as she silently lowered her head, extending her right hand to motion him to take the backpack and release her.

The corner of the lips beneath the mask of the man in black curved into a slight smile, Good, throw it over.

You release her first, otherwise how do I know you wont go back on your word?

Ill count to three, and well both let go.



Song Yuhang swallowed hard, her eyes brimming with misery as she looked at Lin Yan, reluctantly averting her gaze with an air of heartache.

As long as Lin Yan could live, she was willing to do anything.

Song Yuhang, look at me! The evidence we finally found, youre willing to hand it over to someone else, to those murderers? How can you bear it? How can you be so heartless? My death is not a pity; avenge me, seek vengeance!

Before the man in black could count to three, Lin Yan, with a voice strained to its limits, finished speaking and gently closed her eyes, throwing herself toward the glinting blade.


Song Yuhang hurled herself forward.

In the nick of time, the man in black withdrew the knife and delivered a chop with the edge of his hand to her nape, pushing her away while snatching the backpack from Song Yuhangs grip. He then hobbled to his feet and made his escape.

In the distance, the rumble of a motorcycle grew louder until it roared to a stop in front of him, its rider wearing a helmet that obscured any identifying features.

Get on the bike.

Grinding his teeth, the man in black glanced back, grabbed the backpack, and leaped onto the motorcycle. Without waiting for him to settle in, the rider twisted the throttle, and they sped off, leaving a trail of dust behind.

Song Yuhang, cradling Lin Yan and pressing against her neck wound, buried her face in her neck, sobbing.

Feeling the scalding tears seep into her nape, the person who had been feigning unconsciousness suddenly opened her eyes, a hint of a smile appearing on her lips, and pushed Song Yuhangs head up.

Werent we supposed to be acting? Why the tears?

Song Yuhang wiped away her tears, Seeing you hurt, my emotions got the better of me.

Cut it out with the pretense, Lin Yan sat up from her embrace, wiped her neck with a hand, and hissed softly.

The blood was real, and indeed, so was the pain.

Song Yuhang fumbled in the pocket on the sleeve of her jacket for a bandage and wrapped it around Lin Yans wound.

Dont move, we need to go to the hospital. Seeing the knife at your neck, I was genuinely scared. I never want to play a part in this kind of act again.

Lin Yan tilted her head back, allowing Song Yuhang to make her moves.

As she wrapped the bandage, Song Yuhang asked, By the way, where did you hide the USB drive?

Somehow it hadnt been found by the man in black. She had fiercely protected her backpack, not forgetting to carry it even at a life-and-death juncture, naturally making it a target.

Lin Yans lips curled into a mischievous smile, digging it out from her undergarment: Here it is.

Song Yuhang looked down and her mouth twitched:

Really, is this the advantage of having a bigger chest?


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