Mushoku Tensei

Volume 19 5 — Signs of Household Collapse

Volume 19 Chapter 5: Signs of Household Collapse

Part 1

10 days have passed since then.

I've spent that time staying at the office, training from morning till night.

If Orsted's there, I have my physical strength training in the morning, mock battles at noon, lessons in the office at night, then I clean the office and sort out all the documents before going to sleep and that cycle keeps repeating.

The days when Orsted's not here, I’m usually training alone.

Wearing Magic Armor, continuously and tirelessly repeating a set of moves that Orsted taught me until I'm exhausted, I'm also looking for someone to do co-op training with.

Once in a while, Sylphy comes to deliver lunch, at that time I have someone to do co-op training with. But today, I’m training alone.

Well then, this form that is taught to me is something left behind 400 years ago, by the Dragon God Urupen.

Dragon God Urupen.

He is known by the general public as one of the Three Demon Slayer Heroes.

Perugius's comrades.

According to Orsted, amongst the generations of Dragon Gods, he is in fact one with the lowest magical capacity.

At that time he was treated as the weakest Dragon God, as he hardly had the qualifications as Dragon God with his low magical power.

Like that he developed a completely original Dragon God technique on his own.

And with this original technique, he justified his title as Dragon God, and defeated Demon God Laplace.

Even to this day his name is hailed as the strongest and [The Most Genius Amongst Dragon Gods], or that is what people say.

Dragon God Urupen's form is a fighting style for defeating an opponent using a minimal amount of magical power.

Orsted discovered it on a secret note left behind by Urupen,

With that information he successfully learned the [Saint Dragon Touki], the Greatest Fighting Style and mastered it to the highest level.

The style that uses little magical power.

However, that kind of style is necessary for me,

Using minimum power to fight my enemies, is a knowledge I need the most.

Besides, combining magic arts and martial arts [wushu] is a classic form of martial arts, it perfectly matches with me who is wearing the Magic Armor.

Well then, let’s research a combo today.

First is [Rock Shell].

A direct hit from it will definitely cause injury, even to Orsted.

It has extremely high power.

Rivaling the [Sword of Light] from the Sword God Style.

Therefore, the combination usually uses this.

After that, it’s [Quagmire].

Perhaps because I have used it over and over again, [Quagmire] has the fastest invocation speed amongst my magics.

With this spell, I will greatly hinder the movement of the enemy immediately

and start my offense from that point on.

Or [Electric],

Its invoking speed is slightly longer than [Quagmire], but this spell is a great magic that could penetrate through the opponents [Fighting Spirit] and paralyze them. A very useful spell.

If the opponent couldn’t be delayed with [Quagmire], I usually use [Electric] on them. Such a situation has happened often.

Using this at the beginning instead of [Quagmire] is also a common start for me.

As for stopping enemy movement, I can use [Heavy fog] or [Frost Nova] to destroy the enemy formation.

Afterwards, basically finish them off with [Rock Shell].

In other words, it’s a combination move. I restrain the enemies' movement, and limit what they can do.

By fully utilizing that hand, I could usually create an opening on my opponent that can't be parried.

And then use [Rock Shell].

By practicing these patterns, combined with the help of my companions, victory is almost certain.

or so, according to Orsted.

The important thing is routine.

Getting used to my routines, even if my opponent has the most bizarre movements, I could respond to them without delay.

[Quagmire]My opponent taking an action?countering my opponent's move with magic?My opponent still could respond to my counter?countering his move again with my spells, keep repeating that until my opponent is cornered, and finish him off with [Rock Shell].


It sounds simple.

In practice, a swordsman could cut his path through any magic. In the case where there was a pre-emptive attack, the chance of having such support magic fail is high.

It was difficult to put it into practice.

Which reminds me. Orsted also taught me about [King] ranked magic or higher.

That said, there have been no results either.

After all, the point of [King] class attack magic or higher is usually the [Fusion] of [Saint] Class spells.

For example, the [Emperor] ranked water spell [Absolute Zero].

This could be achieved by combining the spells [Water Splash] and [Icicle Field] resulting in the spell [Frost Nova] and at the same time expanding its target area into a massive area of effect at a high speed.

By enveloping a massive area with water and then freeze it immediately, that is called the [Emperor] water ranked spell [Absolute Zero].

It’s too late to teach me that, I could already do it.

