Mushoku Tensei

Volume 19 4 — Research Progress

Volume 19 Chapter 4: Research Progress

Part 1

Recently, Cliff's character is more known for his eye-patch.

Cliff's initial which is carved into his eye-patch is stylish indeed, looks like Elinalise was the one who made that.

However, while wearing it, it made him look more threatening instead of more fashionable.

Compared to Ghyslaine, he also has less muscle.

"Ariel's regime, the son of the first prince… it is likely this will bring more trouble."

When Cliff attended homeroom, it seems like that trio had introduced themselves.

He sighed at the thought of the trouble in the future.

"Since I don't think he is a hostage of Ariel-sama, please get along with him. Don’t be so negative, it isn't like he was involved in his father's political war."

"I know that. Well… at least, be careful so that guy won’t be going out with your sister."

"I will."

While conversing with Cliff, we entered his laboratory.

Elinalise is there.

She's rearing her child.

Elinalise has lived for several centuries already, I wonder how many children she has now?

But Cliff's child is especially cute. Clive is being raised like royalty.

His mother is also experienced in raising children, so I’m sure he will grow up into a splendid child.

"Well, shall we go?"

Carrying three wooden boxes from the laboratory, Cliff is walking next to me.

Each wooden box is square 30 centimeters on each side.

I’m carrying two of them.

They’re heavy.

"Thanks for the help."

"No, no problem at all."

Carrying them, we left the research building, and continued our way going out from the school.

"How is Clive's health?"

"He is growing up healthy, but he still cries at night. It will be busy… it reminds me of my time in the orphanage."

"So Cliff-senpai grew up in an orphanage."

"Ah! In the orphanage, there were many abandoned children… but, I thought of myself as the only one who was special."


We were headed towards the city outskirts.

We used a horse-drawn carriage ever since we left the university, and that carriage would bring us to the city’s gate.

We’re sitting side-by-side inside that horse-drawn carriage.

"Cliff-senpai is splendid, I'm sure you will become a fine father. "

"I can’t do anything yet. Lise is there, so I must look decent at least. "

"But, I don’t think so, he was just born one month ago after all, so it doesn’t count as not participating in raising the child. "

"Even raising a child, has many forms. In your case, there is your wife and your maid, you could learn from her[maid]. So it’s not really that hard."

Cliff, with the wooden box on his knee, said that like he finally understood something.

"As a servant of the god, if I can’t watch over my child's growth everyday… I will be a disgrace"

"If you say so Father Cliff, then that child will definitely be saved."

"Ah! Now I want to go back and make a confession…"

I was unaware of it, but Cliff already successfully passed the test to become a Father in the Milis religion.

It’s not formal yet, but he could still work for the church due to his lineage.

He didn’t only research.

As expected. He still thought about it, returning to his hometown.

This year is my sixth year, while Cliff is in his seventh year.

My senpai, will graduate next year.

"Cliff-senpai, what are your plans after graduating? "

"…I don’t know, as I haven't contacted my grandfather yet. But, I think once I return, I will tell him that I'm already married and have a child now."

"I will miss you."

At that time, I will still be working for Orsted to defeat Hitogami.

Hitogami might be targeting Cliff according to the future diary.

I don’t have a plan to persuade Cliff yet. In the first place, I've never heard of Cliff's circumstances.

"That’s still a year from now."

"You’re right."

While we were talking about such topics, the carriage arrived at Sharia's southern gate.

We paid the money for the driver and continued on foot.

Leaving the gate, we headed towards the southeast.

After a while, the main office of our company came into sight.

As a building on the outskirts, it’s considerably big.

It’s surrounded by a fence to ward off trespassers.

"But, after a while, I've finally understood. That time, you lied to me after all."

"Yes, you wouldn't have believed me no matter what, because of that curse."

"I won’t blame you, with a curse that powerful… Look! Even at this distance, I’m trembling."

Having such a conversation, we moved to the front door of our office.

There are the words [Staff Only] written on the door.

I took the key from my breast pocket to unlock the door.

