Love The Psycho

Chapter 75: Work till you breakdown 1

Chapter 75: Work till you breakdown 1

Aaron Saint played with his fountain pen and saw Morris entering the office. He loosened the tie around his neck and looked at Morris saying ''is the schedule ready?''

''Yes, boss. As you requested, your time is packed even on weekends. But, boss, are you not going to visit the hospital again? Dr. Kash told me that August Maijune will be discharged next tomorrow which is a weekend and you are travelling on that same day. Don't you need to pick her up?'' Morris asked worriedly.

'"I don't need to go. She doesn't need me. Liyah will take care of her'' Aaron Saint said as he took the schedule clapperboard to check.

''Dr. Kash told me about her condition. But, still boss. What if she is waiting for you?'' Morris asked again.

''I will see her at home when I return from the trip''. Aaron Saint handed the clapperboard to Morris.

''But, boss, that will be in two weeks' time. Isn't that such a long time? I'm saying this because I'm seriously worried about you, boss. This past year, you've suffered from insomnia and could only sleep when you're around her. Your mood will only worsen if you don't get some sleep. Like today for instance, all the workers refused to come to the top floor because they are afraid they will anger you. I know this is none of my business''

''Then don't talk about it''. Aaron Saint cut him short and pointed at the door. Morris nodded and went out. Aaron Saint bit his lip frustrated and murmured ''she is the one who doesn't want to see me. What do you want me to do about that?''

His phone buzzed with an incoming call and he looked at it without answering. After a second thought, he got up and picked his phone and car keys and went out.



Liyah Myers looked at August Maijune and smiled saying ''he must be busy. He is not picking my calls''. Liyah Myers sat back on the chair and started typing on his phone ''I will send him a message''.

''Don't bother. He seemed really angry this morning. You already call him 5 times. It isn't that he is busy, he simply doesn't want to pick up that's all. I don't also need him here with me. He is just a stranger to me. I don't feel comfortable around him''. August Maijune said and shrugged her shoulders.

''Hey, how can you say that? Do you know what Aaron has gone through because of you? I told you right? That Aaron is the one person who would do anything to make sure you are safe?'' Liyah Myers told her.

''That is what you told me, but I don't feel that way. I don't need his help. I won't accept help from someone I do not know. He gives me a strange vibe. Big sis, how did I meet him? No matter how hard I think, nothing about him comes to mind. Are you sure we were really closed?'" August Maijune asked as she forked an apple into her mouth.

''Not only were you two close. You were practically crushing on him. You kept warning women who came closer to him and called him your man''. Liyah Myers told her as she put the phone back without sending the message.

''What? I did that? I must have been insane then. I don't remember who I was but, I am sure I wasn't someone who fell for a man because of his looks. Besides, him? He looks old''.

Liyah Myers stared at August Maijune strangely. How could she forget everything about Aaron Saint? Was she AI? That was also impossible. If she were an AI, then it could be explanable because an AI's memory could be reprogrammed but she wasn't.

The more Liyah Myers thought about it, the more she felt it strange. August Maijune looked at Liyah Myers and asked '"why are you looking at me like that?''

''Nothing, I was just lost in thoughts that's all. Tell me, what do you want to eat tonight? I don't think Aaron will be coming here. I have to stay with you though I need to go on a date with my boyfriend''. Liyah Myers changed the topic.

''I don't really have much of an appetite. What did I use to like eating?'' August Maijune asked.

''Is been so long, I have to ask Aaron''. Liyah Myers said.

''Aaron Saint? Did I depend on him that much? Why would you ask him about food I will be eating? Don't ask him, just bring me anything the hospital canteen is cooking''. August Maijune told Liyah Myers.

'"That won't do. Aaron will kill me if I allow you to eat just anything''. Liyah said as she removed her phone again to dial Aaron's number.

''I said I don't need him to care about me, don't call him. That man is crazy. Do you know what he did this morning?" The call went through and a ringtone could be heard from outside. Liyah Myers stood up alarmed and went to open the door confirming her suspicions.

''Aaron? What are you doing here?'' August Maijune looked towards the door and their eyes met. Both their eyes were cold.

''I brought her supper. She can eat it or throw it away. That's her business. Liyah, I will be going on business trip tonight. Take care of her''. Aaron Saint said.

Liyah Myers put the food bag down and closed the door before speaking to him outside.

''Again? Didn't you just return from one last night?'' Liyah Myers asked.

''Yes, and I need to go to another one. As you can see, she doesn't need me here''. Aaron Saint said.

''Aaron, she is just a kid. Did you hear everything she said?'' Liyah Myers asked.

''Yes, I heard everything. Liyah, she is in your care. I won't be back till next month. Call me if you need anything''. Aaron Saint said and turned walking away. Liyah Myers sighed and went back into the room.

''Why are you so annoying? Aaron left as you wished and he heard all that you said about him''. Liyah as she put the food on the table.

''I am annoying? What about him? Acting all righteous. Didn't you see what he did? He didn't even look at me before leaving. You said I was close to him? I doubt that even more. If we were close, I should have at least remembered something about him''.

August said angrily. ''He even said I can decide to eat it or throw it away. What an obnoxious person''.

''Are you eating or not?'' Liyah asked.

''Off course I will eat. He thinks I will refuse the food just because he said that? If I don't eat, then, he is going to be the winner. I am going to eat everything in that bag''. August said enthusiastically making Liyah surprised.

''And, you don't need to babysit me. Go and get ready for your first date with your boyfriend. I am not so petty as to stand in your way. I can take care of myself''.

''Wow, why are you so energetic all of a sudden?'' Liyah asked curiously.

''He thinks I am going to be sad if he said he wasn't coming back? I don't need him to care about me. In fact, I don't need anyone who doesn't need me. He can stay as long as he wants on the business trip, I don't care at all'' August said. ''You can leave; I will be fine by myself''.

''Are you sure? What if you need anything in the middle of the night?'' Liyah Myers asked.

"I will just call the nurse. Everything I need is already in the room. I don't think I will need anything again. Now, go and get ready before Leo thinks I am been inconsiderate of him by keeping you by my side''. August urged her.

''Okay, but, call me if you need anything, okay?'' Liyah said and picked her bag.

''Sure, have a nice time, big sis''. August Maijune waved at Liyah Myers as she went out and closed the door. August looked at the food in the bag and got down from the bed. She opened the bag and brought out the packed dishes mumbling.

''This looks tasty. I am going to eat everything in here''


August had a strange dream. In the dream, a man dressed in black outfit entered the room. She was asleep in the dream. The man had a mask on and walked closer to her bed. The man looked around the room and turned to the monitor. He took pictures of her and put the phone away.

Afterwards, the man removed a pair of hand gloves and wore. He then walked to the IV connected to her wrist and removed an injection and injected it into the IV. Tears trimmed down August's face as she laid helplessly.

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