Love The Psycho

Chapter 87: Am I worried about him?

Chapter 87: Am I worried about him?

'Don't stress yourself too much. I believe your memories will come back soon and you will remember who Aaron Saint is and what he means to you' Liyah patted August on her shoulder as she spoke.

'Big sis, do you think he is doing well, wherever he is?' August asked.

'You really seem to be worried about him?' Liyah said and looked at her curiously.

'Well, he seemed like a good person so I hope that he is doing well wherever he is now. And I also hope that it is not because of me that he had gone somewhere far. I have the feeling that he left because of what I said to him. I guess I am just feeling guilty that's all'. August said as she dug into the noodles.

'Really? But, apart from been worried. Don't you feel anything else?' Liyah asked.

August took a sip of water and looked at Liyah suspiciously asking 'big sis, why are you asking me all these questions? I hope you don't expect me to say things like I suddenly fell in love with him and only realised it after he left, right? Come on, which era are we in? People don't fall in love like that?

But, I will be honest with you. When he is around, I feel weird around here, my heart but since he left, I feel some emptiness. Maybe subconsciously I missed him? I don't know. All this talk about feelings feels new and strange to me. Let's not talk about that again or I might fall sick again'.

The phone beeped signifying the other party had ended the call. Liyah looked at the phone. She really hoped that what Aaron Saint heard was enough to make him come back home.

Liyah knew he wasn't doing well and he was just hiding behind his work to deal with the situation and she hoped he would take time and rested before he really broke down.




Aaron Saint put the phone on the table and stood up. He looked at the pile of paper work laying around the room and went into the bathroom feeling exhausted.

Aaron Saint turned on the shower and allowed the water to wash down him as he stood on the shower tub. He finished bathing and walked out almost tumbling over a table due to fatigue.

Aaron Saint picked his phone and made a call 'get me a flight to D-City for next tomorrow morning and let Leo pick me up'.

Aaron disconnected the call and sat on the bed. He coughed and picked a pack of cold medicine on the table and opened it. He removed a pill and chewed it and drank some water before laying on the bed. His body seemed to be heating up.

Aaron touched his forehead and felt his fever increasing. He looked malnourished and emaciated. For the past two weeks that he had gone to Macau, he hadn't eaten any proper food. He had locked himself in the hotel room and worked himself to this state.

His body was weak and his temperature was very high. He hadn't shaved for the past two weeks and looked a little rugged. The call just now somehow made him feel better though he knew not to have any expectation or hope whatsoever for anything because to August Maijune he was now a complete stranger. Someone she couldn't recognised and therefore didn't need around her. His heart grew cold the more he thought about her not recognising or remembering anything about him.

Her words made him feel somewhat better and he was going back to take his chances. He couldn't wait and let her alone. He needed her. He felt he couldn't live or do anything worth it if he didn't see her face.

The past weeks was hard for him, he didn't see her nor heard from her. But now that he heard her voice and her words that seem to be filled with worry and concern for him, he just couldn't pretend that he didn't missed her. He missed her so much. He didn't think his feelings for her would grow so strong this way. Indeed, absence makes the heart fonder. Now, he just wanted to go back and see her face, feel her scent and maybe hug her.

Only that he didn't know that seeing her again was going to be much difficult and harder than he thought. Only that he didn't know the future and the plans fate had for the two of them.




August Maijune woke up abruptly on the bed with sweat over her body. It was still early night around 20:30PM. She took a nap after Liyah went downstairs to buy coffee from the caf.

The dream that woke her up was about Aaron Saint. She had a dream that he was involved in an accident. August looked scared as she removed the covers and got down from the bed. She opened the fridge and removed a bottle of water and unscrewed it and drunk.

She heaved a relief and put the water down and turned to go back to bed and heard voices coming from outside and frowned. She recognised the owners of those voices and decided to go closer and listen.

Outside August Maijune's ward.

Liyah looked at Leo and Kash worriedly as she asked 'what do you mean his plane went missing? How is that possible, Leo?'

'The airport called me an hour ago, the plane he boarded suddenly developed technical problems. and the weather wasn't so good so they can't locate their location right now' Leo said and tussled his hair frustrated. Liyah stepped back leaning on the wall and sighed.

'This is bad. Aaron told me he wasn't feeling well and I told him to come straight to the hospital for check-up. His voice didn't sound so good. I just hope he is alright'. Kash added.

The door to the ward opened and August walked out and looked at them. They all turned and saw her.

August looked at the three people in front of her. she studied their expressions and from what she heard, she knew something wasn't right. something was wrong and it had to do with Aaron Saint.

'August, what are you doing here? I thought you were asleep?' Liyah asked.

August walked out and looked at them before speaking 'what happened to Aaron Saint? You just said something about his flight whatever. Tell me, is not true, right? Where is Aaron Saint? What happened to him? I heard what you said, so tell me the truth'

'August, you are still not fit, you should go and sleep'. Kash tried to hold her and August stepped back. And stopped him with her hand.

'I asked what happened to Aaron Saint?' August screamed and her eyelashes twitched and her lips trembled.

'His plane went missing in the early hours of today'. Leo said and they all looked at August.

'What? How is that possible?' August asked and chuckled 'how did that happen?' She asked again.

'He asked me to pick him up today at the airport but when I got there, his plane wasn't in and the airport said it was delayed due to some weather conditions. They said the fog was too bad in the early morning. But, just now, I received a call that the plane went missing a few hours ago'. Leo explained.

Liyah caught August as her limps grew weak. Liyah supported August and held unto her.

'No, please, Leo. Do something. Don't let anything happen to Aaron, I beg you'. August pleaded in tears.

'Don't worry August, I will find Aaron. In fact, I will be leaving with my crew tonight to search for him. The plane couldn't have left the outskirts of Macau. I will find him'. Leo assured August.

'August let's go back inside. Leo needs to go and find Aaron. Come on, let's go in'. Liyah helped August and they went inside.

Leo Martins removed his phone and made a call as he walked out of the hospital.

Liyah helped August to sit on the bed and sat on the chair. August looked listless as she constantly bit her lips feeling helpless. Liyah touched her trembling hands and squeezed them gently. She stood up and gave August a hug consoling her.

'Aaron Saint is a strong person. He will be found, no matter where he is. Leo will find him and make sure he is safe. August, don't feel too sad, okay?'

'This is all my fault, big sis' August couldn't control her tears anymore and started weeping.

'Is all my fault. If I hadn't behaved like a spoilt brat towards him? If I hadn't spoken harshly to him? If I hadn't acted like he wasn't someone worth remembering, he wouldn't have left. He left because he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable. He left because I said I didn't need him and now he is missing. I can't forgive myself. I hate myself for doing what I did, big sis'.

'Is okay, I'm sure he is fine and he will come back to us soon' Liyah sighed and embraced August tighter.

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