Married to the Devil's Son

Chapter 183 - 60

Chapter 183 - 60

Heaven was surprised to see Zarin. What was he doing here?

She walked up to him. "Zarin, what brings you here?"

"I have been thinking and… I realized that I haven't been a good friend. I know this mission is important for you. I just want to be there for you this time and support you." He said.

"I am sorry, Zarin, but I can't take you with me. I need to do this alone. It won't be impressive if I take a man with me. It will make me look weak. I am only taking my guards with me." She explained.

"Then I will follow you as your guard." He insisted.

Heaven knew he wouldn't stop insisting. "Alright then." She said turning to Oliver. "Oliver, please bring more suitable clothes for Zarin so he looks like every other guard. Provide him with a horse as well."

Zarin looked at her, confused. "I can just teleport there." He whispered.

"If you want to follow me as my guard, follow me like every other guard." She told him.

There was no simple way out. He had to learn that supporting someone wasn't always easy.

Heaven turned around and got inside the carriage with Kate before they rode away.


"Yes, Your Highness."

Heaven didn't know how to ask. "What does it mean exactly that a man likes a man?"

Was it the same as a man liking a woman? How did a relationship like that work? There were so many things she was curious about, but she had felt embarrassed to ask Zamiel and Ilyas about details.

"It is forbidden and punishable by death." Kate said simply.

It seemed like the act was condemned and not liked by society. But why would someone be killed for liking someone else?

Heaven didn't feel good about this. She still had a lot to learn about society. Since she didn't know much, she didn't feel good about using something she did not know of against someone else. Especially if the punishment was severe.

But something else disturbed her. Why did Ilyas use the word exploit and why is the King using young boys? If he liked men, shouldn't he just be with the man he liked? How old were the boys? Heaven forgot to ask that question. Later at night, when they stopped to rest, she would call Ilyas.

She had to know more about King Rufus.

When the sun went down and the sky turned black, they stopped to eat and rest for a while. Zarin looked bored and tired, but smiled at her when he caught her looking at him.

Heaven excused herself, saying she needed to take care of her human needs in private. They understood that she wanted to Urinate. Kate offered to follow her, but Heaven refused.

Leaving on her own, she went into the woods and further into the darkness. Then she used her bracelet to call Ilyas. He appeared in an instant.

"Lady Heaven." He bowed.

"Ilyas, I don't feel right about using the information you gave me against the king. I can't condemn him because of the way he feels."

"Nor should you. You should condemn him because of his actions. This man does not simply like men or women. He is using them. He is ruining the lives of young boys, and even young girls. But you can't use the young girls against him since people don't find that to be wrong, but you can use the boys against him. He deserves to be punished, but I won't tell you what to do. I know punishing him might not benefit you."

If he was ruining lives, more than her benefits, she should save the young boys and girls. But that might bring war, and her father hated war. What was she supposed to do?

If she can save them, then she will, even though she didn't know how yet. As long as he was king, he could get himself new boys and girls. The only way to solve the problem for good was to take over the Kingdom. Not the mission she came for or was prepared for.

Ilyas noticed her worry. "My Lady, just go there and meet him. Then follow your own judgement. I will be there to support you." He said.

"Thank you." She told him and hurried back before they started wondering where she left.

Halfway back, she was surprised to find Zarin. "Are you alright? It felt like someone else was here." He said looking around.

"I am fine." She shrugged. "I saw no one."

Zarin was suspicious and kept looking around.

"Lets go back." She told him to distract him.

They went back and slept for the rest of the night. As soon as the sun rised, they continued with their journey.

During the rest of the journey, Heaven felt nervous. She thought of many ideas and ways to help the young boys and girls without creating trouble, but she couldn't find a good solution, and when they reached their destination, Heaven felt sick to her stomach.

As usual, they took away her guard's weapons before they could enter. Then she was taken to a guest room. "His Majesty will meet you tonight." A guard informed. "Make yourself comfortable."

Comfortable? She was so nervous she thought she would vomit. She couldn't even eat the food that was served.

"My Lady, are you alright?" Kate asked.

Did it show? She needed to get her act together. She couldn't afford to show weakness.

"I am fine." She assured.

Heaven decided to rest for a while before she could meet the king. Maybe with a rested mind she could think clearly. She got into bed and closed her eyes. Eventually she fell into a deep slumber.

Something felt strange when she woke up and opened her eyes. She looked to her left, just to find Zamiel sleeping next to her. What was he doing here? Heart pounding, slowly her hand reached under her pillow. She had hidden the dagger that Roshan gave her there. Grasping it, she slowly took it out. Sitting up carefully to not wake him up, she placed the tip of the dagger on his throat, right above his collarbone.

She had to finish the task before he woke up, so she pulled the dagger back and stabbed him in the throat.

Shocked, she pulled her hand away when Zamiel shot his eyes open. He reached for the dagger and pulled it out of his throat. Blood squirted out from the wound and he looked at her with eyes pained by the betrayal.

"I am sorry." She said, tears filling her eyes.

Her shaking hands tried to cover his wound quickly, to stop the bleeding. What has she done?

She panicked. The blood was not stopping. While tears streamed from her eyes, she called for help. She screamed for help.


???? Hello guys ????

Another chapter. Hope you enjoy it. Thank you for wishing me success on my exams. I have now only one left and then finally I can breathe ????. .

Hope all of you are staying safe in those hard times. Take care and lots of love ??

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