That meant.

I already mastered [Emperor] ranked spells…

For that reason Badigadi said that my [Rock Shell] was already in the realm of [Emperor] ranked Earth Magic.

Usually, there is no thing such as an enhanced [Rock Shell]. However, I brought together a new method there.

In short, I, who has already mastered all four attack magics to [Saint] ranked or higher, have already mastered all of the attack spells.

However, using [God] Class magic is futile.

To use [God] Class magic vast amounts of magical power is needed, along with the fine tuning in controlling, the use of a long chant to control the magic effect and a magic circle is required.

Orsted said that its power is so powerful that it could basically change the terrain of the world.

In part of this world's strange terrains, there are traces of such magic.

Honestly, I’m still poor at drawing magic circles,and it would be nice if I didn't need to draw something big to use such spells.

[Fusion] magic, the fundamentals, and putting them in practice.

By utilizing variations of these, there should be no opponent that I cannot defeat.

Let's take it a step at a time by building strength from the basics.

Let's do that, together.


And, as I do my usual magic special training, Orsted returns.

I immediately face Orsted and bow to him.

"Welcome back!"


When the president comes back, bowing one's head is a company employee's duty.

While wiping off my sweat, I continued to say my greetings with my waist bent 45 degrees to the front.

Doing this by myself feels lonely, but I must be patient until Cliff's study on Orsted's curse has finished.

And, when that happens, we could each greet the president in sequence as he walks by.

Who would even care if we act like the Yakuza.

"There's work."

At first Orsted said [Don’t be so formal], but he is used to it now.

"Departure will be in three days. I will begin the explanation now."

"I respectfully receive the work!"

I personally receive company jobs from President Orsted.

The next task has been decided.

"As usual, it's not a really hard job. But… spend some time with your family over the next three days."

"Yes, I understand!"

So, I decided to return to my house.

Part 2

"Oh, welcome back boss…… ah, danna-sama, nyah!"

Returning home, a cat-eared maid is sitting in front of the entrance.

What are you even doing… Geez, this girl.

Did she screw something up?

"I’m home, Rinia. By the way, what are you doing sitting in a place like this?"

"Nya-ha-ha… just a little failure, it's to reflect on myself……"

Rinia's ears are hanging low on her head, looks like she is dejected.

"I understand."

Let’s leave her reflecting on herself.

Passing by her, I enter the house.

"I’m home---!"

There, Lucy pokes her face from behind the door in the living room towards me.

Ah, I wonder if she's going to run away again.

And just while I was thinking that, she suddenly leaps from behind the door.

With steps sounding like “Taptaptap”, she jumps on my legs.

"Welcome home papa!"

I wonder what happened.

Her welcome is warm today.

"Ah, what happened, Lucy?"

Embracing my leg without changing her position, she is hidden behind me, clinging onto my robe.

Someway or other, her distance towards me is unusually close today.

Papa is happy.

"Mama! Papa is back---!"

"Yeah, I know, wait a second!"


Sylphy's voice could be heard from the bathroom.

Doing the laundry, or cleaning the bathtub.

Afterwards, Lucy called Sylphy several times more. Before long she reached her limit and let go of my robe. "Taptaptap", she runs to the bathroom.

What was it I wonder…

Well, don’t think too much about it. This is what children do.

Usually I always go straight towards Lucy. It’s fine if she comes to me once in a while. Let’s consider Lucy's feelings.

While I think so, I wander around the house.

I find Leo and Lara in the living room.

Lara is sleeping soundly in a peaceful mood.

She is also healthy-looking today.

Continuing towards the kitchen, I found Lilia preparing ingredients for cooking.

Her face looks a bit worn-out.

I wonder what happened?

"Lilia-san, I’m home!"

"Welcome back, Danna-sama."

"Are you tired?"


Even though she said so, Lilia's face looks really tired.

"Why don't you take a rest for a bit?"

"It’s not a problem."



If the person herself says so, it's probably okay.

I wonder what is causing her such trouble.

"If your condition today is a bit under the weather please take a rest, don't you want to take a rest for a bit?"

"Thanks for your concern. But really, this is not a big problem."

If Lilia says so, then I will believe her.

However, if it’s not her body, maybe it was mental fatigue.

It might be some anxiety.

"Did something happen?"

"…It’s just, Eris-sama went to school."

"Eris? What is she thinking?"

