My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 90-2

Chapter 90-2

Unresolved Case

When she got the answer she was satisfied with and was about to leave, the man called out to her again with a somewhat teasing look in his eyes.

Who would have thought you would one day keep yourself pure for someone.

Lin Yan turned around, showing a gorgeous smile.

I cant help it, I just like it this way.

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When she found her at the foot of Zhao Junfengs building, Song Yuhang was squatting by the side of the road, throwing up.

Lin Yan walked over, opened a bottle of mineral water for her, and gently patted her back: You shouldnt have drunk so much if you cant handle it.

Song Yuhang waved her hand, took the water to rinse her mouth, followed Lin Yans guidance to stand up, and stumbled into her arms, resting her head on Lin Yans shoulder.

Where did you go? I went to the internet cafe to find you but you werent there.

Lin Yan stepped back slightly to help her stand firmly, feeling a twinge of concern in her heart.

I didnt go anywhere, I just felt uncomfortable after sitting for a while and came out for a smoke to get some air.

Song Yuhang buried her nose in her neck and took a deep sniff, Liar, theres no smell of smoke, but theres this, this

She couldnt quite describe it but it was a pleasant smell.

The warmth of her breath hit her ears, and they turned a bright red.

Lin Yan helped her to stand and cradled her head: Youve had too much to drink. We should go back now.

Song Yuhang buried herself again in the palm of her hand, murmuring: No, no, lets get a room. I want to find a place to sleep with you, to sleep!

In broad daylight, on the side of the big road, Lin Yans face turned red and she pulled on her ear: Dont push your luck, were going home!

Ow, Song Yuhang dragged out her voice and replied, It hurts, it hurts, I was wrong, Yanyan, baby, fiance, wife

When she gets drunk, she really can say any sort of embarrassing stuff.

Lin Yan had already seen her drunken behavior before and got goosebumps right away. Her face turned even redder with embarrassment, and she covered Song Yuhangs mouth firmly and fiercely.

Shut up for goodness sake, say one more word and youre on your own!

Song Yuhang nodded agreeably, her eyes still shining brightly as she stared at her.

Lin Yan couldnt stand that look, it made her heart melt, and she really wanted to tousle her short hair.

So, she did just that, and Song Yuhang bowed her head, letting her flatten and round her hair as she pleased.

Lets go, time to head home.

Lin Yan propped up one of her arms, supporting the staggering person as they moved forward.

Zhao family.

After Song Yuhang left the table, Zhao Junfeng also put down his chopsticks.

Old Zhao, not eating anymore?

Facing his wifes call, Zhao Junfeng shakily stood up, draping over himself the old wool coat issued by his work unit that he had worn for decades. His hand trembling, he pushed back the chair and, with a hunched back, walked towards his own bedroom.

Im done eating, clean up.

Song Yuhang was too drunk to take the bus, as there was a fear she might go on a drunken rampage on the way. Lin Yan thought for a moment, then decided to phone an informant in the provincial city to have a car sent over. She helped Song Yuhang into the passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt for her.

Miss, do you need someone to accompany you?

Lin Yan was going to say no need, but seeing her drunken state, she nodded instead.

Fine, but keep a distance, dont let others notice.

The informant quickly made arrangements, then Lin Yan stopped him, Did you take care of the person from Fangyue Cleaning Company with my business card?

The informant was startled, careful not to make unfounded guesses from her expression.

Im not in charge of the Fangyue side, I will ask and then inform miss.

Lin Yan frowned. For confidentiality, her private industries and informant were all separate; they functioned independently and had never met each other, each with their own responsibilities.

His response was actually not wrong, but Lin Yan felt an inexplicable unease, which she didnt show on her face.

Never mind, Ill ask myself.

Okay, miss, goodbye.

The car rental boss nodded and watched her car merge into the bustling traffic.

Lin Yan drove while putting on a Bluetooth headset. She pulled a blanket from the back seat and tossed it over Song Yuhang.

As she waited for the phone call to connect, she tapped the steering wheel impatiently with her fingertips.

Until after a brief dial tone, the call was picked up by someone.

Hello? Guo Xiaoguangs voice carried a hint of fatigue.

Lin Yan felt a surge of relief: Are you okay? Have you arrived at the place?

It was a spacious warehouse.

The exhaust fans buzzed as they worked, casting scattered shadows on the ground.

He was tied to a chair, and a person in black handed him the phone to his ear, with a dark muzzle of a gun pointed at him.

Guo Xiaoguang swallowed: Im fine, Ive arrived, Im at the place.

