Married to the Devil's Son

Chapter 184 - 61

Chapter 184 - 61

"Help! Help!"

"Heaven!" Someone shook her gently.

Heaven shot her eyes open and the first thing she saw was a pair of silver eyes. She didn't know why she reacted by screaming, but Zamiel was quick to cover her mouth with his hand.

"It is only me." He assured her calmly.

She stared at him with wide eyed, her heart pounding painfully inside her chest.

"It was only a bad dream." He whispered.

Yes. It was only a dream. He was fine.

Just when he removed his hand, Kate and her guards barged into the room. Heaven sat up and Zamiel turned to the door.

Oh no!

Callum and Oliver were ready to fight but looked confused when saw Zamiel. Kate on the other hand was shocked. When she saw Zamiel sitting next to her on the bed, her eyes widened.

"Everything is alright and princess Heaven is safe. You can go back." Zamiel said, using a hypnotic tone.

Suddenly their expression changed. They looked like they had seen nothing. Turning around, they left without a word.

Zamiel turned back to her, looking concerned. "Are you alright?" He asked, cupping her cheek.

Heaven jumped up and hugged him before sobbing in his arms. She never thought it was only a dream. The warm blood against her fingers as she tried to stop the bleeding and his pained eyes had felt so real. She had truly believed that she stabbed him. She feared that she had lost him.

Zamiel wrapped his arms around her and stroke her back gently until she calmed down. Heaven pulled away from his hold and wiped her tears away. Her hair was soaked in sweat.

"What did you see that frightens you so?" He asked.

Heaven took a deep breath to calm down. She wanted to tell him about her nightmare, but she felt bad even having it. She could hurt him, but she didn't want him to think even for a moment that she had any intention of doing so.

"Zamiel. Do you trust me?" She asked.

"More than myself." He said, stroking her cheek. "And I want you to trust yourself."

Heaven nodded. "I am alright now." She assured him. "I didn't know you would come to see me."

He gave her a meek smile. "I told myself to stay away. I didn't mean to intrude. I was only worried."

She didn't mind the intrusion, but he was definitely a distraction. With him, she just wanted to be comfortable and let him take care of her. But she couldn't keep crying. Duties were awaiting.

"I should prepare to meet the king." She told him.

He gave her a nod, and Heaven pushed herself out of bed. "I need to get dressed." She said turning around. She expected Zamiel to say that he would leave, but he just sat there and stared at her.

"Do you want me to help you?" He asked at last.

Heaven was surprised. She tried to read his expression to know if he was being playful or serious, but his face gave nothing away.

"I don't think you can handle a dress." She told him. "It is more complicated than politics."

He chuckled. "I am sure. I leave you alone then."

Heaven nodded.

One moment he was sitting on the bed and the next he was standing in front of her. He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.

"Goodbye." He smiled before he vanished.

As always, Heaven felt the small butterflies in her stomach. She shook her head quickly before her thoughts went somewhere else.

Focus Heaven! She told herself.

While getting ready to meet King Rufus, Heaven thought of how she could help the young boys and girls without creating trouble.

Threatening him to stop wouldn't work unless she exposed that she could easily know if he went back to doing what he does.

Spreading rumors would stain his reputation, but would it stop him from committing such acts?

Unless he was punished for it, he wouldn't. And for him to get punished, there had to be evidence. The young boys would never expose him out of fear for their lives and their families. Even if they did, it would be their words against his.

His reputation getting stained would eventually lead to his downfall, but meanwhile he would unleash his fury on the innocent boys and girls. Heaven wanted to do it in a way that wouldn't harm them any further.

Another idea was the seal. If she got a hold on the seal, she would rightfully be the ruler, but without a war getting hold on the seal would be suspicious. Usually when an army wins, they would invade the castle, kill the king and give the seal to their own king. So the seal was not the solution to her problem.

She sighed. What was she supposed to do?

"My Lady, you look troubled." Kate pointed who was making her hair.

"I am." Heaven replied. "But it will be fine."

Once she was ready, she walked out of the room. A guard was already waiting for her and led her to a parlor where King Rufus was waiting. Heaven felt sick just looking at him.

Standing up, he smiled when he took notice of her. "What a pleasant surprise." He said, his eyes gleaming in a way that made her nauseous.

King Rufus took her hand and kissed her knuckles. "Welcome, princess Heaven."

Heaven forced a smile. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

He offered her to sit down and then dismissed the guards. Heaven knew they were standing right outside the door, yet she felt uncomfortable being alone with this man.

"I am surprised to see you here. I was informed a General would come." He began.

"Consider me one, Your Majesty." She told him.

He raised his brows, but then smiled. "I could help with that. I would let you become a General with no questioning."

Heaven knew what he was offering.

"I am here for the trade." Heaven said calmly.

"I already told your father I am not interested to work with him."

"Decresh would be a powerful ally. You want the royal army to help you. If this deal becomes successful, I will become a General. We could later negotiate." She explained.

He laughed. "Princess Heaven. No offence, but even if you became a General, the royal army would be far from your command."

"I wouldn't be so sure." She said, looking him in the eyes. "I know I am a woman, but I can assure you I am stronger than the strongest man in your army."

"That sounds like a challenge." He said.

"If you want to make it one, I accept it, Your Majesty."


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