Magic and Martial War God

Chapter 27: Level of Inheritance

Chapter 27: Level of Inheritance

"A.I. you seem to be tired so that you forget to show Red Sun Spear Technique." Johnny didn't find Red Sun Spear Technique in the column of Martial Art, so he asked.

"Sorry Host but due to overuse of soul power by the A.I. Its efficiency decreased," A.I. answered honestly in his mind

"Oh, well just rest soon I'll think of a way to increase my soul energy so that you don't have to suffer" Johnny didn't mind about A.I. mistakes in fact he felt he is too dependent on A.I.

"Today, I should go out and meet my parents," Johnny said to himself and opened the door. He walked out and saw his younger sister watching T.V. After seeing Johnny, Jessica shouted jumping in his embrace "Brother, you shut yourself for so long." The first thing, she did was complain about this.

Her words made Johnny shake his head, laughing at himself. Johnny touched her head and said "I was a little busy to get strong. By the way, where are father and mother?"

"They seem to be waiting for you outside" Jessica answered as if they already knew Johnny would come out today without reminding him.

"Alright, let's go," Johnny said, and he took Jessica with him. They walked out and saw their parents waiting for them in a long car. They went in and sat in the respective seats. Jack looked at Johnny and said with a smirk "You got stronger"

"Of course, you didn't expect me to waste my time doing nothing, right?" Johnny rolled his eyes, clearing indicating his hard work

"Now let's talk something serious. After we reach there, Johnny will go with me and Jane while Jessica will stay there with her uncle. Johnny, you need to go through the trial and stay there for at least 30 minutes." Jack said this is something serious, but his words made Johnny and Jessica depressed, thinking 'What is so serious about this?'

"Alright, don't mind your dad's words. Johnny, you just need to use your full strength." Jane patted her husband shoulder and looking at Johnny, she gently said

"Yes mom" Johnny seriously nodded.

After a while, they reached in front of a big tower. This tower was at least 100 meters longs and covered an area of 200 meters. There were many people standing near the tower. Jack's car stopped at the gate. They got up and walked in. Most of them wear pants and suits. Even Johnny's father was wearing the same clothes.

Everyone was in party clothes while Johnny was simply wearing blue trousers and a white t-shirt. He walks in with his family. Many people started whispering about him, while he didn't care about it. They walked straight to the middle of the stage. There was one old man sitting on the sofa in the middle while another middle-aged man and some women sitting on another sofa.

"Father" Jack called while walking near the old man,

"Jack, my son" Old man also got up from the sit. They hug each other for a moment, and Jack went to hug his mom. Johnny's grandmother looks nothing like a grandmother, in fact, she is beautiful enough to make average college students fall in love at first sight.

His mother was the same doing the same, he also hugs another old man which was supposed to be her dad. But he looks a little weak due to some injuries. After the family reunion, Robert who was looking at all this from afar, walk near Johnny, slapping his shoulder said "Cousin, did you forget about your older cousin after winning a match?"

"Ouch, don't hit so hard. And I didn't forget about you but I was busy practicing some battle arts." Johnny rubbed the place where Robert hit him and shouted straight at him. This time, Robert felt little difference, when he hit Johnny he felt hitting a rock with his palm.

After looking at his red palm, he pouted at Johnny "Monster"

"Who are you calling a monster?" Johnny rebuke Robert

"Of course you, do think anyone can achieve such a hard body in so short time?" Robert speechlessly made remarks at Johnny's strength. He had funny expressions outside but from the inside, he was very shocked remembering Johnny's talent to understand battle arts so fast.

"Little cousin," A sweet voice rings from Johnny's behind. This voice belongs to someone non-other than Natasha.

"Cousin Natasha, I am not little and we are about the same age." Just by hearing the voice, he recognized the person. He didn't even look back, slapping his forehead, he said shaking his head helplessly.

"Humph! You are weaker than me, so you are my little cousin" Natasha was wearing a white princess dress, she puts both of her hands at her waist and pouted

"Maybe not" Johnny shakes, but he didn't continue to argue. He looked at his dad talking to his grandfather. He was sure they were talking about the inheritance. Then he looked at Robert and asked "Cousin, do you know any about the Inheritance?"

"Yes, I forget today you are going through inheritance." Robert made a silly expression, then he continued with the serious expression "This inheritance was gathered by our family here. There was already inheritance we got after that catastrophe but he wasn't satisfied. So, he traveled twenty years in the endless space, gather powerful inheritance of War God Family and Dark God Family.

But he got this inheritance for nothing. He has to fight many opponents for these inheritances. He found himself, too old to receive such inheritance so; he brought it back for our generations. This is simply the inheritance palace which he uprooted from its original position. There are three levels of this inheritance; Spirit, Earth, and Heaven.

In Spirit level inheritance, you got to fight to survive for three hours against the five thousand monsters of the same realm as yours. In Earth level inheritance, you got to survive against the five thousand monsters of one grade higher than yours for three hours. Finally, in Heaven level inheritance, you got to survive against the same numbers of monsters two grades higher than yours for three hours."

"Hmm! This doesn't seem to be much hard." Fei mumbled, hearing Robert was about to laugh at him but he stopped when he saw Johnny looking at him with focused eyes "What would happen if you kill them all?"

"Little cousin are you sure you don't have a fever?" Natasha, who was hearing them, suddenly walk near Johnny, put her hand on his forehead, and asked with a silly expression.

Johnny just ignored her, and looked at Robert and asked "What If?"

"Heh" Robert chuckled, then suddenly his expression changed to the serious one and he said, "If you do that, then you'll get the highest level inheritance."

"Hehe, highest-level, this is going to be fun" Johnny giggled while thinking how to defeat everyone. Suddenly, he asked inside his head 'Stone, If I kill all of them then won't I be getting five thousand chaotic points'

'Yes, but only if they are really being, not an illusion. Of course, if they are illusion then you can only get one point by defeating a hundred monsters at the same level.' Through A.I. Johnny heard the words of the Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone.

Hearing it, Johnny was a little sad. If they were really illusion then he would gain less benefit. So, he immediately asked, "Cousin, are those monsters made out of illusions?"

"How do you know?" Robert was a little shocked about Johnny finding out the truth. After all, not many people know about illusions since they are very rare. Then he nodded, "Yes, so even if you die inside, you'll just be kicked out. But even though it is an illusion, you won't feel any changes inside. You can still exert a hundred percent of your power"

"Hmm! This is a little confusing" Johnny mumbled because he was confused since they are illusions, why is the Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone giving a chaotic point after killing them. Suddenly, he heard the voice of A.I. "After analyzing, A.I. finds out about the energy conversion of Primal Chaos Celestial Dao Stone. It can convert any kind of energy into pure energy."

"What?" Johnny shouted in shock, his voice gathered some attention towards him, which made him very embarrassed.

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