Lord of the Truth

Chapter 580 Role distribution

Chapter 580 Role distribution

Ancestor Continent... The ticking time bomb.

Robin knows for sure that most of its residents hate even mentioning his name. Perhaps some of them respect him, perhaps others have begun to forget and join the new regime, but the majority of them still harbor hatred for him deep in their hearts, and their refusal to enlist now is the greatest evidence...

But what does he have to do?! He gave them permission to train up to level 30 without his interference and distributed to them the best cultivation techniques and resources, he also instructed his follower to make their lives easier than it was before his rule and provided them with roads, markets, and amenities so that they would forget with time, but what if... This method doesn't work. Doesn't this mean that he is now preparing a hostile army inside his home planet? Even if there is no sage among them, their numbers are still terrifying!

What should he do now? Should he withdraw all techniques, prevent cultivation on the Ancestral Continent, and perhaps kill all the powerful ones again? This will return the situation to zero again, or even below zero! 

There will be no going back for him if he implements this policy again, this time he will have to think categorically about feeding the entire billion and a half people to the Demons...

That is, he now has only two paths: he keeps the situation as it is and prays that things will go well, or he commits a hideous massacre after which he will never return to what he was before.

The two options are bitter, and as he thought about what was happening, there was a familiar bad feeling started piercing his heart...

"Your Excellency, may I present the idea... Your Excellency..?"

"Eh?" A female voice interrupted Robin's train of thought. Robin looked at the woman standing in front of him for a moment, then took out a few items from his ring.

Everyone raised their eyebrows in amazement when they saw what was brought out: a pen, ink, a scroll, and the seal... In the middle of the meeting, the Emperor decided to write an imperial decree!

This time, Robin picked up the pen himself and began to dip it into the ink and write... The details of the message were simply a direct order to the Commander of the Shadow Swords to ease the restrictions on joining their ranks, shorten the training period, rapidly increase the size of the forces, and scatter them everywhere he could to compensate for the Shadow Swords who went with Theo to the planet Nihari, he was also telling him to concentrate most of his forces in the Ancestral Continent and monitoring all movements there intensely!

Then Robin rolled up the scroll, sealed it, and passed it to Billy, "After the meeting, go to planet Jura and hand this over to the person in charge of the Shadow Swords in Theo's absence, and tell him to prepare reports for me from time to time."

Billy received the decree with both hands, "...Is something wrong?" It was clear that Robin was thinking about something serious for a moment.

"No, no, just speculation..." Robin waved with furrowed eyebrows, then shook his head and turned back to look at the woman standing there, smiling, "General Cassia, right? Alright, I'm with you now, you can begin."

"Yes, Your Excellency..." Cassia Livan took a bow and then passed her eyes on everyone else, " I will get to the point directly to avoid wasting time: I propose to settle our army here. I was going to say that we create our own tribe, but since Your Excellency said that you do not want a tribal system, why not create a complete kingdom on this land? The energy stones that Brother Caesar and Brother Gu suggested using to replace soldiers or give them vacations from time to time, why not use them to bring the families of the soldiers here and let them settle here forever? The land is good, plentiful, and unowned, and the level of natural energy in the atmosphere is slowly rising until it has surpassed that on Planet Jura already and is still shooting up, why not settle here?" 

Cassia began to look at the faces of those present, "Bringing the soldiers' families and giving them their own lands and benefits here will not only make the soldiers feel a sense of belonging to Planet Greenland, but it will also eliminate the problem of vacations and will make the soldiers fight to protect their families instead of fighting for gains only, plus we will have a new source of soldiers, which are the children of our current soldiers!"

General Cassia Levan's words made everyone look at each other for a few seconds before they all started speaking at almost the same time:

"I agree with Madame Cassia."

"I also think it is the safest solution."

"This is foolishness, our soldiers and their families are not livestock to be transported at will and married off to take their children to the army. I don't think they will agree."

"I agree, but what about soldiers who don't have a family?"

