Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 28: Facing Large Army Battle

Chapter 28: Facing Large Army Battle

Johnny bows down a little to show his apology. Then, he silently asked, "A.I. doesn't this sounds more like Chaos Bearing Elephant Art?"

"Yes Host, there are some familiarities but due to insufficient data. A.I. can only state 'Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone can absorb any kind of energy and transform it into the pure form of energy.' But due to some restriction, it only absorbs energy which doesn't have any controller."

"Oh! This is why it wants me to kill. Fortunately, there are monsters otherwise I might not be able to earn any chaotic points." Johnny puts rubbed his chin and mumbled.

Suddenly, his dad called from afar "Johnny"

This call made him a little startled, he hurried towards his dad, and stood near him. His dad looks at him, and asked "Did you ask Robert about the inheritance?"

"Yes" Johnny nodded his, replying

"Okay then, you see that tower. Take this card and enter the tower. After that, all you need to do is survive. You should have learned many skills, only if you cross three hours then you can try the next level. This will be a long fight, so try to save your Mana and Spiritual energy." His dad explained while giving a black card to him.

"Johnny, do your best?" Suddenly, his grandfather said from the side. His words startled Johnny because he hasn't talked to his grandfather except introducing himself.

"Yes, grandfather" Johnny puts a smile on his face and said

"Good" His grandfather smiled at him, and then he moves towards the tower. Currently, almost everyone was looking at him. He was a little nervous, but he finally reached the door of the tower. He swipes his card, and the door opens. He walked in, and the door suddenly closes.

He found himself in a dark room. Suddenly, the light turns on and brightens the room. He found this room was at least a thousand miles in area. In front of him, the wolf starts appearing one after another. He found himself a little different too. He could feel, he is not an illusion but also not a real body.

As if someone created a clone for him. He was surprised with such magic, and then he looks at those wolves with excitement on his face. Somehow thinking of killing these wolves didn't bring any negative thoughts to his mind.

"Grr" "Roar"

He came to two conclusions. First, he wasn't fighting real, and second, he was fighting monsters. These monsters are the big threats to humanity, and he has seen many monsters tide near the blue dragon city. This also made his mindset strong but this doesn't mean he will kill innocents.

Before wolves try to attack him, he runs Mana in his body. He converts Mana into thunder energy. Thunder sparkles all around his body, and he finally saw a wolf running towards him. But this wolf wasn't alone. There were more than twenty wolves behind him, so he didn't hesitate anymore. He summoned thunder in his palm and shot a palm made out of the thunder.


The thunder palm rushed toward the wolves, with rumbling the sound around it. Thunder palm strikes against those wolves with "Boom". Thunder destroyed their body, making them disappear from this space.

Seeing this Johnny gripped his fist, and said "Alright, let's continue"

"Thunder Wisp" A long thunder wisp formed in the hands of Johnny, he used it to strike those wolves. But he soon felt overwhelming numbers of a wolf. Then he gritted his teeth "At least, on this level I don't want to get wounded."

Their power was the same for any cultivator with Fifth Grade Junior Martial or Magician but against Fei, it wasn't enough. He was a little sad about not choosing any wide-range attack arts. But he didn't stop and continuously used thunder energy, forming different attacks.

"Thunder Fist" A large thunder fist strikes against those wolves with another "Boom" but another group of wolves attacked him with their claws.

"Thunder Dance" His feet were completely covered in thunder where he used thunder to move, completely escaping each wolf claws. He stomped at the ground and jumped high in the air. He then uses "Thunder Wings" to support him.

Suddenly, another kind of dark energy appeared in his palm. His thunder wings were supported with thunder energy while his palm emits dark energy. Fortunately, with A.I.'s help, he was able to support both kinds of energy.

"Dark Arrows" Dark energy revolves around his palm, and starts forming a bow. Then, he visualized a perfect arrow. But he didn't stop in one arrow, he continuously formed three arrows, and shot.

He also saw some wolves jumping to attack him, so he targeted them first. Each arrow pierces the head of those wolves. He didn't even give a single time to retaliate by using attacking with arrows. Suddenly, the dark bow disappeared from his hand, and thunder energy started forming a long spear.

"Though you aren't created as a wide-range attack but thunder is destructive, so go and destroy them" Johnny created a big at least five meters long and three meters wide spear above his hand, and threw at the wolves.

Seeing the thunder spear, wolves didn't panic or run instead they used their own body to block the attack. They thought with large numbers, they can stand against this thunder spear but they forget the amount of thunder energy in that thunder spear.

"Boom" Thunder's spear collides against those wolves, completely erasing their existence. Until now, Johnny has only killed five hundred but his Mana was already half. This made him a little panic but he soon returned to normal.

Then, he stopped the thunder wings and landed on the ground. He looked at those wolves staring at him with red eyes. He thought 'This might be the first time, but I am sure it will work."

"War God Bloodline- Warrior Arm" Johnny shouted, and his blood started boiling. He felt an enormous amount of stamina, and strength in his body. Without any hesitation, he starts swings his right hand. He made a claw shape in his right palm. Then, he stomped at the ground and rushed towards the wolves.

"Azure Dragon Claw"

Johnny emits spiritual energy throughout his body and created a virtual claw made out of spiritual energy. He then shouted "Illusionary Thunder Body"

This was the first stage of Real Thunder Body Tempering Art, here he can summon thunder all around his body like thunder magic but this thunder made his body itself like a body of thunder. Though, his body could still be touched or hit.

Suddenly, a trace of lightning energy flows from his illusionary thunder body to the azure dragon claw. Then, a large azure dragon claw strikes against those wolves with all of its might.


Azure Dragon Claw swept more than five hundred of a wolf with just a single attack. Then, he let his illusionary thunder body disappeared, and released metal energy from his inner space. He felt little pain due to the energy, in his blood veins. He knew these veins were still not strong enough to hold a large amount of attributed spiritual energy.

But he bears all those pain and supports those metal energy. Then, he raises his palm like a tiger's mouth. After all those metal spiritual energies created a metallic tiger head, he clutched his fingers.

"White Tiger Bites" With his motions, the big tiger head pounced at those wolves and shuts its mouth. Though its attack range was much, Johnny created a tiger head-on after another. Due to the big size of the tiger's head, it bites at least hundreds of wolves at a time. But that wasn't all, due to the impact of its bite, many other wolves also got injured.

"White Tiger Bites" "White Tiger Bites" "White Tiger Bites" "White Tiger Bites" "White Tiger Bites"

He attacked with the same moves five times, killing more than five hundred wolves. But this doesn't stop here, due to overkill even though they were made out of the illusion, they began to fear.

But he didn't intend to stop there. He jumped up and created a large thunder ball in his palm. Its shape was at least fifty meters in diameter but he also knows he has spent all of his Mana. He controlled the ball, and began to pounce towards the wolves with a huge shout "Thunder Ball"

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