Love The Psycho

Chapter 74: Who are you?

Chapter 74: Who are you?

Liyah Myers stiffened and relaxed soon entering into his embrace and responding to his kiss.

Leo Martins held her tighter and kissed her.

Liyah Myers felt her legs turning to jelly and almost falling. Leo Martins lifted her and sat her on the table still kissing her. The kiss lasted for a long time and Leo Martins only left her lips so that she could catch her breath after that he laughed and started kissing her again saying ''relax, we are only kissing for tonight''.


August Maijune opened her eyes and saw a man sitting on a chair by her side. The man looked handsome and had refined features. August Maijune watched the movement of his hands. It seemed like he was reading something in a paper. His hands were neat and slender. The shades he wore and his blue-black suit was especially captivating.

August Maijune studied him as she laid on the bed. Her eyes scanned the man's appearance. He was clearly a stranger, but why was her heart aching the more she looked at him? She felt an unusual and indescribable pain in her heart as she watched the man. It was strange, this feeling was strange to her.

There are some people that when you meet them for the first time, they seem to burrow into your heart. This was clearly the first time she was seeing him, but somehow he seemed to burrow into her heart.

August Maijune could feel her heart beating fast the more she looked at him. Tears trimmed down her cheeks as she continued to stare at the man.

''What a strange man. Was she crying? Or was that sweat?'' the saltiness from her tears entered her mouth and she tasted it. Surely, it was her tears.

'''' Aaron Saint opened the paper in the file in his hands and froze as he heard the question. ''who are you?'' she was awake and she was asking him who he was. Aaron Saint looked up and stared at her with a complicated and yet warmed gaze.

He had braced himself for this moment since yesterday. He had anticipated this question and mentally prepared himself, but yet, now that he was faced with the question, he was speechless. He didn't know what to say to her.

In the solitude room, in the solitary of their minds, the two people stared at each other for a long time without saying anything.

''I asked who are you?'' August Maijune asked again while looking at the man who never took his eyes off her. ''If you don't tell me who you're, I am going to press the emergency button, sir''.

August Maijune spoke as she touched the emergency power button. Her voice was cold and distant without warmth.

Aaron Saint stood up and closed the file. He walked closer to her, putting his hand on the hand touching the emergency button, Aaron Saint pushed it down pressing it. Making the button to ring. August Maijune looked at him confused.

Why would he help her press the emergency button? She was just threatening him to see but he actually pressed the button for her? Who exactly was this man giving her such strange vibes?

August Maijune took her hand away as Dr. Kash and the senior nurse rushed in. Kash saw Aaron Saint and August Maijune in the room and spoke confused ''Aaron, is everything alright? Why did you press the emergency button?''

''She wanted me to help press it so that you could come in. Kash, I have something to do, I will leave her to you. Take care of her''.

With that Aaron Saint picked his file and phone leaving the room.

His actions burrowed into August's heart. She was confused. The man confused her. Kash sighed and smiled at August Maijune saying ,''August Maijune, did something happen between you and Aaron?''

''Aaron? Is that his name? That man?'' August Maijune asked.

''You can leave us alone'' Kash told the nurse and she nodded her head and left.

Kash pulled the chair closer and sat facing August Maijune.

''Is he the one I am supposed to remember?'' August Maijune asked curiously.

''Yes. Your results are out. There is nothing wrong with you. You will be able to go home by this weekend. Tell me, who do you feel?'' Kash asked.

''I don't know, doctor. I feel strange. I feel confuse and lost. I don't think I even remember anything about myself. Tell me, doctor. What really happened to me? Did I really get hurt in an accident?'' August Maijune sat up leaning against the pillow.

''You got hurt in an accident. Don't think too much about it. With me here, you will be fine''. Kash assured her.

''What about him? How am I related to that man? What about my family? Don't I have any family?'' August Maijune asked.

''Aaron Saint is your family. He is your guardian. As for your family, the best person to ask is Aaron Saint''. Kash told her.

''He is one strange man. He didn't even tell me who he was and just left. How can he call himself my guardian and be so irresponsible?'' August Maijune pouted.

''You can call him strange, but never call him irresponsible, August. He is the one person who will never hurt you in this world. He hasn't been resting ever since you were brought here. He's been under so much pressure. He will come around''. Kash said with a smile.

''Where is big sister? Is she not coming to see me after getting together with Leo Martins?'' August Maijune said and looked at the door.

The door opened and Liyah Myers entered with Leo Martins holding a flask. Liyah Myers flashed her a smile and put the flask down saying ''badmouthing me, right? I heard you at the door''

''Oh, I thought you had forgotten about me after getting together with Leo Martins''. August Maijune said looking at them ''you two look good together''.

''Are you two really together?'' Kash asked

''Yes, you are the only single dog now''. Leo told Kash.

''Where is Aaron, I thought we would see him here?'' Liyah Myers asked as she opened the lid of the flask.

''He left a few minutes ago'' Kash told them and stood up. ''I have to check on some patients. See you guys later''. Kash smiled and went out.

''I brought you duck soup, I heard it helps heal the bones faster''. Liyah Myers poured some into a bowl as she said.

''Why did Aaron leave suddenly? Did you ask him who he was?'' Leo Martins asked looking at August Maijune.

''I did, I woke up and saw a stranger in my room. Wasn't it a normal to ask him who he was?''. August Maijune said.

''He must have left because of that. How can you not remember him of all people?'' Leo Martins asked.

''I really don't remember him, big sis. When I woke up and saw him, he was just like a stranger to me. It didn't feel right"



That morning after leaving the hospital so abruptly, Aaron Saint arrived at the office in a foul mood. His mood was so bad that it immediately turned the whole company into a silent zone. All the workers tiptoed around the President's floor and when there was work that needed the president' signature, endorsement or final checks, they would simply passed it unto Morris.

Nobody wanted to anger the president hence they almost avoided having any encounter with him. Morris watched the door to the office and sighed.

He just didn't understand. Last night, his boss concluded his meeting and even ordered for a late night flight to return.

Morris knew he simply missed the company of the girl at the hospital and couldn't wait to see her. It wasn't until early morning that he found out that August Maijune was now awake. Morris thought that piece of news would make his boss happier but this morning he had stormed into the company looking cold and distant.

What at all happened that his boss was in this mood? He thought. When Aaron Saint arrived, he had asked him about his schedule and requested him to keep his schedule full and leave no room for rest except meals.

This confused Morris and he had no choice but to call the hospital, only to find out that the girl his boss hadn't had any proper sleep because of couldn't even remember his boss.

With his boss now like this, did he plan to work himself to death or what? For the past one year, he hadn't had any proper sleep. He had suffered from insomnia and couldn't sleep. He worked during the day and still worked during the night.

It seemed that will only increase now.

Morris sighed and picked the prepared schedule plan into his hands and entered the office.

Aaron Saint played with his fountain pen and saw Morris entering the office. He loosened the tie around his neck and looked at Morris saying ''is the schedule ready?''

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