"She said it was the day to teach swordsmanship to Norn-sama…"


Really, a pregnant woman should just stay still.

Eris, I wonder if she's going to become a teacher.

Although I’m not really opposing that, but I would like you to restrain yourself a little while you're still pregnant.

I'm worried.

"I deeply apologize. We all tried to stop her, but she just ignored us and left…"

"Ah, I understand. Thank you for trying."

Trying to convince a child who wouldn’t listen.

Lilia must be tired.

Once, I also experienced that from someone who told me…

Furthermore, she only listens to my words.

Hmm, yes…

I'm also convinced that Eris wouldn’t listen to Sylphy's words or Aisha's preachings.

"Ah, come to think of it. Where is Aisha?"

When she hears that, Lilia answers me with a wry smile.

"She is in the backyard."

Part 3

Following Lilia's words, Aisha was in the backyard.

She's sitting in the corner of the garden.

Looking at her, her shoulders are trembling a bit.

It’s rare for Aisha to display such a feeble appearance.

I wonder if she's crying.


"Ah, welcome back Onii-chan…"

From Aisha's back, a flat reply could be heard.

Without looking at her face, I won’t know whether she's crying or not.


However, I sighed immediately.

Looking at her, with the shovel in her hand, it looks like she dug a hole in the corner of the garden.

In that hole, something that looks like pottery pieces are buried.

From those pieces, I thought I saw something familiar.

Looking closely, there is also a handle part.

Even that handle part looks familiar.

In the past, Aisha bought a stylish tea cup set with the same handle with her own pocket money.

That tea cup over there, is her favorite tea cup.

She always uses it whenever she is enjoying tea by herself.

I also remember I used that cup once.

If I’m not mistaken, that time she looked delighted. [Onii-chan is the only exception] or [For Onii-chan, drinking tea using an excellent cup tastes a bit different, right?] or something like that.

Honestly, I wouldn't know what would make it taste any different, but looking at Aisha's delighted face, I remember saying that it somehow is really delicious.

And now, that favorite cup is broken.

"Hey… Onii-chan"

Coming from Aisha, is her unusual low pitched voice.

"… Wha… what is it?"

This is anger.

For the peaceful Aisha to get angry.

Oh darn, I wonder if I've done something wrong.

Apologize? What have I done that I need to apologize for? It will only be like pouring oil into the fire called anger from the other person.

What should I do? What is the cause?

And, as I worry, Aisha turns towards me, looks into my eyes and says.

"That cat over there, why don't you get rid of her?"


That cat? I wonder which cat…

No, maybe she is referring to that cat in a seiza-pose right now at the entrance.

"Just abandoning her would be a waste. Let's sell her to a slaver? No… sell her to Eris-nee's home. If I remember correctly, weren't they trying to buy her at a high price? 1500 Asura gold coins, it would only take them a second to gather that much, right? Even half of that would be fine."

"W…wait a minute. Calm down now. Let's sit down first."

I made a chair with Earth Magic, and urged Aisha to sit.

Aisha took one broken fragment from the hole, and stood up.

She threw that piece at my feet.

Then, she sat on the chair with a thud.

"It wasn't all that expensive. But it's impossible to get my hands on one of those cups anymore. The person who made it already died, and the store already went bankrupt."

"……Hmm, but, something with a shape like that, would definitely break one day."

I made another chair, and sat in front of Aisha.

Somehow that made her a bit calmer.

"I know that. I’m not all that angry about the broken cup."

"Uh huh."

Anyway, there's no doubt it was Rinia who broke that cup.

And that's why Aisha's angry.

Even though she says she isn't, I have no doubt that is how she really feels.

"But, the problem is, that cat really isn’t suited to become a maid. She breaks the dishes when she washes them, breaks the mirror when she cleans it. When she does the laundry the sheets are full of her fur."

"Doesn't everyone make a mistake their first time? Though she is like that, Rinia is a princess from somewhere."

"I …!"

Looks like Aisha wants to say something with a loud voice, but she swallowed her words.

Looks like that was my mistake, she didn’t fail to say her words.

"… Before, when doing housework in the living room, she dumped water on Lara-chan!"

"Water on Lara? T…tell me what happened."

"While she was cleaning the ceiling, she held a bucket in one hand, and a dust-cloth in the other. Because of that her balance crumbled and she fell……well, it didn't escalate to anything serious."

