My Dear Miss Medical Examiner

Chapter 121.2


“Not bad. Keep working; by seven o’clock, everything should be loaded onto the trucks and ready to go with me.”

Several trucks were already parked at the logistics park’s entrance, ready and waiting.

The crowd acknowledged with a grunt and went back to work, focusing on their tasks.

Song Yuhang followed the supervisor and asked, “Who’s that? He looks pretty impressive.”

The supervisor turned around and whispered, “Don’t be nosy, just get back to work.”

“Okay.” Song Yuhang lifted a cardboard box effortlessly, carried it out to the truck, then returned. When no one was looking, she used a small knife to slit open a corner of the box. It contained drinks. Could it be that this group of people was really involved in legitimate business now?

She was skeptical and decided to follow them at night to see for herself.

Work ended early today, and they finished everything before seven o’clock. The supervisor paid them for the day’s work.

Song Yuhang held onto the crumpled banknotes absentmindedly.

“Alright, let’s call it a day here, and finish work early.”


“What about dinner?” someone protested.

The supervisor exploded in anger, “F*ck your mother, we’re finishing early and still paying you for the whole day’s work. Your ancestors must have accumulated enough virtue, and you still want dinner? Get lost!”

The group grumbled as they made their way out, but Song Yuhang stayed in place, lost in thought. Someone accidentally bumped into her.

“Aren’t you leaving yet?”

“Oh, not in a hurry, just need to use the restroom. Can you hold this for me?” she said loudly, seemingly urgent and not minding much. She handed over the money and slipped out of the queue while no one was paying attention.

“Hey, what a fool!” The person held the money, delighted, glanced around to make sure no one was watching, then stuffed the money into their pocket and quickly left the compound, paying no more attention to her.

Song Yuhang successfully slipped away to a spot near the usual restroom area, dressed in work clothes and a safety helmet, and no one paid her any mind as they passed by.

The place was not far from the back gate, and she heard voices nearby. Song Yuhang pressed against the wall, sneaking closer.

Nightfall had descended, providing the best camouflage.

The shutters of the bungalow were half-closed, with several tables set up outside. A few burly men she had seen in the afternoon were sitting together, drinking and smoking. There were peanuts, beer, and a few bottles of the drinks she had seen in the workshop on the table.

Tiger wasn’t there.

Song Yuhang furrowed her brows and observed as the men excitedly picked up one of the bottles, opened it, took a swig, and passed it around, their faces flushed abnormally.

She understood then – that certainly wasn’t ordinary drinks inside those bottles.

She turned away and took out her phone from her pocket, quickly typing out a message and sending it.

“The time has come, let’s go.”

The group of men, done with their revelry, flipped the table and retrieved weapons from the bungalow. She saw a burly man with a left green dragon and a right white tiger tattoo even carrying an AK over his shoulder.

Song Yuhang clenched her teeth, cursing, “Damn it, they have heavy firepower too.”

“You guys go ahead, I need to go relieve myself.”

“It’s always you who comes back the latest, lazy like a cow, peeing and pooping a lot. Hurry up and get back!”

Someone angrily scolded.

A man in a jacket broke away from the group and ran towards the restroom in the nearby woods.

Song Yuhang held a brick in her hand and quietly followed.


Before long, the man returned, still wearing the same clothes and a duckbill cap.

The same person who spoke to him earlier flicked his cigarette away.

“Finally back, let’s go, drive, don’t keep Tiger, the Supreme Lord, and the others waiting too long.”

“Yes.” His deliberately deep voice sounded somewhat strange. The man wanted to look at him a bit more, but he had climbed into the driver’s seat and obediently started the truck.

The man grumbled as he walked to the small car in front, waving his hand, “Let’s go!”

“Master, everything is ready,” Lin Youyuan sat on the bed, holding a bowl and drinking medicine. He managed to maintain a calm and composed demeanor, as if he were savoring a fine tea.

Despite the medicine’s repulsive bitterness, he swallowed every drop without hesitation and then handed the bowl to the butler.

“Once everything is ready, let’s set off.”

The butler seemed somewhat uneasy, “Perhaps I should accompany you, just in case the subordinates need some guidance…”

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Lin Youyuan’s mouth, his spirits seemingly improved today.

“It’s precisely the subordinates who should handle it. Just wait, it’s not yet the time for us to step in.”

The butler’s heart skipped a beat, and after a slight bow, he prepared to leave.


Lin Youyuan called him back as he was about to depart.

“Any news from Lin Ge?”

“There hasn’t been much activity, he hasn’t left the house for several days,” the butler mentioned Lin Ge, with a lingering uncertainty.

“If you already know, why not…”

Could it be that merely relying on past relationships is enough to tolerate him to this extent?

Lin Youyuan was not one to be easily swayed.

The old man’s beard twitched slightly, a sigh escaping from his lips, “I am old, let the young ones handle the affairs of the young.” (LP: This is why you suck)

In the outskirts of the city, at a remote breeding farm.

A wooden fence surrounds a secluded hilltop.

The car lights flashed three times, and someone emerged with a flashlight to open the wooden gate, allowing the trucks to enter one by one.


After the delivery trucks went in, several cars approached slowly and were stopped at the entrance.

A person took off their sunglasses, revealing an unremarkable face. Despite the surrounding armed bandits looking fierce, the person remained unfazed, holding a black leather briefcase in hand.

“Oh, is this how you treat esteemed guests?”

