Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1173: [Bonus chapter] Language Of Love

Chapter 1173: [Bonus chapter] Language Of Love

Raelle actually didn't leave all this time. Not that she wanted to watch this family interaction. It's just that she was waiting for Tang Hebe to open the door but it seemed Tang Hebe was either asleep or already left. That's why Raelle was able to see this family's interesting bonding.        


The son was very tired of seeing the romance of his parents and seemed to love teasing his mother who was easily ticked off. Raelle had seen plenty of whipped male partners around her. Her own husband was one. But it was sort of her first time to see a woman who was not whipped but also, super possessive about her husband.    

Raelle knew that she wasn't that good at sharing too. She also had problems with people touching her husband but she was wondering if she'd not be able to share her husband with her own kid one day too.    

That was a new thought for her. She didn't think about this before.      

Rowan noticed Raelle too and smiled at her cutely as he said, "Sorry for letting you see that."    

"I don't mind," said Raelle.    

"Are you waiting for someone?" asked Rowan.    

"An acquaintance was staying here but she isn't opening the door." Raelle pointed towards the door she was standing in front of which happened to be opposite the room of Rowan's parents.    

"Oh. She had a son about four-five years old, very adorable?"    

"Yes," she replied. "Did you see them?"    

"They left very early in the morning. When I got up to do morning exercises. I did see them leaving."    

"Oh," responded Raelle in understanding. It seems she was right. So, even if she had listened to Xiang Weimin and come over to see Tang Hebe, they wouldn't have been able to meet since she left so early. But Raelle was wondering why?    

Rowan looked at the red rose in her hand and asked, "You also got a flower from your husband?"    

"No," replied Raelle as she looked at the rose she had brought down with her. "I got it from someone else. Why are you asking?"    

"No reason. Since the time I can remember, I have seen my Baba bringing a flower bouquet every Saturday morning for my Mommy. It's always a different one. So, flowers hold a very special meaning in our family. I was wondering if you have such a tradition too."    

"Not really," answered Raelle patiently. She actually realized that since she met Justin, she had become a lot more patient with kids and could actually communicate with them too. Which wasn't possible before because she thought she couldn't hold a meaningful conversation with children. Now, it seemed she was very wrong. She thought about how Ru earlier said she had rigid thinking. "So, your dad brings flowers every Saturday? Without missing?"    

"He never misses," answered Rowan. "My aunt told me that flowers are my parents' love language. They love to communicate with flowers and not only that, my Baba even confessed his love by sending different flowers for a week to my Mommy. Each with a different meaning. As if writing a love letter with flowers."    

"That's quite troublesome," commented Raelle.    

Rowan laughed at that, "I also thought so. I'm glad you agree with me. But everyone else says that since I'm young, I don't understand it yet. When you love someone, there is no such thing as troublesome. You even look for troublesome things on your own initiative if it means you can make your loved one happy. It's almost like how I learned to make cupcakes because my Mommy loves them. I didn't find it troublesome when I made the cupcakes for her. Usually, if I have to do the same for myself, I'd rather not eat it."    

Raelle quite agreed with his words. It was the same as how she had been finding things less and less troublesome when the things involved Shui Xian. It seems the kid understands better than her. But she didn't mind it at all. At least, she understood it.    

Learning from a kid was absolutely okay to her. Just because she was called a genius didn't mean she knew everything. She knew that too.    

Suddenly, she focused on a very important point, "You can also cook?"      

This morning, people gave her the feeling that she was the most useless one around. This 8-9-year-old kid could cook!    

"I can make some simple home-cooked dishes," answered Rowan. "My Baba said, men should know how to survive. My Mommy isn't a maid. Although I'm not as good as my parents, I can still make simple dishes. But I'm an expert at baking. My Mommy is the best cook but she is even better at baking. So, she taught me all the tricks. They don't make me learn complicated dishes. For now, they make me shred potatoes every time I enter the kitchen. To improve my knife skills. It's boring." He took a moment as he observed Raelle's expression and said, "Why do you look like the world is ending?"    

"I can't even boil an egg," said Raelle. "My family is afraid that I might get hurt. But I suddenly feel like they are just scared that I might blow up their kitchen. How can I feel good knowing this?"    

Rowan laughed unceremonially and said, "I'm sorry. But I think you're thinking too much. Maybe they really don't want you to get hurt. My grandmas were very mad at my Baba for making me learn how to cook but he doesn't easily listen to people. Unless it's my Mommy talking."        


"Your parents have a beautiful relationship. And they gave birth to a beautiful and talented son too."    

Rowan smiled sheepishly, "I also think I'm good."    

"Not gonna act humble?"    

"Nah. My Mommy says to accept the compliments shamelessly as long as you have the self-confidence to carry the weight of the compliment."    

"I must say your parents did raise a good son," commented Raelle sincerely.    

"Your best friend said it's difficult to hear a few words of compliment from you. So, should I feel good that I got complimented by Miss Raelle Xiang?"    

"You shouldn't listen to that fool so much."    

"I think Fai Ge is good too."    

"I have yet to meet someone who doesn't say he is good," said Raelle.    

"Good people are good no matter what others say," said Rowan. "You are too."    

"They say kids don't lie. So, I'll believe you."    

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