Although I took the key out, I didn’t actually use it.

From there, we went to the inner part of the room.


The instant the door opened, Cliff shivered.

Glancing over here from behind a luxurious wooden desk in the middle of the room, Orsted was writing something.

His grim face is the same as ever.

"Hm. Cliff Grimol."

"Oh, oh, yeah. …'s Cliff Grimoire."

"a, Ah!, yes. It’s Cliff Grimol……… "

“It must be difficult for you every time.”

"……What do you mean?"

Somehow this way, it’s fine as it is.

Granting my request to meet Orsted, it means so much for me.

"Orsted-sama. Let’s start this quickly, there are three today."


Cliff and I placed the wooden boxes on the desk.

Opening one of them, Orsted removed its contents.

The box contains a full-face helmet.

Other boxes also hold the same.

Only their colors are different. There are three colors in the order black, brown and gray.

"Please, wear them."


Orsted didn’t say anything, pushing his head inside, he now wore the helmet.

While only wearing a helmet without body-armor, he is giving off the impression of a suspicious person.

In my eyes, he is getting even more scary…

"Cliff-senpai, how do you feel?"

"…it’s no good, it’s even worse than before."

"Well then, the next one."

And so, Orsted wore the three helmets in order.

Looking at Cliff's reaction each time, I confirmed their effects.

Afterwards, we listen to Cliff's opinion.

"As I thought, after trying these three in turn, one trying to convert the magic via the flux method, it seems to have backfired. Come to think of it, the magical power of the curse itself must be very high."

"Its magical power…?"

"Ah, Orsted-sama, as soon as I could feel the appearance of your magical power, I thought I could sense the curse being invoked.

"Well, what about covering my whole body with some anti-magic material?"

"By putting you inside a box without a singe crack, that way the curse won’t be invoked, but that wouldn't solve anything. "

"It is as you said."

This is what we’re trying to do, researching Orsted's curse.

Over this past year, Cliff has been conducting some experiments with research of Elinalise's curse as the basis.

Cliff was able to determine that Orsted's curse is focused around his head.

So Cliff has focused on suppressing the curse with helmet-type tools.

Cliff is very determined in this subject, to test the limits of the effectiveness of his anti-curse tools.

Sometimes, some progress was made.

Currently, with the latest version of anti-curse helmet, Orsted's curse is weakened a bit.

It was only a small effect.

Even with this helmet on, children began to cry when he walked in town, stray dogs would get scared and run away immediately, and horse-drawn carriages slipped.

However, Eris and Sylphy's attitude was able to soften when facing Orsted. Well, that’s enough for now.

You might say, it has changed from [He is the enemy of living beings] to [An Evil Boss]. It seems the type of fear is different. As for the result, females could somehow judge it more clearly.

Luckily for me, Orsted's curse has no effect.

In the middle of his research about Orsted, Cliff was able to understand that I lied to him.

It is an important step.

I have some complicated feelings about this, but we'll manage somehow or another for the time being.

Although, there is still a long way to go.

At the present, the helmet size is about twice as big as Orsted's head.

There isn’t any ventilation for air to enter, it didn’t have an eye visor before, and he couldn’t hear or speak.

It is not a thing that can be worn for a long time.

Really, still a long way to go.

Though Cliff succeeded in creating it in one year, it isn’t just a fluke. It is the work of a genius.

As it is, the research is progressing. Orsted could now walk near the town gate.

As for Cliff, he is satisfied with the results of the research from a curse on someone else and plans to develop a new anti-curse tool for Elinalise.

It’s regrettable that he must return to the research of Elinalise's curse, as her curse is starting to flare up again after the baby is starting to mature.

But worry not.

He just needs to quickly make his second child.

"Well then, the next one is also one month later. "

"Ah, no need to hurry, Cliff Grimol. To think that you had such talent."

"Eh!? a …… aa, tha, that’s right!. Since I’m a genius. "

Towards the result of Cliff's research, Orsted could only be astonished.

