Lord of the Truth

Chapter 579 Volcano

Chapter 579 Volcano

"...Tsk~" Robin stopped counting before he said the number one, and just showed an annoyed expression

"Haha, welcome, Brother Fugon, welcome to the Northern Fury Tribe with us!" Billy placed his hand over his heart for a moment and then laughed out loud, relief evident in his voice

The rest of the generals and officers were nodding towards the three tribal leaders in good faith, none of them was annoyed with them or tried to convince Robin to expel them because they knew the amount of pain and endurance one must have to take such a hard decision, almost everyone present had experienced the exact same moment on the green hill...

As for Elizabeth, she smiled and placed her hand on the table. The wood began to heal again, and the scratches made by the dagger on the borders of the four tribes had disappeared. Now all that remained was one piece of land extending east into the lands of Hoffenheim and northwest toward the lands of Descartes, and on the sides were the lands of the four tribes fused with them... The borders of the Empire on Planet Greenland have finally taken form.


"...Sigh~ to tell the truth, I would have preferred to accept your surrender after the war began and throw you in my army as foot soldiers rather than accept the declaration of loyalty of a group of fools like you now and include you as officials and high-ranking followers, but for some reason my men here seem to be sympathetic to you and want you with us, so..." Robin threw three oath tablets towards the tribal leaders without adding much, "...You know what to do."

The leaders of the three tribes, or now I could say the three generals, wasted no time either and recited a simple oath of loyalty and the explicit punishment for disobedience, which was death, then raised the tablets up with both hands while still kneeling, "We, the subjects of the True Beginning Empire, salute Your Excellency."

Robin nodded, then waved his hand again, and the Oath Tablets and Reward Scrolls flew towards him. The Oath Tablets returned to enter his space ring, and the scrolls burned in mid-air until they turned into ashes and flew away, "Return to your seats, we will resume the meeting."

"Yes." The three leaders stood and their followers stood behind them and then returned to their seats. Some of them looked sad and others still did not know what they had just done, but there was one thing common on all of their faces... Peace.

They have found their inner peace again, now whether they are defeated or victorious does not matter, they have chosen a side and it is over.

As for Robin, he sent a quick reproachful glance at Billy, before turning back to look at Alexander, "Everyone here is one of us now, speak up... Is there a problem in my army?"

"In response to Your Excellency, it is not so much a problem as it is something we have to deal with sooner or later..." Alexander, who was still standing, replied, and then continued immediately after, "...There is a large segment of soldiers in my Legion who want to return to their families."

"If I may be allowed to intervene, I would like to say that this happened in my legion as well, especially after the siege. There are many young men who want to see their mothers and lovers, we have fathers who want to see their children and wives. Even the orphans literally said that they want to: smell the air of the planet Jura and taste the sweetness of sleep on a dark night again." Elizabeth nodded

"The same thing happened in my country."

"My legion too..."

"Mine too!"

Robin furrowed his eyebrows tightly, he did not think that the Greenland Unification War would be hampered from the beginning like this...

It is normal after any war for the army to disband and the soldiers to return to their families laden with spoils to provide them with a better life or to resume the trade or agriculture that they had, especially since the Greenland War lasted for 6 years, and before that, the soldiers spent about 3 years training on the central continent. Unfortunately, their demands are legitimate...

"...Does anyone have a suggestion?" Robin rubbed his forehead and asked

Caesar stood up and looked at the faces of the people sitting around the table, "I would like to say a word about this... Most of you must be following the situation on Planet Jura, Although the residents of the Ancestral Continent can be ignored due to their categorical refusal to join the army, the four continents still produce Law users every day and the number of people who have expressed their willingness to join the army have reached 4 million so far. I suggest that we gather them and give them intensive training for a period of 6 months and bring them here, and after their arrival, we return the current army to the homeland so that they can rest and pass on their experiences to the new generation."

After Caesar finished, Old Man Gu stood up, "Brother Caesar's proposal is good, but this is not the best solution... Our current army has terrifying combat experience, don't you think it would be a shame if they returned to trade and farming? As for the new army, will they be able to withstand the armies of Planet Greenland coming at us together? They will collapse in less than two years! Secondly, assuming they hold out, won't the new army ask to return home after a few years as well? Personally, I suggest that we divide the army into 3 sections, and send each section to the planet Jura for only 3 months and then return to us. Then we send the next part, and so on."

After Caesar and Old Gu sat down, General Cassia Livan, the commander of the Ninth Corps, stood up. She was a middle-aged woman dressed modestly with a serious look on her face, "In my humble opinion, both Brother Caesar's and Brother Gu's proposals are good as a short-term solution, but Let us not forget the expenses of going back and forth between the planets. If we adopt one of the two methods, we will spend more on transporting soldiers than we will gain from the war, and this is completely illogical. I have a proposal that will be a little costly in terms of time, but it is permanent. I hope everyone will listen with open minds. " Then she looked at Robin as if waiting for his permission before continuing her words

But Robin's eyes were completely out of focus. In fact, it can be said that he had only focused on the second half of Caesar's short speech.

The first half was a beautiful piece of news. He knew now that the number of available soldiers jumped from 2 to 4 million, but this is not very surprising, during these six years of war there were children who were 10 years old and are now 16 years old, so even if the old generation are useless, then because of the policy of increasing the birth rate that he followed with his subjects, over time the size of their army will increase at a steady pace! But Caesar's later words also contained something else that completely turned his head upside down...

The report he read about Planet Jura included only the most important events. For example, it mentioned that the planet currently has 2 million users of the laws, but it did not mention their distribution among the continents. Were the Ancestral Continent's statistics ignored because of their refusal to conscript? Or perhaps they refuse to cooperate with statisticians in the first place?!

It turns out that the people of the Ancestral Continent are being completely ignored, and this is because of him and not because of their lack of talent?! If we talk in terms of talent, then 4 million law cultivators out of about 200 million people inhabiting the four continents is still not the best result, but it is definitely better than 4 million out of a billion and a half!

It's not as if he doesn't know why the people of the Ancestor Continent refuse to join his army. How could he not know the extent to which they hate him? He made them taste hell for years. This is also why he placed a law that prevents any of them from reaching the Sagehood realm unless he swears allegiance to him!

Ignoring the martial call now... Does this mean that they are weak and do not use the techniques he distributed to them, or are they using them and there are now tens of millions of knights and saints on the Ancestral Continent who refuse to submit to his summons?

Has the Ancestral continent turned into a large village where all its inhabitants want to graze, farm, and trade, or has it become a sleeping volcano...

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