Love The Psycho

Chapter 144: You're Going To Regret This

Chapter 144: You're Going To Regret This


August walked out to the hall and saw Old Master Saint in the hall with Aaron Saint chatting. She rushed to him excitedly and spoke.

''Grandpa, you are here and you didn't even call me?'' August glared at Aaron before sitting closer to Old Master Saint.

''I just came, kid. Stand up, let grandpa have a good look at you. I haven't seen you in a while and you are already so thin. You have lost weight you silly little thing. Doesn't Aaron feed you well?'' August laughed and stood up. Old Master Saint turned her around discreetly checking the wounds on her body.

''I eat a lot grandpa, but, don't you know that the trend is be slim nowadays? The men, they don't like women who have too much weight''. August said.

''That's not true, grandpa. I will still love her even if she gained a lot of pounds. A little flesh will only make her curvier and beautiful. I am afraid when that time comes, a lot of men will have their eyes set on her''. Aaron Saint said shamelessly making Old Master Saint laugh.

''Well, that is true. August, you can't have eyes for another man besides Aaron, you hear me?'' Old Master Saint said.

''Grandpa, you don't have to worry about that. I am going to stick and cling unto him like a gum''. August said.

''How is your body? Are you alright?'' Old Master Saint asked seriously. Though Aaron had told him everything, he couldn't help but still worry after seeing the scars on her body.

''Grandpa, I am fine. Aaron and everyone is taking care of me. Big sis was here not too long ago. She brought me duck light soup and I ate all of it. See, my skin is getting brighter and my face is getting plump. I think I might bust from all that eating. I don't do anything on my own. Aaron is practically my nanny now''. August said.

''That's good. Feel free to order him around. We the men in the Saint family are always servants to our wives. You have full authority over him. If he refuses to do something, just call grandpa. I will whip him for you''.

''Grandpa, I can't let you whip him. I love him so much''. August retorted.

''Ohoh, are you saying you love him more than grandpa then?'' Old Master Saint said.

''Mmm, not really but he is my first and last. But, you, grandpa, you are the only one. I love you both. Grandpa is the only one for me''. August said leaning on to the old man.

''You even learned how to flatter now?'' Aaron said.

The atmosphere in the house that was a lovely one, was destroyed all too soon when Aaron Saint received a call from the head of security of the estates informing him of the presence of a young woman wanting to see Miss Maijune.

''What is wrong, Aaron?'' August asked when she noticed the frown on Aaron Saint's face as he held unto the phone.

''Is Mimi Garcia. She wants to speak to you''. Aaron said.

''What, that girl had the guts to come here? Tell her to leave''. Old Master Saint said.

''En, grandpa, Aaron. I think is best that I speak with her. She will find other ways to meet me even if she goes away today''. August said startling the two men.

''Are you sure about this? You don't have to force yourself to speak to her''. Aaron said a little worried.

''Yes, child. You don't have to pay attention to her''. Old Master Saint added.

''No, is okay. I will meet with her. I also have something to tell her anyway. She needs to know the kind of person her father is and what he intended doing. I feel that she can't accept the fact that her father is going to jail. Seeing that she even came here, she must be thinking everything is my fault''. August said resolutely.

''Then, do something for me when she comes''. Aaron removed a pen from his pocket and gave to August.

''What is this?'' August asked suspiciously.

''Is a recorder. I want you to record your discussion. It might come in handy one day''. Aaron said.

''Okay, I will do as you say''. August said and took the pen from him.

''If you say so. Aaron and I will be in the study. Don't hesitate to call for us when she does something''.

"Yes, grandpa''. August said and took the phone from Aaron and spoke ''let her come in''.

Old Master Saint and Aaron went into the study and left the door slightly opened. The worry was clearly in their eyes. August smiled reassuringly at them and went to open the door.

Mimi Garcia was dressed in a lose but fitting blue dress that stopped at her knees while August was in a simple lounge wear since she was at home. The difference in them was so vast. One was petite and a little short while the other was tall and curvy.

