Love The Psycho

Chapter 145: August Maijune's family member 1

Chapter 145: August Maijune's family member 1

At Mimi's words, both Aaron and Old Master Saint grew alarmed and were about to storm out of the room when they heard August's voice.

''Looks like you are now showing your true colours, Miss Garcia? From the beginning, this is the first time I am seeing the real you. I thought you were going to always pretend to be a kind innocent and weak girl, but I was wrong. That's a relief''.

''Don't be so smug? My father was caught because he is simply too stupid but not me. I have a lot of incriminating evidence against you, August Maijune and I won't hesitate to use them if you don't agree to my terms''.

''Go ahead. I really want to see just how smart you think you are. I won't see you out'. August said. Mimi looked around before going out. Aaron and Old Master Saint rushed out.

''What did she say?'' Aaron Saint asked.

''You were right, there is more to it than meets the eye with her. She is definitely hiding something behind that innocent faade'. August said and removed the pen-like recorder from the table 'here, I recorded everything. But, I don't understand. Why do you suspect her to be the real brain behind the case of the five girls? When I mentioned it to her, she looked surprised and frightened''.

''Five years ago, when you were still in coma, there was news about five girls in Country F who died because of drug overdose'' Aaron Saint said as they sat down.

The case of the five girls was about a drug overdose at a club in the F Country. It was like an aphrodisiac which was used to enhance sexual drive in both men and women. The misuse of the drug led to the death of the five girls and the club was closed down four years ago. All investigations led to a dead end as the police found nothing on it. The case was later closed due to lack of sufficient evidence.

''If what you are saying is true, then Mimi Garcia is no ordinary woman. She might even belong to the underworld. But, why is she targeting me? What exactly does she want?'' August Maijune asked a little confused.

''The ways of this world aren't that easy, child. Somethings can't be explained without evidence''. Old Master Saint said.

Aaron Saint's phone buzzed and he removed it and looked at the caller ID before answering ''hello, Morris, what is it?'' Aaron Saint asked. His assistant said something over the phone and he turned and looked at August Maijune 'I will be right there''.

''Is there something wrong?'' August Maijune asked.

''No, I have to do something at the company. I will be back soon'' Aaron Saint said and picked his car keys and left the villa.

Mimi Garcia was about to drive out of the neighbourhood when she saw Aaron Saint leaving the villa. She shrugged before removing a burner phone from her car side space. She dialled an unknown number and spoke ''get ready for plan B. I will personally go and silence the old man in the jail. Get someone to get rid of everything in the lab with the exception of the experiments underway. I will get the clinical rat for the final testing very soon. Get ready to leave D-City as soon as possible. Anyone who was present in the beginning of the experiments needs to be taken care of. Remember, no mistakes this time like the last time''. Mimi hung up and threw the phone away at the backseat.

All her plans were going to waste because of the mistake of that old man. She frowned and laughed dryly. ''August Maijune, you are biting more than you can chew. Looks like I have to use my trump card on you to teach you a lesson not to mess with me'' thinking about her father in jail, Mimi Garcia cussed internally saying.

''He should have just remained the governor if he couldn't even do something so simple. Now I have to clean up all these mess he had created. Assh, annoying. Should I just kill everyone? That will make things much easier''. Mimi Garcia looked at the villa one last time before driving away.


Aaron Saint got down from his car and threw the keys at the valet at the entrance and went ahead to his office.

CEO's office.

Aaron Saint met Morris at the door and asked anxiously ''Morris, what did you mean by someone came demanding to see August Maijune?''

''Boss, he is inside waiting for you. He named himself as Carlos Ryan from Blue Town. He even brought a lot of documents that showed he really is related to August Maijune'' Morris said.

''Okay, I will handle this from here'' Aaron Saint said and went into the office. Inside, he saw a young man who was almost about the same age as himself seated confidently on his sofa and he walked closer. The man was making a call but when he saw Aaron Saint, he ended the call and smiled. Aaron Saint was taken aback. The man looked so much like August Maijune. Even their smile was alike.

''Aaron Saint, right? I am Carlos Ryan from Blue Town'' the man named Carlos Ryan introduced himself and smiled.

''My assistant told me a little about you but I still need to hear from you first about why you are here'' Aaron Saint said and sat across him.

'I know. I didn't expect everything to go so easy considering the trouble you went through in trying to protect August Maijune. Here, I brought these documents as prove. Actually, August Maijune and I share the same mother but different fathers. If you read the documents, you will have a better understanding of the whole situation'' Carlos Ryan said.

Aaron Saint looked at him sceptically before opening the documents to read. He also looked at the various pictures attached to the documents before asking 'it says here that you were also kidnapped as a child. Is that true?''

'Yes, my family as you may have known from my uncle's case that we are from the underworld but let me be clear. We are not bad people. In fact, the underworld has long been gone. We are not a society known as the Black Fox and our works are legitimate. If you don't believe me, you are free to investigate about us and also I am ready to do a DNA test with August Maijune for clarification''

'I believe you'' Aaron Saint said.

''That was faster than I imagined'' Carlos Ryan said and chuckled.

''I already investigated August Maijune years ago but everything led to a dead end but recently I found out about her ties to your society so I was thinking you would come anyway; I just didn't think it would take so long for you to finally find us. What are your plans? August Maijune is now my wife. I need to know what you intend to do now that you know about her''

''Don't worry, I only came to meet my sister and let her know she has a family. The decision to go with me or to stay with you will lay in her hands entirely. Though, I would love to have her close to me, but this will be considered our first meeting and I don't know if she will even remember me or not. I just want to be sure my sister is living a good life here, that's all''

''I will take you to meet her. August Maijune will be happy to know that she has a family'' Aaron Saint said.

''Thank you, Aaron Saint for believing me and also taking care of August Maijune all these years'' Carlos Ryan said sincerely.

That night.


Josh Saint was packing his things to leave the villa when the lights went off. He had decided to sell the villa and move out to the country side.

Josh Saint picked his phone and turned on the light on it and closed his luggage bag. He pulled it down to the hall when the lights came back again but this time there was someone in the house. A woman.

The woman wasn't unfamiliar as he had known her for some time now, but the aura around her changed. She looked different from the one he knew.

''Mimi?'' Josh Saint asked cautiously.

Mimi Garcia smiled eerily and got down from the high chair and pointed a gun at Josh saying.

''Another word from you and you are dead''.

Josh Saint looked on with a bewildered expression. He couldn't understand what was happening. Two men jumped down from the stairs also dressed in black and spoke.

''Miss, there is nothing in here''.

''Okay, take him away''. Mimi Garcia gave the command and turned away to leave. The two men ambushed Josh Saint and sent him out.


It was midnight and all was quiet. A woman in black hoodie entered the police station. She skilfully removed the keys of the ceil and went to open it. She got in and removed a knife and stabbed into the old man while covering his mouth with a cloth. The governor looked with eyes wide as his daughter stabbed him to death.

Mimi scoffed and left the station.

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