"We can put them on vacation until they get married and bring them back!"

"Not all soldiers will accept this."

"No problem. Whoever refuses, we will return him to Jura and replace him with new young men, and this time we will bring their entire families, don't forget that we have a massive reserve army there waiting for an opportunity."

"If every soldier had a family of only 3 members on Planet Jura, this means that we would need to deport at least 9 million people. Can you imagine the amount of energy stones we would spend on this matter?"

"I do not support this. The expenses will be very high. Secondly, what will happen after all these civilians come to a burning war zone like this? Will we let the soldiers stay with their families and plow the land and build cities, or will we abandon them as soon as they come and take them to stand at the borders? Think about something else."


The discussion remained open for more than half an hour, with each person saying a word, some attendees offering questions, and others offering solutions, but not a single decision or agreement on the horizon... But aren't all meetings like this? 

Humans can never agree on one thing, and this is also why there is no ruling system on any planet headed by a council of equal characters, There is always one person who takes the decision when everyone disagrees, so the purpose of these meetings is to present options for that one person in power to choose what he sees fit.

But not everyone was interested in engaging in this hassle, some of them were focused on the facial expressions of the person in power... The distracted Emperor.

"Dad... are you okay? We can continue the meeting tomorrow..." Zara, who was sitting next to Caesar, reached out to pat her foster father's hand.

"Hmm? It's nothing, it's fine, I'm listening." Robin smiled in return and patted Zara's hand with his other hand, then returned to focus this time on the discussion going on around him.

Soon after, after he understood what they were discussing, he raised his hand slightly until everyone was silent, and then he finally opened his mouth, "I promised someone that I would make the planet Greenland one of the permanent headquarters of the True Beginning Empire and that I would station an army here, so General Cassia's proposal is acceptable to me."

Then he continued before anyone could answer him, "Since we are talking about this matter now, let me tell you something that will be a permanent policy for the Empire, which is that we are not here to destroy and withdraw, but to survive, exploit, and develop... This will be the last time we send millions of soldiers to another planet like this, as you can see for yourselves, any of the solutions you have presented now would eliminate at least half of our supply of energy stones instantly, so what is the point of all we do then? We are not here to play, I understand that we are all inexperienced in this matter and it is our first experience, but you should know that this type of spending will not be repeated."

Then he turned his face towards Cassia, "Since you were the one who proposed the solution, I will put you in charge of implementing it. You can use as many power stones as you want to gather the families of the soldiers and finish the transfer as quickly as possible, but inform all the soldiers that this is the last time they will use the Empire's resources without compensation, later on, they can use the space portal, but they must obtain the necessary energy stones themselves, whether through mining or by exchanging their points for energy stones... You should find solutions with the rest of the generals later regarding this matter."

"YES!" The joy was clearly visible on General Cassia's face, partly because her proposal had been accepted, but mainly because she finally had the opportunity to appear on the big scene!!

Then he looked at Elizabeth, "I will leave the distribution of lands to the soldiers who want to buy them in your hands. Choose a few good spots in the middle of Hoffenheim's domination circle and start there. Do not let the lands be too close or too far apart. Distribute them wisely with the intention of building an eternal colony for us here, and perhaps building a complete monarchy later on. And since you will build an entire colony from scratch, you will also need to organize a police force and all the facilities that support urban communities. You can also ask for the help of whatever generals and officers you want here to help you organize the soldiers and build the colonies."

Elizabeth stood up and gave a slight bow, then opened her mouth and everyone heard the musical voice, "Everything will be done according to Your Excellency's will~" A big smile appeared on her face as she sat down. His Excellency now orders that she be transferred from a mere general to a purely administrative role and give her real power in the Empire for the very first time.

Then he looked at Victoria and then Caesar, "Both of you separate the soldiers who do not have a family and do not want to return to Planet Jura and form two legions, each of you at the head of a legion, then station them in the east and west, I will also leave it to you to choose your assistants from among the generals and officers here... you will be the only striking force of the Empire in the coming period."

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