August looked at Mimi and walked back to the hall. Mimi followed suit and the door closed by itself.

Now at the hall, the two women looked at each other. Their faces devoid of smiles and nothing could be read from their gazes.

August sat down elegantly and pointed at the sofa across her saying ''sit anywhere you like''. Mimi Garcia smiled and sat down holding her purse tightly.

''Tell me, why did you come here looking for me, Miss Garcia?'' August asked and put the pen-like recorder on the table.

Mimi Garcia glanced at August's body and saw the scars on her body. She didn't hide her gaze as she asked ''did my father do that to you? Or was it Madam Myers''.

''What do you think? I think you already know the answer yourself?'' August threw back a question at her.

''I have no idea. But, from what I know, you are capable of self-harm. So, I was wondering if you did that to yourself subconsciously and then blamed it on my father instead? You are someone who is capable of a lot of things after all''. Mimi Garcia said with an underlying meaning to her words.

''Well, who knows? You might just be right or wrong? But, let me ask you something, Miss Garcia. Did you come here to ask me such irrelevant questions? I don't think you are someone who is interested in knowing how I came by these cuts? But, to satisfy your curiosity, I will let you in on something. Your father is a despicable man. Even more perverted and wicked than my uncle Lorca''.

''You''. Mimi Garcia fumed.

''What. I haven't even told you why I said that about him and you are already angry? The drug your father wanted me to make was not just an ordinary drug as he made the public to believe. It wasn't a real chemotherapy drug that could help cancer patients to relief them of intense pun during chemotherapy. That drug is mostly used by the underworld thugs who desire to prove their sexual prowess by injecting it into their system. That drug works in two ways. It can help one to have sex for hours without feeling tired and it could also be used to awaken the sexual appetite of women who were not even aware that they were been raped.

Miss Garcia, that is the kind of drug your father used on me when he kidnapped me. Clearly, he didn't have my wellbeing at heart. He only wanted to cripple me" August said and her voice choked from all the pint up emotions in her.

"Miss Maijune knows a lot about drugs" Mimi Garcia said sarcatically'' Mimi asked.

"I will take that as a compliment" August replied back slyly.

"You have spoken a lot but I still don't see why all of this had anything to do with my father. As far as I know, he was just influenced by Mandy Myers. She was also the one who injected the drug into your body"

''It has everything to do with him because he was the one who developed it. It didn't undergo proper clinical test but its demand increased after the first 100 doses were taken''.

''That's not true. My father couldn't have done something like that''. Mimi Garcia said.

''Well he did. And what's worse was, he used that drug on me the night he had me kidnapped''. August said with a cold expression.

''How did you know about the drug when Mandy Myers didn't even mentioned it to you? Did your past involved some of these drugs?'' Mimi Garcia asked.

''I always go out prepared because my life was always in danger one way or the other. So, that night, before leaving the house, I injected myself with five doses of antidote for it. I had a premonition and I'm never wrong. Lo and behold, he really tested the improved version of it on me that night''.

''Lies. You are just spouting lies. Tell me, what is the real reason why you are targeting my family?'' Mimi Garcia asked agitatedly.

''I have no reason to target your family. It was your father who sort me out first. I am not something who looks for trouble from others but I don't also hesitate to fight back. Your father hurt me first and now he is paying for his crimes. Instead of blaming others, why don't you see your father for what he really is, Miss Garcia. You should leave here; I am tired''. August said and stood up. Mimi suddenly went on her knees and held August's leg pleading.

''Please, can you redraw the charges against my father? I beg you. Let my father go. I will do anything you want instead''.

''I'm sorry, Miss Garcia but I'm not that kind-hearted to let everything be. You had better go back home''. August said.

'You are going to regret this, Miss Elizondo?'' Mimi said changing tones suddenly. She stood up and looked at August smugly with a gaze contrary to the one she had before. August stopped and looked at her.

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