Apparently during his long loops there was a time when he tried to do something about his curse.

But, even after several hundred years of research, it didn’t bear any fruit at all. It seems he gave up in the middle of it.

During his 200 years, there is no other person who made any progress in the research of his curse except for Cliff.

But, isn’t that because Orsted had no friends to help?

However, the results came out.

The next target is, one way or another, Cliff. His research study regarding curses is also included in Orsted's plan.

Heck, I wonder if I have to lead him while he walks around.

Before, it was walking around this office and the surrounding area…


And, while I thought about it, Orsted called me.

Cliff already moved outside of the office.

Because the work on the curse is done, he wants to get away from Orsted as soon as possible.

Even though he already knows about the curse, his body is reacting differently.

It's like the case between a human and a cockroach, even though the cockroach doesn't have the power to kill the human, they’re still freaked out when they meet.

"…It was helpful."

Saying his gratitude, damn it!

Ohh, president-san, you’re skillfully using your voice.

Alright! Once the anti-curse tool is completed, you'll be able to enjoy window shopping alone.

Going on a date with Orsted.

Well I can’t really say it’s enjoyable for either of us.

"No, my family opposed to working for you troubles me as well. Once Orsted-sama can move freely, it'll greatly hinder Hitogami too. So this also for my own benefits."

"I see."

When Orsted-sama's curse is healed, Orsted Co. will become one of the largest companies in the world.

While considering such things, I leave the office.

Part 2

After parting with Orsted, on my way out of the office, I stopped by the arsenal.

From there, I take out the Magic Armor.

Small sized Magic Armor.

The black armor was divided into several parts. Arms parts, legs parts, and body parts.

It looks very lightweight at first glance, but as it was something I made with my earth magic, it has massive weight.

For that reason, the only way of carrying it is by wearing it and channeling magical power into it.

"Cliff-senpai, thank you for waiting."

"Ah, then let’s go. "

Together with Cliff we’re headed back to the university.

Next is Zanoba.

I must always make this trip. I have little choice, as trouble would likely occur if Orsted entered the university.

"Cliff-senpai, did you already eat lunch?"

"Now that you mention it… before I go back to my room, I'll visit the cafeteria first. You invite Zanoba. Let’s have lunch together."


To drop off the helmets, Cliff quickly left for his laboratory.

Following his words, I’m headed straight to Zanoba's laboratory.

Just as I wanted to open the door, my movement stopped.

Once, when I opened this door casually, I saw a scene of a sensual Zanoba in a reverent posture.

Our situation at that time was awkward.

I'm a man who reflects on his faults.

Before entering the room, it is always necessary to knock on the door first.

I knocked on the door.

"Knock, hello!"

"Oh, Shisho! Nice timing! Come in."

There was a reply immediately.

After I get the confirmation, I open the door.

There, a 30 year old geek stands…

Also about a 10 year old naked girl.

The little girl was pressing her stomach and her face was contorted and about to cry.

From between her feet, a line of blood was flowing.

Ah! This, is the scene of a crime.

"Zanoba… you… to lay your hands on Julie…"

"You can even joke at this situation? Shisho, quickly use healing magic on Julie. Her blood hasn’t stopped flowing since earlier. "

Zanoba's voice is desperate.

I wonder if some accident happened.

Julie also looked up at me with a half crying face.

"Grand master……my stomach is painful. Please help me……"

I'm not a doctor……while I thought something like that, I’m looking at Julie's body.

There are no wounds.

If it is like this, an internal wound then?

Blood is flowing from between her crotch.

It’s suspicious.

Then, maybe…no, it must be that!

"Probably, I guess it’s menses. Let’s just call Ginger-san."

"Ee! A~h! So it’s menses! Which reminds me, Julie is a girl! Really, how could I forget a fact like that!"


Looking at Zanoba laughing at himself, Julie has an anxious look.

Julie is 9 years old, or 10 years old?

But for her first menstruation to come this early, is that also a trait of the dwarven race?

Or, is there some mistake of her age when we bought her?