That cat, looks like she doesn't even know how to clean.

Come to think of it… before, I've entered her room once. It was wonderfully messy.

"Though that often happens, I can't really complain. Norn-nee, she was even more awful than Rinia. They're like on the same level."

"Don’t compare her with Norn so casually."

"Casually? … No, didn't want to say bad things about Norn-nee. But, even though that cat doesn't have a particularly bad memory, she always makes the same mistake over and over again even after I warn her repeatedly."

Aisha keeps ranting, and I could only sigh.

"That cat, she never apologizes"

Never apologizes.

That's bad.

"I see…"

"When she makes some blunder, she gives off her devilish laugh like [Nya-hahaha, my bad, my bad. I will be more careful next time. Nya~]"

Then, for the time being, I'll make her apologize.

But, Rinia has to do it of her own will.

She must sincerely apologize to the other person.

Create the mood, and when she arrives she should apologize.

"This is no good."

"I know, right?"

If it was me I could just forgive her… But Rinia's superior is Aisha.

This is an issue I can't be too involved in.

"So, hey~, Onii-chan. Please Onii-chan, can’t you throw her out? I can’t stand working with her anymore."

It's rare for Aisha to go as far as badmouthing Rinia.

But, she probably couldn’t stomach it anymore.

Though there probably wasn't something like a big incident.

It wasn't only a single broken cup that caused this.

But by allowing mistakes to accumulate one by one, and forgiving each one with a smile, it has now reached this point



"Yes, she certainly is a bit troublesome. But she's still adapting to a new environment."

Even now she still has it tough.

Trying to get used to a new environment, she might only be acting cheerful.

It may look like she isn’t apologizing seriously in Aisha's eyes.

I mean, isn't it painful to look after someone who keeps repeating the same mistakes?

Rinia is trying the best she can, I think.

When she was my underling she also made these kind of mistakes.

But, that reduced over time.

Thus she must really, really be trying to change herself.

It can be said, that only after making a big mistake, can you reflect on yourself, so you won't repeat it again.

At least, when I saw Rinia in front of the entrance door she really did seem to show some remorse.

I could almost feel a calm composure from her.

"That's a lie. That cat never reflects on herself. Generally, even her attitude is very strange. She is humble towards Roxy-nee, Eris-nee, and Leo, but she makes light of Sylphy-nee…"

So Aisha says, and her lips pout.

She is so stubborn.

"What do you mean with Sylphy, treating her lightly?"

"Somehow, with an even more disrespectful tone than Eris-nee, she sometimes calls her Fitts."

Once the past, when they were still studying at the Magic University, they were on bad terms with each other.

I mean, Sylphy and Rinia have such a strange relationship.

"Certainly, that's because Sylphy and Rinia have known each other longer than they have known us."

"…Precisely because of that, it has caused the atmosphere in this house to become strange since Rinia came here."

The atmosphere… changed.

Certainly, come to think of it. Even when Roxy or Eris arrived, such a problem did not happen.

"Anyway, if Rinia slips up again, she must apologize. And if she breaks anything, the costs will be added to her debt. She must show a more upright attitude if she is really trying to reform herself… I will speak to her personally. Anyway, I want you to give her a little more time. How about it?"

Aisha made a pouty face.

With a pointed mouth, Aisha turns her face away with closed eyes

Looking at her showing that attitude, she's silent. It looks like she isn't that angry anymore.

"Hey please… Aisha. Even though she's like that, she is still your Onii-chan's friend."

"… Well~, then just this time I will overlook her for your sake, Onii-chan."

After saying that Aisha, suddenly stood and turned herself to face me.

"However Onii-chan. I have a very bad premonition. As it is, let’s pray that it won't come true."

After saying that, Aisha went back into the house.

Afterwards, I told Rinia.

Her answer was [Yup, nyah!] Nothing can be done about her light tone.

But, she will regret that…

Incidentally, Roxy came home together with Eris, and was reprimanded for doing such strenuous exercises.

Eris placed her hands on her hips, her lips formed a ヘ, and said [I understand!]

But that [I understand!], how much did she understand of it?

For the time being, it seems like she won't be rampaging around while carrying her sword. With her stomach becoming bigger she has also matured more.

But really, I still worry about her.

So she does not come to harm her child, I must rein her in tightly.

Mother and child, be strong!!

