Love The Psycho

Chapter 88: Finding Aaron Saint 1

Chapter 88: Finding Aaron Saint 1

A week had passed by quickly since Leo Martins left to find Aaron Saint.

August Maijune was discharged from the hospital and was back home, but she spent most of the time at Liyah's villa. Leo Martins phone wasn't going through and all means of contact was lost.

Liyah was worried about Leo Martins, Aaron Saint and now August Maijune. She was unusually quiet. She ate her meals and took her medicine on time but she was quiet. Her silence made Liyah even more worried and cautious. Liyah was afraid that she would do something to herself or act rashly hence Liyah never let August out of her sight.

It was almost the same routine each day for both of them since August was discharged. August acted so obedient that it scared Liyah.

Every morning, before Liyah wakes up, August had cleaned and dusted the entire house, prepared breakfast, ate, took her medicine, watched TV and slept.

It was like, her will to live was usurped and her daily activities drawn out. Just like this morning.

It was a Sunday, exactly a week since they heard from Leo Martins. The news of the missing plane was broadcasted on all news platforms but Kash made sure that no news about Aaron being a part of the missing plane was let out.

This was because, their enemies were likely to use that news to work against them. Old Master Saint took over all the work of the company at home. He was still energetic to work from home.

Every day, the old Master would call and speak to August Maijune. Liyah felt that the old Master was even stronger than both she and August. He was like their emotional support and told them not to worry because Aaron and Leo will return safely.

Liyah woke up today and as usual when she went to the hall she saw August Maijune sitting in the hall holding her purple teddy bear watching TV. August has been following every single news that had anything to do with the missing plane. She sat with her eyes glued to the TV every day. Morning, afternoon and evening.

Liyah saw a few dishes on the table and smiled. She went over and sat on the table and picked her cutlery and started to eat.

There were two people in the house but it seemed it was just another empty apartment. They lived together and did their own things in the same space.

Lately, Liyah occupied herself with her designs. She made a lot of designs.

Her mini fashion show was slated for this week but she had cancelled it because of the situation at hand.

Liyah didn't want to mob around the house least she became a lifeless doll so she concentrated and directed all her worries into sewing and making new designs. She also brought a lot of novels from Saint's villa to her place to keep August occupied. August barely read anything besides sitting in the same position and posture every day watching and waiting for news of Aaron.

Liyah finished her meal and picked a bottle of wine and two glasses and went to the hall. Liyah sat on the floor closer to August and nudged her.

August looked at Liyah and frowned at the bottle of wine saying 'isn't it too early to drink wine?'

'I know, but I felt that I might go crazy watching you if I didn't drink something strong. This wine has 45% alcohol in it. Let's drink and get knocked off for some time before we go back to reality'. Liyah said as she opened the wine and started pouring it into the glasses.

'Big sis, do you think is my fault that Aaron Saint is missing? I think everything that has happened is my fault'.

August asked as she took the glass of wine and gulped it all at once and pointed it at Liyah for a refill. Liyah filled August's glass again as they chatted.

'I don't think so. I think that, what happened was meant to happen anyway and not one of us could have prevented it from happening'. Liyah said.

'But, if I hadn't told him his presence was irritable, he wouldn't have gone to Macau in the first place. He went away because he didn't want to disturb me. Big sis, no matter how much I think about it. I don't think I can forgive myself'. August said as she gulped the wine again.

'Don't be too hard on yourself, August'. Liyah said as she drank her wine too.

'I was being an insensitive bitch to him. Now, is biting me back in my face. Aaron Saint didn't deserve the way I treated him. Why am I like this? Why did I realise how important he is and how good he was to me now that I can't even see him? I'm such a fool, right?'. August smiled sadly.

'You know, sometimes, it takes the hard way to learn and appreciate what we have. I'm sure Aaron knows you must be worried sick about him. He will come back, soon, August Maijune'. August chuckled and clicked her glass with Liyah.

'He had better come sooner or else I won't forgive him. How dare he go missing without my permission? Does he know how worried I am about him?' August said.

'You don't really hate him, right? You sound like you really, really missed him now? Unlike before, you weren't sure if you missed him or was just curious about him, right?' Liyah asked looking at August.

'Absence makes the heart fonder I guess. I think I really, really, really missed him big sis. Who cares whether I remember him or not? What matters is that he is the one who cares about me the most in the whole world. We can get to know each other from now. Right?' August said.

'Yes, that's the August Maijune I know. Come, let's drink till we can't walk to our rooms. I have beer in the fridge. Let's drink all the cans of beer in the fridge'. Liyah lifted her glass up and clicked it with August's glass.

'Yes, let's drink till we are drunk. Big sis, where is my phone?'. August asked.

'Check beside you'. August turned and saw the phone. She smiled drunkenly and picked the phone 'is here' August took the phone and unlocked it. The screen was a picture of she and Aaron smiling as they sat on a bicycle.

'Big sis, do you remember when I took this picture with Aaron Saint?' August asked and showed the picture to Liyah.

'Mmm, I don't really remember much. I think this picture was taken before we became familiar with each other' Liyah said drunkenly 'do you know? The first time we met? You were a complete arrogant bitch to me'.

'Really? Did I insult you?' August asked.

'Oh, you even warned me to stay away from Aaron Saint. You told me he was your man'.

'Ah, ah, ah' August laughed 'really I said that? big sis, forgive me if I was rude to you'.

'You were rude, but you are simply cute and adorable. I can't afford to even hate you' Liyah said and they both laughed.

'I missed Leo. My Leo Martins' Liyah said and sighed.

'I missed Aaron Saint. My Aaron Saint'

The two of them drunk all the alcohol in the fridge and were completely wasted. They were so drunk that they didn't even realised two men had entered the house.

Leo Martins and Aaron Saint frowned and looked at each other when the saw the scene before them. The two women were wasted and as they laid sprout on the floor.

'Looks like we have a lot of explaining to do. Take care of your woman, I will take care of mine'. Leo said and Aaron nodded his head weakly.

He lifted August Maijune up and went out towards his villa while Leo carried Liyah up towards the bedroom.


Aaron put August Maijune on the bed and sighed. He was weak and tired but after looking at the woman on the bed, she looked so drunk and reeked of alcohol that he couldn't ignore her.

He sighed and removed her clothes before wrapping her with the blanket and sent her to the bathroom. He washed her up and she vomited on him. After he was done with her and brought her back to the bed, he was tired and couldn't do anything about himself. He just removed his shirt and pants that were now wet and put them away. He changed into a pyjamas trouser and laid on the bed closer to her. He watched her as she slept and slowly drifted into a deep sleep himself. He moved closer and hugged the girl as he slept.

Seeing her again after so long, he felt at peace and relaxed. It was like all the pain he went through was nothing compared to this moment that she was now in his arms.

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