Lin Yan breathed a little easier: Thats good, have they arranged a job for you?

The gun barrel pressed against his temple was so painful, Guo Xiaoguangs voice was slightly hurried.

No, no rush to start working, I want to, to rest for two more days.

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Okay, look at you, you dont need to work if you dont want to. By the way, have the police been looking for you?

Lin Yan asked back, driving in the direction out of the city.

Yes, yes, they came in the morning. I told them exactly what you guys taught me, they dont seem to be suspicious, and they even said they would return the stolen money to me.

Thats good.

Lin Yan wanted to say more, but the person in black grew slightly impatient and nudged the gun barrel, prompting beads of cold sweat to form on Guo Xiaoguangs forehead. Understanding it was time to end this overly long and torturous phone call for him.

Theres nothing else, Ill hang up now, my mom is waiting for me to feed her.

Okay. Seeing that they were about to enter the highway, Lin Yan also took off her headset, hung up the phone, and focused on driving.

Being able to hear his voice meant he was still alive, and being alive meant he was safe for now.

But she still needed to send someone to check.

As she was thinking about this, she didnt realize it was already too late.

By the time she snapped back to reality, Guo Xiaoguang had disappeared without a trace, as if he had vanished from the world.

When the car stopped for inspection, Song Yuhang hummed twice, rubbing her temples as she slowly woke up.

Where are we?

Lin Yan was wearing sunglasses and yawned slightly, tossing her a bottle of mineral water.

Toll station. Were just a few dozen kilometers from Jiangcheng.

Song Yuhang unscrewed the cap and took a couple of sips before putting the bottle back in the glove compartment, then turned to look at her.

Youve worked hard, how about I drive for a while later?

No need. Lin Yan tossed the toll money she found onto the dashboard.

I just got the car today, and I replaced my A1 drivers license last year, I dont want to get any points deducted.

Song Yuhang laughed and pinched her hand.

Ill give you a good relaxation when we get back to the villa later.

Lin Yan snorted and passed the toll booth.

Who said were going back to the villa? Go back to your own home.

Thats fine too, since your home is my home anyway. Whether you come with me or I go with you, its the same. But it might not be so convenient to go to my place at night

Song Yuhang squeezed her eyes jokingly, trying to lighten the mood while she was driving.

If Lin Yan werent driving, she would have swung at her and cursed, Scram!

On their way back to Jiangcheng, another phone call was connected.

Theyve got the key evidence, the mans voice sounded a bit aged.

The person on the other end of the phone chuckled lightly, as if this was all expected.

If you dont remove the roots when cutting the grass, the spring breeze will bring it back to life. Ive said it long ago

Before he could finish, someone abruptly interrupted him.

Do not harm innocent people, thats the bottom line!

The voice on the other end sounded quite anxious.

The man was silent for a bit: Dont worry about this, Ill take care of it.

How will you take care of it, they are

So what if they are? They shouldnt have touched this case in the first place. Ive given them countless chances, both openly and in secret. If they dont toast, theyll have to take the forfeit.

Huh, you really have the heart to be ruthless.

The person on the phone laughed lightly, the voice sounding a bit grim and cold.

Those who achieve great things do not get bogged down in the details. Besides

After a brief silence, he said, Both of us know very well, if this case is exposed to the world, theres no benefit to us at all.

The remaining few dozen kilometers to Jiangcheng City were all winding mountain roads, which Lin Yan was driving on with focused attention.

Song Yuhang glanced from the rearview mirror: Someones following us.

Lin Yan, wearing sunglasses and chewing gum: Theyre my people.

Song Yuhang shook his head: The car on the left is yours, right? But the one behind isnt.

Lin Yan, steering with one hand, slightly pulled down her sunglasses to take a look, and a faint cold smile appeared on her lips.

Lets try and well know.

As she spoke, there was a ramp ahead. She turned the steering wheel and took a sharp turn onto a fork in the road, heading towards an unnamed mountain path.

The car behind clearly hesitated and slowed down.

A voice came through the earpiece: Miss?

Lin Yan raised her eyebrows indifferently and glanced at Song Yuhang: Dont take action without my command.

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The radio returned to silence.

Song Yuhang slung her backpack over her shoulder and stretched her limbs: Ah, Ive slept a bit too long, its time to move a bit.

The white car she mentioned quickly pulled over to one side, while the black car followed them onto the ramp.

Lin Yans lips curved up slightly: Come on, its been a long time since Ive had a good car chase.

LP: Damn the whole police force is involved? I have a feeling Song Yuhangs father and brother died trying to open this case too just a hunch though


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