Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1174: Tiring Journey

Chapter 1174: Tiring Journey

Good? Raelle actually had a lot to say about this word but at the same time, she didn't want to. Who could tell if she was really a good person? Even if she at some point thought that she was a good person, she had started to doubt it too.        


"Are you leaving today?" asked Raelle as she walked towards the elevator with him.    

"Yes," answered Rowan. "I'll stay home for a week and then join the production."    

"You're so young. What made you want to become an actor?" asked Raelle. She is rarely so curious about people's life choices. But since she was someone who didn't many dreams in life, she was genuinely interested in Rowan's answer right now. He was not even half her age but already knew what he wanted to do and become.    

"This... I can't answer it clearly but it has a lot to do with my mother," he told her. "She used to tell me so fascinating and intriguing stories that I wanted to become a part of those stories. I just wanted to experience what it felt like to convey the message and emotions of those stories through my acting."    

"So, you wanna be a big star?"    

"That's not it. I don't dream to be a star. I just want to be an actor. An actor worth remembering. Someone who can live forever."    

"How can anyone live forever?"    

"You can live forever if you're living in someone's memories," told Rowan. "Why I say it because... My Baba's favorite actor is no more. But even if she is no more, she lives in a lot of people's memories. Just last year, her fans organized a large-scale donation in her name to build schools. I just feel like she must have been a great person to be able to make people remember her even now after over a decade of her death. She is no more but she is still here. Even I, who didn't know her actually strengthed my idea of becoming an actor after watching her movies."    

"It's good that you have a clear goal in life," said Raelle.    

"Sigh," he sighed so tiredly as he went on, "I have a clear goal. But my father also has a clear goal for me. He wants me to grow up fast so that I can inherit his business early and he can run away with his wife without any worry."    

"That just proves that they have a good relationship," said Raelle as she entered the elevator.    

"I understand that," said Rowan. "I understand their relationship more than anyone since I live under the same roof with them." He pressed the button on the floor he was going to after Raelle was done and added, "Actually, my mommy didn't want me to be an actor. I still know she isn't very happy but she doesn't stop me either. From the moment I can remember, she never imposed her ideas on me. And it's not that she doesn't like actors. In fact, I can see that she loves acting. After all, she is my acting teacher. She taught me everything I know about acting. I still remember that when I got my first role, she only told me one thing, 'Rowan, just remember that you have to protect yourself in this glamorous world. It's dazzling and blinding but don't lose your sight. Remember your goal. And don't let the bad words get to you. If you can't do that, walk away.'"    

"I guess she is really worried about you," commented Raelle. "But she isn't wrong either. I might not know much about the entertainment industry but I do have a best friend who has been involved in this industry for a long time now. Even if he had been in music industry, you both are still considered a part of the same industry. And I must say, I have gotten to know a rotten side of society because of him too. I never knew people could be so shameless and brazen just because they hid behind the screens of their computers. You're a young boy and you're already a public figure. Don't say it doesn't affect your normal life at all."    

"Well, it does," agreed Rowan. "I don't like the way people come to see me at school from other classes. Like I'm some kind of a monkey in a zoo."    

"Don't you feel proud that they are specially coming to see you?"    

"Not at all," he replied. "I feel like it's a lot of trouble. And I even have to smile in return politely."    

"How tiring," said Raelle. "I suddenly feel bad for you. So young and have so much to deal with."    

Rowan shrugged, "But who can I complain to? I chose this path myself. I can only walk."    

"I think you're only walking for now because you feel happy and you're enjoying this path you chose for yourself so all the troubles seem nothing. One day when it gets to the point when you feel really annoyed by these troubles, I think you'll want to walk away."    

When the elevator stopped for Raelle and she got out, she wanted to wave him goodbye but he looked at her with a serious expression before saying, "You're right. I'll indeed walk away if one day I don't feel happy. That's what my parents told me. They said if you ever feel unhappy on any path in life, just change the path and they will be there for me. So what does it matter if I have to take a detour? Who said you can't be happy after a tiring journey?"    

"Can you?" she asked.    

"Yes. You must have taken such a journey in your life at least for once," said Rowan and smiled at her. "Let's meet again, Ms. Raelle. I quite like you."    

"See you again," said Raelle and watched the door closing. She walked towards the door of the presidential suite with Rowan's words ringing in her mind.      

Had she taken such a tiring journey which made her happy?    

When she stood in front of the presidential suite, only then did she nodded in agreement. Yes, she had. She took an impromptu trip to see Shui Xian when he was on a business trip. And even if the journey was long and tiring and she had to walk for so long, nothing mattered once she got to see him at the end of the road.        


So, as long as the destination is worth it, even a tiring journey would really bring happiness.    

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