You might say, any of those two.

"So, before going to lunch. Julie, you can take a break. Until Ginger returns, is it alright to leave you alone?"

"…I'm scared. Master, please take me along. "


My goodness, Zanoyan, you’re so popular.

Hateful guy.

"Well, that’s a nice idea. I'll buy you something to eat."

Julie already became an adult.

Adult, wait a minute, come to think of it, lately her magical power stopped growing.

Soon, our plan will be put into action.

Part 3

An hour later, Zanoba's laboratory.

After that, meeting up with Cliff, we came back after we bought lunch.

Currently, I’m facing three people while eating our lunch.

On the side, Ginger looking after Julie.

Rather than a knight, she looks more like a maid.

"Master, about the Magic Armor's performance, how is it?"

“It was not bad, it could take a demon's attack. But, as I thought, I still feel a bit worried about its ability. It’s fine against a demon, but will it be enough if the opponent is a swordsman…?"

"Defense power, resilience, and mobility… because we sacrificed them all. "

"But, to reach the prototype level, size is required…"

After one and a half years, the Magic Armor has gone through a number of iterations.

At first, beginning with completing Magic Armor <set>, then thinking about downsizing it while keeping its performance as it is, that is where the hard part was.

In the first place, it was a collection of the best technology we had at that time, and then the addition of Hitogami's mysterious technique.

Even after a complete revision, it was still not small enough. It could become one size smaller, but that would make its ability fall. This result is not very useful at all.

Then finally, after repeated trial and error and thoroughly studying the Body part magic formula.

Concentrating on both feet part magic formula, wrapping its principle, it then changed form.

This miniaturization reduced the consumption of magical power significantly. (However, it was still on the level where only I could use it).

Completion of Arm parts and Legs part [V2].

But, [V2] power has some limitations.

At any rate, the thing about magical power flowing through the body part, it fully needs my magical power to move one hand or one feet from its original location.

So, with this kind of inefficient magical power consumption, it could only deliver a performance of about the average level of an advanced swordsman at its best.

Afterwards we added some auxiliary magic to increase its defensive capabilities.

Now, it has become [V2 Revised] which has the average performance of a [Saint] class swordsman.

The ideal power-efficient version that I envisioned… is still far away.

The ideal is always far away, and not always what the world's society would like.

"Well, it seems like we have no choice but to continue to improve it while using this."

"You’re right."

Cliff also gives his consent.

Anyway, he has the task to complete the equipment for each limb.

"Then, master, I wonder, how about the Gatling gun barrel?"

"That is overpowered, so I try to limit the use of it…"

Someway or another, I’m always thinking of developing new weapons.

Roxy's acquaintance manufactured the Gatling Gun.

Following Orsted's advice, we made a small change.

It could now fire 10 rock shells at the same time.

Something like…Finger-Fu○aboms, or commonly called Shotgun.

This is a counter measure against the Water God style.

Orsted said that Water God style can parry the magic itself.

So, with a little variation in timing, my shotgun which could fire off bullets simultaneously is the best counter for it.

It’s useless when facing [King] class of Water God style or above. Though with the exception of its firing range it is hard to call it useless, it's a very user-friendly weapon.

I train hard in various ways, but I won't suddenly become strong without a growth period.

Practicing magic, strength training…

Training my mind for battle…

Recently I've only had to fight small fries, but eventually a strong enemy will appear.

Even with traps, a K.O. skill is ideal.

"Come to think of it Zanoba, how is your autonomous doll research progress?"

"Ah, it’s over there. I temporarily abandoned it, because research to protect Shisho's life is more important."

"Ah… I’m sorry for causing you so much trouble."

"Ha ha ha, Magic Armor research is also fun. There is no need to apologize. Rather I feel gratitude to be included in this."

So says Zanoba, but while saying so, he is hitting the Magic Armor.

I wonder if that is what he really feels.

"Come to think of it Zanoba, now that Julie has become an adult, I wonder if we can start selling the dolls and the book now?"

"Hmm ……"

Dolls and picture book.

