Lord of the Truth

Chapter 570 Secrets -2

Chapter 570 Secrets -2

"Evergreen, I want to ask you something. It may have nothing to do with your refinement, but it has been on my mind for a long time..." Robin took a few steps to meet the deer girl as she was returning from the tour around the green ball, "You just said something about tampering with some embryos before Energy Cultivation Era, are the planet spirits responsible for the variable molecules in the blood?"

"The variable molecules? Hmm..." Evergreen continued walking, but this time she seemed to be thinking about something

"I mean this one." Robin raised his hands and shaped his soul force to take the shape of the Variable molecules found in the Nihari Giants' blood, even imitating their movements.

"Oh, these are called variable molecules now? I think it's an appropriate name.." Then Evergreen paused to look into Robin's eyes, "Don't you think you're being stingy, Uncle? You want fundamental information from me like this for free?"

Robin smiled playfully, "You can consider our little discussion a way to get closer and show goodwill. Telling me will not harm you right? Unless it's one of those things that is forbidden to talk about, then you can say it and I will stop asking."

"Hehe, I notice that you like to act smart, uncle, but I will go along with you... No, talking about this topic is not forbidden, rather it is common information in the middle-aged planetary belt." Evergreen returned to begin another tour around the green ball, "Yes, the spirits of the planets are responsible for implanting these variable molecules, or more precisely, the emergence of mutants from the original races."

"Why would you do something like this?!" Robin suddenly shouted and took a step forward, finally the tip of the string appeared in front of him

"Why not? Sometimes there are beasts that are too strong and dangerous for life to develop, so we have to get rid of them and raise a new, more rational generation of their offspring, as we usually do with those annoying stupid dinosaurs. And sometimes we have a race of beasts that are meat-producing or good for fertilizing the soil so we help produce mutants from it to better serve the planet and serve intelligent life on us. Don't humans do something like this? You hybridize chickens, livestock, and dogs in selective ways to increase the effectiveness of a certain trait in them and choose the most suitable branch of them. What we, the spirits of the planets, do is something similar."

Robin shook his head and began to wave nervously, "You know this is not what I am asking about... Why do you produce mutants from humans? And why would you produce completely different intelligent beings like the Treant? Isn't one intelligent race on each planet enough? It is impossible that you do not realize the consequences of this action!"

Evergreen raised both her hands and giggled, "Hehe, I'm sorry but you will receive the same answer. Secondly, what are the consequences you are talking about? Do you mean wars? What do we have to do with this? You are the ones who hate anything that does not look like you. Wars are YOUR choice, and their terrible effects result from the ugliness of your actions. Why do you cast Blame us for it?

"....." Robin's tongue was tied when he heard that explanation. He had nothing to say, so he remained silent

But Evergreen continued, "We are indeed implanting the variable molecules accompanied by certain patterns into the embryos inside the womb of the mothers of the human race to create a new ethnicity, but who said that that race should isolate and grow up as a new race and start annihilation wars with humans? This is what humans gain for themselves. Every time, when the child begins to grow up and seems different from his peers, he is ostracized and even expelled." 

Then she added, "What comes next is even more predictable, when that child mates with a human, it is HIS genes that get passed on to their children. So you now have a family of the new ethnicity, then a village, then a tribe of *ugly mutants* whom humans treat cruelly, and after a few generations, the new ethnicity forgets that they are even humans and conflicts begin over lands that later lead to wars of genocide."

Evergreen paused and looked back at Robin, "Here in Greenland, I had nothing to do with creating Treants because the planet was created with this trait, but I actually tried to create a new ethnicity from humans five times. Do you know what happened? Three babies were killed immediately after birth, and two of them were persecuted until they escaped and started their own families isolated from people and became *other races*, and yet the human tribes seemed to forget their war with the Treants and issued an order to kill anyone from those two families on sight, so you may always hear about * the humans and other intelligent races* in Greenland But you haven't seen any of them yet."

Robin lowered his head, of course, he knew how ugly human nature was when it came to dealing with people who were different from them. 

"...But why would you make mutants out of humans anyway? I can understand you doing this to beasts and animals, but why humans? These behaviors you are talking about are indeed bad, but it is unavoidable, and the fact that they exist on all planets suggests that it is human nature and there is no escape from it... So why do you create mutants if you know the outcome? Why don't you intervene to end the wars when you have the ability to control everything inside the planet?"

Evergreen raised her index finger and pointed upward, "To produce the stronger version, of course! These new breeds are not entirely different races, they are still human. What's the problem if we mess with them to bring out the best in them? What is the problem if give one of them the ability to breathe underwater and give another one wings, how is that our fault? Even the wars you talk about, won't they strengthen the winner? Continuous wars are the secret behind evolution! Some guy over there would be looking for new ways to kill, and the guy over here would be looking for a way to break through to a higher realm to avenge his family, it's impossible to look at a large war from start to finish and don't find a single new innovation!"

Then she put her hands behind her back again, "Look, for example, at the Treant race of my planet. After they were lazy and thought that planting their feet on the ground and basking in the sun was their greatest development, they became masters in long-term wars and wars for territorial control, They were also able to possess several heavenly laws and high-level spirit techniques! And humans. Didn't they become experts in defensive wars and were able to control the local beasts and even reach the pinnacle of how to use the third stage of many laws? Some of them even began to explore the fourth stage of the heavenly laws! Would all this have happened without a war that pushed them to have more power? Leave my planet for now if you still see that I am the reason behind all evils and look at the history of the planet you came from and the history of the planets that you said you own. Aren't all great innovations and developments linked to war? This is the answer to your question, although we didn't start those wars, there's no reason for us to stop them either."

"Is this why you started the Great Ancient Treant War and stood and watched from the sidelines the annihilation of humans while giving them those weak calamities that benefited them instead of harming them? Is this how the spirits of the planets view us!?" Robin gritted his teeth

"Haha, I started the war? I only said a few words, but a war of extermination broke out. Do you think the situation would have changed if the people who heard the information were humans and not the Treants? You all are not very smart for *intelligent races*. I had an opportunity to quickly develop myself and gain an owner, so I took it. This is everything you need to know." Evergreen laughed loudly and went back to walking around the green orb

"...Then tell me what are the origins of humans anyway and why do they appear on all the planets? And why do all the planetary spirits try to strengthen their inhabitants anyway? And I can see clearly that you are not stupid, if you wanted an owner you could have contacted one ancient Treant in secret and asked him to refine you, you wanted to see a war between them!"

"Shhh…" Evergreen put her finger to her mouth and winked at Robin, before prancing around the green orb happily again.

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