Lucifer's Descendant System

Chapter 194: You Are Wrong

Chapter 194: You Are Wrong

"Fuck... Those screams made me a little shivery," Kevin commented while looking at the place where Leroy's team had died a few seconds ago. Their screams seemed like they were truly being burned alive, not like in a game where almost everyone used pain sensitivity 10x lower than the real one.

"If that's what they felt inside the game, I'm even afraid to think about what it feels like to be burned by those flames in the real world," James also commented, a little scared. Fortunately, this was not the first time they had heard screams like that from other players, but they also couldn't say that one day they would get used to it.

"If you want, I can help with that wish. How about it?" Noah responded with an evil smile as he floated a small flame in his hand.

That scene certainly traumatized his teammates a bit, as Kevin and James even took a small step back to avoid him.

"Do you think they're coming back?" Carlos asked Noah while ignoring Kevin and James' reaction.

Noah stopped playing with the two of them and made a serious expression once again as he answered, "That is unlikely to happen. At least, if they are not stupid, which is quite possible, they will not come back without a proper plan. I bet my chips that they are currently complaining and trying to come up with some strategy to try to deal with us. And particularly, this is the moment I prefer to counter-attack most."

"I have to agree, they must believe that we will stay inside the castle to try to set another trap. Even if we lose our territorial advantage, it will be worth it in exchange for the surprise factor," Mateo agreed with Noah.

"What is the next tactic going to be?" James asked as he approached again.

"Pyromaniac chaos?" Noah asked with a smile appearing on his face once again.

"As much as you scare me from time to time, I have to agree that this may be the best tactic for this moment," James replied as he sighed.


{Wow !!! Lucifer alone defeated all the players on the opposing team once again?! The first time he dealt with a team that had a player using a hack, but this time he dealt with a team that had a player almost in Rank C! What will be his next feat? Do you think he has one more hidden skill?} the presenter said with great excitement, agreeing with the audience that he was as excited as they were.

"My dear friend Toboco, once again he managed to make us play the fool. How did he manage to develop so many powerful skills at such a young age? Maybe he comes from a big family in a big city?" Tixinha asked his fellow analyst.

"I thought the same thing. Someone with a Rank C Blessing in the city of Eyrin could already be considered a nobleman, but not at the point where he is. From what I've observed, I would even risk saying that he has a Blessing even greater than that," Toboco said with a serious expression.

"You mean ... a Rank B Blessing?! Do you know how serious that is?! Usually only a maximum of three people appear every 50 years in this city with a Blessing like that, and those people hardly ever stay in the city. Almost immediately the big families in bigger cities drown these people with so much money and privileges that nobody stays here. Is Lucifer one of those lucky ones?!" Tixinha asked, very excited.

The public was also even more excited to hear the assumptions these two analysts were making. Seeing a Blessed Rank C was already something extremely rare and unique in their lives; many even died without seeing a blessed Rank C in person. But now the two analysts were saying that in this championship there was a person with a Blessing as powerful as Rank B competing among them, a person who in the future could even rule the city of Eyrin above the Blessed Rank C that no one could object against?! That was very fortunate for those barely Blessed and ordinary people who were watching the championship.

"Well, even if he didn't come from a powerful family in a big city, surely those families already know about him now. It will probably just be a matter of time before someone contacts him to make him go to bigger heights! For someone so young to have such high control over so many skills, it will be difficult for them to go unnoticed," Tixinha said excitedly, already truly believing that they had discerned exactly what was going on.

"I have to say that he was very smart. Since the beginning of the championship he has been hiding cards up his sleeve, probably waiting for this moment, hoping to be able to reveal everything in the finals and maybe make the best championship finale we have ever had in our city, and I can say, at least for me, this final will surely be unforgettable!" Toboco completed, as excited as his friend.

Seeing that in the game Leroy's team had already recovered and was swearing with rage on all sides, the narrator felt it was time to take control of the broadcast. {With a big reveal like this, the only way to find out if it's true or not will be to follow the game's development. Apparently Leroy's team is very angry about being caught in an unknown trap like this, and Lucifer's team is taking advantage of this opportunity to make a surprise attack. What surprises me even more is that even after using such powerful attacks, Lucifer is still acting as if he has enough energy to spare! How big is this young man's energy base?! Will he still have another amazing skill to show us?}

While the narrator, analysts, and the audience were crazy with excitement about Lucifer's demonstration, Leroy and his team were also going crazy, but for a different reason.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" Leroy screamed with all his might into the air as he aimed with the sword he carried at the From Hell team's castle.

He had invaded that place thinking that as long as he used the Blessing he had, hardly anything could kill him, but who would have imagined that Lucifer would be able to kill all five players without them even getting to see where he was.

He didn't even manage to use his Blessing, which made him extremely confident in dealing with that idiot.

"Damn it! I'm going to skin that motherfucker alive! What the fuck was that with that fucking fire?! That shit hurt more than when I invaded a Rank D Fortress made of fire! The Boss attack wasn't even near that painful! Shit!" Leroy continued cursing while his teammates stood aside for a while, also very angry, but trying not to show it near Leroy so that he would not be even more stressed and do something stupid.

"This time this coward will see. Let's come up with a plan to deal with him. If he doesn't want to get out of that fucking castle, we'll make him die in that shit!" Leroy kept shouting as he gathered his teammates to come up with a real plan instead of just walking towards the castle as if nothing could affect them. After all, now he knew there really was something that could affect them.

Since he had confidence in his own Blessing and knew that without a preparation like that inside the castle Lucifer would not be able to do anything to try to kill him, Leroy was sure that Lucifer would not try to leave from there. Just as a turtle always trusted its own shell to defend himself, as it knows that it is protected inside, Leroy believed that Lucifer was like a turtle, that he would not have the courage to abandon his shell to try to deal with them outside the castle.

But at this point Leroy was terribly wrong. Noah and his team had already left the castle by that time, not to look for another ideal place to try to set a trap, but rather to look for Leroy and his team and get it over with once and for all.


{My God! Lucifer and his team are really leaving the castle!? What is happening?! If he stays in there for another 20 minutes, as they have already killed the opposing team once and have an advantage in kills, the victory will be considered theirs... It does not make sense to abandon the guaranteed victory to go after the opposing team that is likely to be prepared.} the narrator said in a concerned manner.

"That's where you're wrong!" Tixinha said, getting even more excited when he saw what was happening on the screen. "For Lucifer to be moving in a way like this, it's probably not because he thinks he can't win at the castle, but that he must think it will be an even faster and easier victory if he goes after Leroy! This is what I love about Valorwatch: how much emotion you can see in one game!"

"At this point you are right, my dear friend Tixinha, if that skill he showed earlier was so surprising, I am eager to find out what he will show us next. Will a new skill come out?! My God, I don't think I can even imagine how this boy trains. At his age I was still starting to think about developing my skills more deeply, but looking at the level he's already at, I just hope this new skill really works!" Toboco said very excitedly, but with a hint of concern.


Please read the author's notes down here! he he he :3 ↓↓↓

This championship is killing me, write it in a way that is not boring is harder than I though finally this is ending, when it was over the daily chapters will raise again to 3-4 chapters he he he!

[1/13 Extra chapters.] [1/2 Daily Chapter.]

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