At the dinner table, the mood is more gloomy than usual. Perhaps because Aisha is sulking.

Furthermore, after dinner, Sylphy secretly says to me without remorse [Rinia does not fit in this household.] It is right on the mark.

There is no reason for Sylphy to feel sorry at all. After all, it is her duty to keep the household in check.

Still, Aisha was right. It's bad to leave things like this.

One way or another, I must resolve this situation before leaving again for work.

Though, I wonder if I could wait a little more to see how things would develop.


Part 4

Evening that day.

Since it's both of Roxy and Sylphy's time of the month, I decided to sleep alone.

Honestly, after ten days of holding back myself to train, I have almost reached my limit.

Well, nothing I could do about it on days like these.

I could only weep in my own lust.

Or, do I simply help myself…


At the place leading up to my bedroom, Eris was already waiting for me.

Folded arms and legs spread at shoulder-width as usual.

Wrapped in a negligee, her stomach is bulging [pokkori].

Recently, her sleepwear should have been warmer. But today, Eris is wearing some unusually erotic lingerie.

That's no good, your stomach will get chilly.

"Let’s do it!"

"No way."

Children are important.

No sex while pregnant, is the rule in our house.

"But, you want to, right? I heard it's that time of the month for Sylphy and Roxy."

"I’ll be fine, I can endure it."

"My dear husband, there is no need to restrain yourself."

Saying so, Eris grabs my hand and forcibly pulls me in.

So strong… as I get dragged into my bedroom.

Regrettably, if this continues, I might really lose myself.

If I enter that state, I cannot hold myself back.

This is bad, absolutely terrible.

Even though Eris has been exercising while being pregnant, it doesn't mean I can just do it with her.

"St… stop it Eris. We can’t do it while you’re still pregnant. If we lose our cherished child, Eris and I would surely regret it. Don’t do this, this is absolutely no good."

"I know. I know. That's why I'll be careful."

Though you say you will be careful, you’re going to school and leave the house to run with the dog.

Well, she's more used to moving around than sitting still.

My standards are different, so it’s okay I guess.

I might be just too overprotective.

No, no. that and what's happening now are totally different.

"Just look over here! What I'm trying to say is…"

Eris pulled me to the bedside,

and flipped over the blankets.

"……Nya, Nyan~!"

On top of the bed there was Rinia, lying down.

I think she is wearing one of Eris's negligees. She is curling up her bewitching body.

"As I'm no good, you can just do it with Rinia, right?"

"Unyaa……… "

Looking at me, Rinia making a face of resolution and resignation.

Through the gap of her negligee, her cleavage was visible.

Her waist is slim, she's moderately muscled, a straight foot-line.

Her cat eyes are glowing and shining in the dark.

Before I lose myself in lust, I look at Eris with amazement.

"What is this?"

"Dont you see? It's Rinia!"

Probably, it’s okay for me to take Rinia.

Such a thing from Eris?

Despite appearing nonchalant, she is someone who easily gets jealous and disgruntled when I flirt with Sylphy.

"Hey, Eris. This… isn’t this an unfaithful act?"

"She is a slave so it isn't cheating. Father and also dear Grandfather said so as well. Moreover, as I have decided it, there won't be a problem at all."

Sauros, Philip. What did you teach your daughter? Come here a minute and seiza!.

Hilda-san, Hilda-san… come here and scold them.

This father and them, they have been teaching some strange things to their daughter!

"Oh, father in the Great Forest, mother… I… I’m helpless now, I will but become a plaything as a slave…"

Rinia muttered something in a low voice, something as a prayer.

This might be a bad idea after all.

We should stop here.

Faced with Eris's selfishness, she couldn't do anything.

"Well Pursena… excuse me for being a step ahead of you nyah! Ehehe, this is my victory. I'm sure you can find someone else more suitable nya!"

Well, perhaps she wasn't all that reluctant to do this.

I guess it’s fine if we both consent.



While calling her, my hand reached out for her. Rinia's body suddenly goes stiff with a [bikuri] sound.

But, even though her body tenses up, she doesn't run away.

Turning my hand on her thigh, touching her butt.

It should have the supple muscles of a predator. But unexpectedly, it has a very soft feeling.

Then I turn my other hand on her back, touching her waist. This side also has [mokyumokyu] feeling. It’s very charming.