At one point, the first step has already been completed.

While I wasn't here Zanoba has secretly bought paint, and made the finishing touch to the product.

Well, some of Ruijerd's hair color is too light, his spear is cream-colored. Come to think of it, his skin color is also too bright. Well, that is only a trivial problem.

Then in case, the painting is supplemented to teach more about Supard race.

Norn keeps one on her bedside. Once, Roxy screamed when she saw it the first thing in the morning. She then shut herself in her room and ignored me.

Regarding what happened to the picture book.

Suprisingly Zanoba is the one who illustrating it.

It’s not toned down enough to be liked by children. It’s difficult to reach that degree.

It's mass produced by printing. Afterwards it’s manually colored by hand.

I’m overwhelmed with the feeling of handmade goods, in this world it’s roughly all like that, so there is no bad feeling.

Finally, by adding an overview of the letters used in the language at the end of each book, it is not only a story book, but it also doubles as teaching material.

In case it will become a text book, with consideration of its early distribution.

A doll and a book, a two-in-one package. During every job where I save someone, I never forget to give a set to that person.

An so… I still want a formal release.

"That wil be difficult."

However, Zanoba is showing his pessimism.

"… is it about the costs?"

"No, I don't have to worry about the funds. Because Princess Ariel is giving her aid to us. Also, her personal workshop in the Asura Kingdom is available to us to produce it. However, what I’m concerned about is whether or not we have the connections to the merchants. "


Oh yeah, I didn't think about the people who will sell it.

Originally, I thought of starting my own shop.

However, I cannot do that with my current situation.

Rather than a salesman … a shopkeeper is more necessary.

Someone with the business acumen…

I don’t have such an acquaintance.

I really didn’t know what to do.

"Can't you get Ariel to introduce us to her connections?"

"Her Highness Ariel is very busy lately, because her day of coronation is drawing near. We don’t need to increase her problems"

"It's unkind to be request aid over every little thing."

Let’s put this on hold for now.

Well, there is no need to rush.

Julie hasn’t become an adult yet, it’s not too late starting from now.

U~n, it looks like…

"Zanoba, do you think it’s possible to teach the basics of commerce to Julie the next five years?"

"It is possible … but, Julie is the doll maker, isn't she? Is it not better to entrust another person to sell the goods? Or buy another slave to be entrusted with the matter of selling it. "

Another slave huh?

Interested in business, reading and writing, also arithmetic.

While you’re at it, also having a good face.

A popular person, might be good.

Such a slave is… U~n, who has some knowledge about trades… there aren’t any!

Getting caught in a fraud inside the shop is a no-no, so a certain enslaved cat is the last one I want to entrust this to.

It might be nice to buy a new slave.

"U~n… as I thought, a more reliable plan is entrusting this to a knowledgeable person. That is the most sensible plan."

"That’s right."

You're right.

For this side, let’s perfect our plan from now on.

Rushing the matter will only result in a blunder.

From now on, let’s plan this carefully.

For the next 10 years, let’s do this slowly.

"Well then, let’s focus on this subject for now… the Magic Armor improvement."

"Yes Master. By the way, I already have a concept for the next version, not to mention another flashy plan."


Along with finishing our lunch, our research meeting also came to an end.

As for the Magic Armor, its performance has improved slightly.

Part 4

In the evening, dropping by the staff room, I greet Vice Principal Jinas.

While getting angry with his unfinished work and pointing at Roxy to help him, I'm forced to stand in the hallway.

While I'm feeling downtrodden, Norn comes to return the key to the student council office.

Well then, after a long time, I’m walking back home together with Norn and Roxy.

"Norn, did you understand the point of today's lesson?"

"Yes, it is all right. Roxy-nee. As usual, your lesson is easy to understand."

Right next to me, Norn and Roxy are talking happily.

Unknown to me, these two are getting along very well.

There isn’t a trace of their awkward relationship from before.

"I will be careful from now on, but if you have some difficulty please tell me."

"When that time comes, please give me a private lesson."

