Lord of the Truth

Chapter 569 Secrets -1

Chapter 569 Secrets -1

The deer girl clapped and laughed, "Hehehe, you pressured them so hard that they paid a heavy price for escaping, Uncle, wouldn't it have been better to soften their hard brains with some promises? Even my exalted self is trying to get closer to you in the same way, there is no shame in that!"

"...Their fighting power will not be of much use to me in the coming war that contains hundreds of Martial Emperors. What I need are resources, a lot of resources! And if I accept them as my side and they become my followers, how can I take what they have? I will be embarrassed to take their property, it will be my duty to increase it for them. You heard my conversation with Descartes. Did you hear me say that I would take anything from him? I just admired his intelligence, so I decided to take him in, that's all." Robin muttered without looking at the deer girl

As for the deer girl, she raised her small shoulders and returned to standing silently.

Robin did not take his eyes off the spot where the three Tree Fathers' soul avatars had vanished for a long time, then finally he returned to look at the deer girl with golden eyes as he pointed behind him, "Those phenomena and symbols that appeared around them are actually patterns that I have never seen before, but I fell similar energy coming from you, what just happened had something to do with you, Isn't it?"

The deer girl raised her small shoulders, "Don't look at me, they sacrificed a large part of their refinement in order to free themselves. I can't refuse to intervene after announcing the intention to sacrifice their refinement, otherwise, where will my credibility go?"

"Planet Spirit Refinement can be useful in cases like this as well?!" Robin was astonished. He knew how powerful the silver soul force was and how much pressure the soul avatars were feeling. It was not something that was easy to escape from.

'Why didn't Hoffenheim use this method then?' That thought crossed Robin's mind for a moment, but he quickly laughed at himself and forgot about it. Those three used the planet's spirit refinement to escape, but where was Hoffenheim going to escape when he was already inside his soul domain?!

"Refining me, even to a small degree, gives its owner an unlimited number of options, especially in matters of the soul and heavenly laws. As long as what you want to do is not too exaggerated and can pay the price, everything is on the table.." The deer girl raised her slender left hand to flix her nonexistent muscles, "Hehe, I already told you I'm awesome. Have you finally been convinced of my importance? If I were entirely yours, the options open to you would be much greater!"

"You even give options such as amending heavenly laws or escaping from a soul siege? These are all really useful things, but they can only be used while I am inside Planet Greenland. What else do you have?" Robin returned to asking with a smile, already forgetting that the souls of three tree fathers had just escaped from him

The deer girl started taping on her cheek, "Hmm... I can make you control the weather and even the terrain as you wish, although after you completely refine me to 100% things like this will not exhaust your level of refinement, they will consume your soul force horribly, so I do not recommend this very often. Let's see, what else... Oh, I will make you read everything in it like the palm of your hand, I can also guide you to important mining sites, ancient plants, and rare creatures, I can also guide you to the invaluable fountain of youth and the world's heart ember, And many more things you have never imagined!" 

The deer girl then thought for a moment and added, "I can't understand you, uncle, you can't imagine the advantages a world spirit gives you, you can't even imagine what's happening in the middle-aged planetary belt because of us, you have the opportunity to have a planet spirit for 300,000 years without competition, but you hesitate?"

"..." Even Robin did not have the heart to simply skip these promises. Knowing the locations of treasures in the world was the best way he could quickly strengthen himself. Any one of the advantages that speak of the planet's spirit is enough to make anyone gasp after it, but he tried to hold back his drooling and asked again uninterestedly, "What else do you have?"

"I feel like you are tricking me, uncle! How come all this does not please you? What else do you want? do you want to marry me or something?" The deer girl hit her foot on the ground, her anger was very gentle.

"Hehe, by the way, one of the tree fathers called you Evergreen a while ago. That's your name, right? Nice name.. Listen, I'm an Emperor who rules over several planets, and I have a silver soul that will easily enable me to refine any planet spirit I want. What you're saying is really tempting, but I can easily refine the soul of one of my other planets. Frankly, I do not like your actions, and I think that I will be the losing party if my connection with you continues. If you do not give me a strong reason to refine you, I will not bother with you, and I will destroy all the tree fathers, so they will not cultivate you either, and you will have to wait for an infinite number of years until you find one to do it. come on, tell me what you have, I might agree and take you under my wing..." Robin pecked the deer girl's nose.

"Hmph! Hmph! I wasn't born with a name, One of those trees called me Evergreen one day and the rest liked the name and they started calling me that too! But I think you can use it too, it has been my name for a while now" Evergreen folded her hands and looked annoyed, "Secondly, who said I would be sad if you went and refined another planet's spirit? If you have the power, you can have as many of us as you want. Instead of one, take all of us, and I will be happy to have brothers and sisters with me to chat with, as you can imagine it gets boring here most of the time, Why would I stop you?" 

Then a strange smile appeared on her face, "Just keep in mind that owning more than one planet means that you will have to defend all of them at the same time, you can't even imagine how strong you have to be to do something like this in the middle-aged planetary belt, All people who have managed to own more than one planet for a long period are all real monsters. Can you be one of them, uncle? I hope so hehe."

"So the rest of the planets in the young planetary belt really have spirits like you? And refining a planet's spirit does not condemn me to stay on it or prevent me from refining another one. Interesting... Then why didn't those planetary spirits try to communicate with their creators like you did? Don't they want an owner too?" Robin wondered, if the existence of a soul on planet Yura or planet Nihari was discovered, everything would change about them

"Of course, all planets have spirits! But in the beginning, our consciousness is half asleep, in that state we supervise the planet's vital processes and absorb energy from the primordial chaos around us, and we may choose random embryos to mess around with from time to time. When our inhabitants begin to cultivate energy, our consciousness becomes more active, so that we begin to encourage those who follow the paths of cultivation and research to move forward faster, and when one of our residents begins to use the second stage of any law, our own spirit domain would be opened and our consciousness is transformed until it takes on a distinctive form like this cute form in front of you." Evergreen put her hand behind her back and explained, then casually took a few steps away, "Secondly, you are accusing me of a serious accusation, uncle. Who said I communicated with anyone?"

"Huh? So what exactly have you done? Since that day the ancient Treants came here and-- You mean?!" Suddenly Robin remembered something and stopped

Evergreen turned to face Robin directly and raised her thumb, laughing, "Exactly, we cannot communicate with the inhabitants of our own will until we reach the middle-aged planetary belt. There, the inhabitants will have enough power to know this secret and compete for us, but knowing now will only lead to destruction, you saw what happened in Greenland... Our main mission is to strengthen the population and monitor from afar and perhaps guide them towards the right path without revealing ourselves. But if there was ever a special resident and he reached us by himself, then things would be different. Then we are allowed to choose to communicate with him or not, And I simply chose to tell."

"Why can't you communicate with your inhabitants? What do you mean by impermissible to communicate with the inhabitants? It is very clear that you are able to share your voice and your presence with all the creatures of the planet immediately if you want!" Robin asked quickly

But Evergreen's only response was a shrug and then went back to take a walk around the huge green orb

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