"A-as it’s my first time nya… please be gentle nya "


"Nya~, not saying anything… is frightening nyah………Ufufu~n… nyanya~n……it's… this feeling… Nyaaa!"

I put power in my arms, and lifted Rinia off the bed.

Carrying her across the room in a princess carry.

I move towards the next room, still carrying her.

Turning the doorknob with my foot, and open it with a kick.

There, in front of me, is the dark and cold hallway.

In that place, I throw Rinia.


There, before she landed on her butt, I grabbed the door knob.

Closing it from the inside, I locked it.

Phew. With this, I've got some peace on my mind.

The Evil has been vanquished.

"W-wait a minute, Boss. Isn’t your treatment a little bit too cruel!?"

I don’t hear anything.

I don’t see anything either. There is no evil cat tempting me.

I've protected my chastity.

"Wait a minute Rudeus! What did you do that for!?"

Eris comes over from behind me, but I won't change my mind.

"Eris, don't be mistaken, I love to do ecchi things with you. But I don't want that cat."

"R-really …? I-it's fine if that's the case, but we can’t do it until this child is born, you know?"

"Oh, of course"

Following this.

"Boss, open the door! T-this is an insult to my pride as a maiden nya~! "

The door is hit over and over again.

Well, no need to mind that.

Yeah, that thing is irrelevant.

"Boss, please… nya~! It's already unpleasant working under Aisha nya!"

As I'm thinking about it, Rinia began to cry.

From Rinia's statement just now, it seems their compatibility is bad.

Though the other day, when Aisha sewed the maid uniform for Rinia, their compatibility looked just fine…

“At least let me become a concubine. I want to increase my standings nya!! Even just a physical relationship is fine. Please nya~! Really! There is a chance I will bear a child and become the fourth wife, consider my nearly infinite debt nya!"

So that’s it, she is scheming something like that.

But… well… how to even start with a debt like that.

Her debt is too much, and it will take far too much time to repay.

However, there's no chance I will treat her as a sex slave.

Although I would be lying if I say I don’t want to do any erotic things with her.

But Rinia, she is my friend.

And I want her to remain my friend.

Besides, I already have two daughters now. Let’s say that, if I do it with Rinia… After having that talk at noon with Aisha, would she not get angry? And how would I face Sylphy and Roxy?

If I show unfaithfulness just because of some fleeting emotions, I will end up in a crisis called a family breakdown.

I must protect my family at any cost.

"Waaa! Waa~!"

Then, from somewhere in the house, crying sounds could be heard.

Apparently, because of Rinia's voice, the sleeping Lara woke up.

What should I do? Open the door for now, and make Rinia shut up?

And, while I lost myself in thought for a moment, the sound of a door opening could be heard.

"Just a minute Rinia, what time do you think it is!? You woke up Lucy and Lara."

"Geh! Fitts! S-sorry nyaa. I, I didn’t have any bad intentions nya!"

"It’s not Fitts! It’s Sylphy! Anyway, it’s already this late so be quiet!"

"Ye… yes…"

With Sylphy's yell, Rinia stops making a ruckus.

Tottering sounds could be heard somewhere.

Perhaps Rinia is headed back to Eris's room to sleep.

For a while, the sound of Lara crying could be heard, but she finally became quiet.

For now, the silence of the night returned to us.

Part 5

However, this poor Rinia.

Though half of it could be said to be her own mistake. She got into debt, then confined in the house without a good way to pay off her debt.

She can’t do house work very well, and the head maid Aisha won’t take any compromises in that regard.

If it's like that, the least she could do was try to sell her body to please her master, she thought. But she got rejected…

At this very moment, she might be weeping on her pillow.

Also, an unpleasant feeling is filling the house now.

Aisha sulking, Lilia looking tired, Sylphy raising her voice the first time in a long while, and Lara crying.

And maybe Eris going to school was because of that. She felt uncomfortable inside the house.

Not good at reading the mood, but she's trying to help in her own way.

Anyway, it's a bit awkward now.

Rinia's got a feisty nature and she can't behave like a gang leader anymore.

I won’t say she is at fault for being unable to read the mood, but…

As I thought. Having such a huge debt, then getting sold as a slave, having her price tag skyrocket. No wonder she feels insecure.

…As the one who bought her, Rinia is my responsibility.

One way or another, I must do something about her.

Tomorrow, I'll look for a non-maid job for Rinia.

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