Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 195: Pyromaniac Chaos

Chapter 195: Pyromaniac Chaos

Noah knew that this move he was going to try to make now was too risky. It was to the point that he was 95% sure he was going to die trying to do this, but Valorwatch was not a solo game, and that was exactly what he was counting on to win the game.

From a distance, Noah could already see Leroy's team apparently preparing to move closer to the castle. As much as Noah tried to reach the opposing team as quickly as possible to try to catch them off guard, unfortunately he didn't make it in time.

But that was as expected.

As he already knew the location of the opposing team, Noah informed his team and just followed the group from afar. Within minutes his team reached the position they were in and the plan was finally going to come into action.

With a bit of a whimsical smile on his face, Noah put aside most of his worries and began to teleport around Leroy's team.


{Is Lucifer for the first time taking common action? What is happening? Why is he just watching the opposing team from a distance?} the narrator asked puzzled.

"Look at the map; his team is quickly approaching where the opposing team is. We will probably see the end of the game right now, or Leroy's team might do something about it and be able to eliminate Lucifer's team with a counterattack. " Tixinha commented, paying close attention to the movements of the two teams.

{That manic smile that Lucifer has on his face... makes me both worried and excited to know what he will do next! Look at that! He is moving; I believe now he will attack!}


{He teleported to Leroy's team! What will he do alone against the five players?! What?! I knew Lucifer had a Blessing related to the flames, but since when can he control the flames like a flamethrower like that? He's basically using both hands to set the opposing team on fire directly!} the narrator said in surprise.

{What a great job from the opposing team! While Lucifer is teleporting around, the warriors with large shields are doing their best to contain those flames that Lucifer is producing. You can see from their expression that even through the shields they are feeling a lot of pain... powerful will- Wait, what is Leroy doing?! Why is his body starting to glow?!}

"It is his ability! For the first time Leroy will use his ability against Lucifer. Will it have any kind of result?!" Toboco got up from the chair he was sitting on to try to get a better look at the scene that was unfolding on the screen.


With his body glowing, Leroy tried to be as quick as possible to shout his skill. "Leeeeerooooooyyy Jeeeeennkiiiins!!!!!!!"

(Author Note: With his name being Leroy, I felt compelled to use "Leeroy Jenkins" as his shout hehe.)

With that cry, all the golden light that Leroy was gathering around him exploded as it advanced in all directions, fixing itself on everything that touched the path of its projection.

But despite this, Lucifer had teleported to a distant place the moment he saw that Leroy was about to let that light explode. As soon as the light was fixed on the surfaces, Lucifer teleported around him again while using both hands as a pair of flamethrowers and continued burning his opponents to death once again.

In anger, Leroy returned to gathering energy around himself as he watched his teammates being slowly killed. Within minutes, a player on his team had already died, while two others were on fire as well. As much as the warriors with the shields tried their best to hold back as much of the flames as they could, it was impossible to defend against all the flames that were apparently infinite.

"Leeerooooy Jeeeeeeeeeenkins!!" This time Leroy's scream was even louder and faster. Noah had no time to dodge the golden rays of light and was hit while trying to teleport away.

"Mwahahahaha!!! Finally you were hit, asshole! Come attack me!" Leroy shouted at the devil in front of him, while he was very excited to see that the two pairs of flamethrowers were coming straight at him.

Leroy's skill was exactly what was forcing Noah to act that way. What he most wanted at that moment was to move away, but whatever was considered as an enemy by Leroy who was hit by that light would momentarily lose control of his own body and would act in automatic mode trying to attack him. It was as if Leroy's shout was a powerful taunt that would irritate any opponent.

Noah had lost control of his body, but it was still burning flames over and over. As he ran towards Leroy, the flames in both hands were devouring all the opponents in his path, until an arrow finally pierced Noah's head and transformed his body into particles, indicating Lucifer's death.


{What?! Lucifer really died?! He managed to kill three players before he died while leaving one on fire and Leroy apparently untouched, but was it worth it?!} The narrator asked the analysts.

"Do you really think it wasn't worth it? Look at the map and imagine what will happen next, hehe." Tixinha said while standing beside Toboco, watching the game through the screen very excited.

{What's happening on the map? The only thing I see is... Damn, they're smart! Lucifer's team was not simply standing around doing nothing while their captain sacrificed himself!}


As the narrator said what was going on in the game, several powerful sounds emerged.

*Booom Booom Booom Booom Booom*

These were the outbursts of James' skill, who was currently bombing the place where the survivors of the opposing team were huddled together.

Leroy didn't even have time to think, since in addition to the bombs, arrows started to invade the place they were in and a pair even hit him in the chest. Leroy's life span at that time was already counted; his death was decreed.

Realizing this, all the happiness he had had in killing Lucifer was gone, only giving way to rage once again for realizing that more than half of his team had been killed by Lucifer again, and worse, apparently had fallen once again in his trap: this time clearly being a suicide trap.


The message of victory appeared in front of the players from Team From Hell, causing the four players alive to start the scream of joy, feeling fulfilled for being able to win the championship!

They didn't even imagine they could win a championship like this before inviting Noah to the team. Their goal was to at least be selected from the 32 best teams and get an acceptable ranking in the middle on the table.

But unlike what they imagined, instead of just being an average team, they climbed to the top, much of the reason being Noah, but it still didn't diminish the happiness they were feeling for having won this tournament.

Meanwhile, Noah, who had already disconnected from Valorwatch, finally blew out a breath. He couldn't take this tournament anymore. As much as it was a lot of fun, he had been very tired these last few days.

"This is finally over..." Noah said to himself.

Despite being very tired, a small smile was still visible in the corner of his mouth, making it very evident that he was also happy to have won that championship with his friends.


{Victory! The From Hell Team won the victory! Damn, what a surprising ending. Lucifer, who in almost every game has always tried to play in a more secure and guaranteed strategy, this time surprised us with an apparently kamikaze strategy, which even though he knew he was going to die, still tried to take as many opponents to death with him so that his team could shine and play a key role in their victory. What do you think about that?!} the narrator said frantically.

"Well, I would say that the strategy was probably one of the worst that they could have used in this final confrontation," Tixinha said in an emotionless way, which made the public indignant with him once again, before he completed it with, "But from the manic and happy smile he gave while running to the opposing team without worries, I would say it was worth it. Valorwatch is a game; games are meant to be fun, and that smile that Lucifer gave at the end of the game, it certainly showed us that he was also having fun in the meantime."

Hearing the end of Tixinha's sentence made the audience understand what he meant and agree with him.

That smile from Lucifer at the end of the game was even a little scary, but everyone realized that he was having fun. Even though he had had fun running to his death, it wasn't like he was really going to die. It was just a game in a round that Lucifer even still had a life left to use if he died.

{Now I want to know about you. Are you as excited as I am to find out what Lucifer's real face looks like in the interview with the champions?!}


Please read the author's notes down here! he he he :3 ↓↓↓

This championship is killing me, write it in a way that is not boring is harder than I though finally this is ending, when it was over the daily chapters will raise again to 3-4 chapters he he he!

And finally this championship is over!!! I'm so happy... damn!!! Now I can write more fun things again lolol.

[1/13 Extra chapters.] [2/2 Daily Chapter.]

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