"Fufu, my private lessons are expensive you know."

It’s lively. Listening to the conversation of these two, I comfortably go back home.

"I'm back."

"Welcome home, everyone."


Coming out to the entrance way, Zenith and Lilia who are weeding in the garden greet us.

Zenith, it seems there is no change in Zenith yet.

In a good way or bad way, she is stable.

Of course, her memory hasn't returned yet.

The method to cure her isn’t found yet, I got my hands full with working and visiting several places.

Recently, Sylphy and Lilia are also trying something, but there have been no results.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back Rudi, Roxy, and Norn-chan."

Upon entering the house, Sylphy greets us from the dining room.

From behind Sylphy's apron, Lucy comes walking “tekoteko".

And, running *dotadota*, she’s tackling Norn from below.

"Welcome back! Nong-ney!"

"I’m home, Lucy-chan."

Norn is accustomed to embracing Lucy, and strokes her head.

Lucy likes Norn very much, she is giving a full face smile.

However, when our eyes meet. She moved her body and hid behind Norn.

That is, does she hate me that much…?

"Norn-chan, are you staying at home today?"

"No, but I heard Rinia-senpai is staying here, so I came to meet her."

"A~…un, various things happened. And Rudi ended up helping her."

Sylphy said so, but somehow she sighed.

What is she sighing for?

"And, is it going to increase again?"

"U~n, don’t know. But, it’s just a matter of time till Rinia falls for Rudi. She is sexy too…"

Your comment is like I’m going to lay my hands on Rinia.

Certainly, I admit that the cat princess is a sexy one.

Asking whether or not I want to do a night's wrestling with her, of course I want to.

But, that is that, this is this.

I have my reasons too.

"How about Eris-neesan? Did she oppose it?"

"She said [This child is mine, I won’t hand her over to Rudi.]"

"Ah, so it was like that…"

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Eris.

"Sylphy, where is Eris?"

"Going out with Leo. Even though I already said that she is pregnant, she won’t listen. I also noticed that she is doing sword practice during the day. After entering a stable phase, she's always like that…"

Eris is the same as ever.

But, really, at least calm yourself a little.

Eris is strong, but the child in her stomach is weak.

I also could only sigh.

Really, I wonder if Eris's child will be born properly.

I feel anxious…

"Oh, welcome back!"

That voice, coming from the top of the stairs.

Looking there, is Aisha.

"Hey, everyone, look!"

Aisha looks delighted, beckoning at the interior of the second floor.

From there comes out a woman, wearing the same maid uniform as Aisha.

Coming down the stairs, she spins herself once [kururi].

Her hem is slightly raised, a healthy looking calf could be seen.

Then, posing like a gravure idol, she places her hands on her hip.


A Nekomimi maid.

"I modified it from the one mother gave to me, and came up with these clothes. It’s cute right?"

Cute indeed.

I could hear a breath of admiration from the ladies.

Aisha's handmade…

She called it handmade, but it looks like a new one.

But, the fabric itself? It is old indeed.

"Be prepared, because there will be more work to do from tomorrow onwards!"

"Okay, Aisha-senpai, thank you!"

"Start with the dishes!"

On the front is little Aisha, and behind her is the tall Rinia.

Passing triumphantly by our side, these two girls entered the kitchen.

The sight of Aisha's chopping figure is, somewhat strange.

"…Who would have thought that the cheerful Rinia-senpai at school has become a slave in our house."

Norn whispers.

Rinia is an idiot after all. Just because she survived that predicament, she thinks everything is alright now.

Part 5

Then, dining together with the entire family for the first time, entering the bath with Eris and checking her stomach size.

Lulling Lucy to sleep together with Sylphy before the night. After a bath, teaching magic to Norn and Aisha, and talking with Lilia about Zenith's condition.

Before going to bed, intently observing Roxy feeding breast milk to Lara.

Finally, sleeping with Sylphy.

It was a peaceful day.

From tomorrow onwards, for a while, it will be a training period.

Let’s do my best.

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