“Boss Long?” The lead guard glanced him up and down, while the people with Boss Long kept a watchful eye on the guards.

With a signal from the guard, the group rushed forward, snatching the briefcase from him and pinning him down on the car to search his body.

The other lackeys followed suit, and when one of Boss Long’s men resisted and tried to reach for a gun at his back, a bullet quickly sent him to the afterlife.

After the inspection, the guard tossed the briefcase back to him, a faint smile appearing at the corner of his lips.

“Go inside, the Supreme Lord will be with you shortly.”

The fallen lackey lay at his feet, the intimidation of the situation having stripped Boss Long of his former swagger. His face pale, he meekly held onto the briefcase.

“Yes… yes, of course.”

With that, he was pushed inside by several guards, and the gate closed behind him.

Song Yuhang drove the car to the designated location. Before even turning off the engine, someone urged her, “Get out, go over there and wait, don’t wander around.”

She jumped out of the car and obediently followed a few armed lackeys inside, observing her surroundings as she walked.

It seemed to be a pig farm, with the air filled with the stench of swill. The seemingly simple wooden fence was actually wrapped in wire, with sandbags stacked every few steps, and a few burly men armed with guns sitting around.

Not far away stood a watchtower. Song Yuhang had excellent eyesight and could immediately spot the patrolling figure atop it. Occupying the high ground, the sniper rifle in their hands could cover the entire farm, leaving no movement unnoticed by the sharp-eyed marksman.

This was clearly a small military fortress.

Song Yuhang felt a pang of alarm as she was pushed into a wooden house. Alongside her were the others who had arrived in different cars, and they exchanged glances with each other.

The person who brought them in closed the door, unslung the gun from their back, and chambered a round.

Song Yuhang uttered a quick “not good!” and acted preemptively, leaping up with a hook punch that sent the person stumbling back two steps.

Seeing the situation turn sour, their companion hurriedly removed a gun from their back, pulled back the bolt, but before they could prepare to fire, Song Yuhang grabbed the person by their collar and flung them towards the other, causing both to fall together.

The thug standing behind her aimed the dark muzzle of the gun at her and pulled the trigger.

“Bang, bang, crack!” A series of loud gunshots rang out, and the sniper on the tower aimed their scope over, only to see the small house – curling a sneer on their lips in contempt.


“F*ck, just killing a few pigs, why make such a big fuss.”

Song Yuhang pushed the dead body aside, got up, picked up the gun, while the people who came with her were in shock, their faces pale, crying.

“Please… please don’t kill me! I don’t know anything, I’m just a driver!”

The unexpected event happened too quickly. When the person fired the gun, Song Yuhang was already alert, quickly dodging behind the two fallen individuals, with blood splattering.

Taking advantage of the opponent’s momentary confusion, she found a knife on one of the deceased and viciously flung it, hitting right on the forehead.

Whether in quick reactions or combat abilities, she acted seamlessly and decisively, without hesitation.

Song Yuhang helped up the few innocent people.

“Quick, we need to leave. They’re going to silence us!”

“But, but there are so many people outside. How do we escape?”

Song Yuhang glanced at the bodies on the ground. “Change your clothes, head southeast. There are fewer guards in that direction.”

With that, she took the lead in pulling off the jacket of the man she had just shot.

The others glanced at each other, gritted their teeth, and crawled over to help.

Before long, the wooden door opened.

Through the sniper’s scope, the three people walked out as usual, shrouded in the dark night, making it impossible to see if there were any bloodstains on their clothes.

Whispering softly, Song Yuhang said, “Just keep going straight, don’t look back.”

Turning back would mean getting shot on the spot.

It wasn’t until the group walked out of the sniper’s view, reaching the back of the house and crouching under the eaves.

The oppressive feeling that made one’s scalp prickle finally dissipated.

Song Yuhang breathed a sigh of relief, pointing to the darkness of the night.

“Do you see the gap over there? Don’t stand up, crawl forward and slip out, and you’ll be safe. Hurry, let’s go.”

The two individuals expressed profound gratitude: “Thank you, thank you.”

After bidding her farewell, they followed the command and crawled away.


As one of them was about to squeeze through the wire fence, he glanced back and saw that Song Yuhang had already vanished into the night.

A ruthless gleam flashed in his eyes as he patted his companion’s shoulder. The companion snapped back to attention, “Quick…”

Before the word “go” could be fully spoken, warm blood sprayed from the man’s neck. He retracted the dagger, wiped away the bloodstains from his clothes, shoved the person into the bushes, and pressed the miniature mic on his collar.

“Report, there’s a cop who infiltrated.”

If Song Yuhang were a ruthless criminal who would stop at nothing to achieve her goals, then this mission would undoubtedly succeed. Unfortunately, she was a police officer, unable to raise a butcher’s knife against unarmed civilians, which meant that tonight she was destined to face this ordeal.

For some unknown reason, Lin Yan, who was on standby on the perimeter, suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart, almost making it hard for her to catch her breath. She had to slightly bend down, holding onto the car door.

“Sister Hong…” Liu Zhi wanted to help her but hesitated.

Lin Yan waved her hand, taking a few deep breaths to calm the palpitations.

“It’s nothing.”

As she saw the lights coming up the mountain road, she raised her hand.

“The people have arrived, order the brothers to prepare.”

LP: My only hope is that Yuhang and Yanyan stays alive until the end ( •̀_•́ )

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