Lord of the Truth

Chapter 567 Reality of the plant's spirit

Chapter 567 Reality of the plant's spirit

"Hehehe, don't you think you are being too cowardly, uncle?" The deer girl folded her arms on her small chest and looked at Robin with a playful smile, "You have an army with which you can conquer a powerful planet like me, and you have secrets in your body that enabled you to destroy 6 warlords that I personally supervised creating and know how strong they are, and of course, there is no need to talk about the strength of your silver soul! What are you afraid of? You are making me reconsider if I want you as my owner, Hmph!"

Robin furrowed his eyebrows for a few seconds and looked towards the planet spirit with a complicated look, "...When I heard about your previous actions from Descartes, I imagined that you were just a foolish young spirit who unintentionally caused trouble, but now I am beginning to suspect that what is happening on this planet was planned by you."

"Nonsense! Why are you accusing this sweet little miss of such terrible things? All I did was say a few words but those evil creatures wreaked havoc on me, they are the criminals here! Didn't you see me punishing them in every way?" The deer girl put one hand on her waist and the other pointed toward the three soul orbs with an angry expression

"Oh, really? A while ago, you mentioned the young planetary belt when we were talking about my Silver Soul. That means you know about the older planets, right? If the ancient Treant knew what would happen when Greenland qualified for the middle-aged planetary belt, would they have battled to their death like this? I doubt it. They would have fought in the first place if they knew that you are just a planet among millions and not the whole *world* as they used to think... You can deceive those locals all you want, but be careful not to do the same to me, I don't mind returning this planet to zero after I'm done with it, all I have to do is kill every intelligent being or transport them into another planet, it shouldn't be that hard." Robin raised his head defiantly, his eyes shining with killing intent for a moment

The deer girl lowered the hand she was pointing towards the spirits of the tree fathers and went back to looking at Robin, still placing one hand on her waist. This time her look turned from innocence and curiosity to a strange smile, "Let's all calm down here, you're making me look very bad, I didn't lie to them."

"You didn't tell all the facts either." Robin said seriously, "The eternal life you promise will end the moment Greenland enters the middle-aged planetary belt, you know that right? That 5 billion years bullshit is a honey trap. There are countless numbers of experts in the middle-aged planetary belt and I refuse to believe that this eternal life thing isn't known there, those clumsy trees won't last a day or two in the middle-aged planetary belt and you know it. If they kept on pretending to act like deaf and mute trees, they would have been able to survive for millions of years, and might even be taken in like pets under some overlord, but your *offer* already killed most of them, and the winner among them will turn into camp firewood in 300,000 years." 

Then his voice became cold, "Do you think this kind of information is something that you can ignore? What would have happened if you told them: You would kill each other to chase a dream that doesn't exist? I think a few changes might have happened in your history, no? At least it would have prevented some of the unfortunate events that you *punished* them for if you ask me."

"…If I told them back then they would have still fought and the course of history would have gone the same way." The spirit spoke seriously, her childish nature gone for a moment, "Everything was decided when I mentioned eternal life. The dream may not be available to them, but it still exists. If you had to enter a big game like this to win a major prize, or die a death full of glory, or sunbathe alone day and night and pray for it not to rain today, which one would you choose?"

Robin shook his head, "That's not your business to decide. You had a chance to explain everything. Even today, you could have spoken up instead of sending those disasters that make them stronger instead of weakening them. The fact that you stayed silent means that you like what's happening."

"I'm a shy girl and I'm not the type to talk. No one asked me, so I didn't see the need to say anything else. Do want me to tell them everything I know? It doesn't work like that." The deer girl put her hand behind her back again with a playful look

At this point, Robin could clearly feel the souls of the Three Tree Fathers shaking. They may have reached some conclusions or perhaps not even understood anything, but the conversation was simply terrifying... Had they really been deceived all that time?

"Then tell me why do you have information about planetary belts? A lump of dirt floating in space like you is not supposed to know about the existence of other planets, regardless of the way they are classified! A moment ago you said you are designed to follow the strongest, what did you mean?" Robin continued his questions in a stern tone

"You won't find an answer with me." The deer girl raised her small shoulders

"What if I insist?" Robin took a step forward, his powerful aura completely exploding

"You can insist as much as you want, there are things I am not authorized to say no matter what, and -I'm sorry in advance for hurting your self-confidence- I'm afraid you won't be able to do anything to me anyway." The deer girl passed her finger and pecked Robin's chest with a smile, as if she didn't pay any attention to his soul strength at all, "Hey, why do you take everything so seriously, Uncle? Suppose you'll have problems when I enter the middle-aged planetary belt, what's your problem with that? I still have plenty of time before entering the middle-aged planetary belt, Just a little under 300 thousand years, you can refine me now and simply abandon me before the hunters come for you, having 300 thousand years of extra life isn't too bad of a deal."

Then she continued with her shining eyes, "Think about it, this may be a losing deal for the ancient Treant things, but you are human, and no matter how powerful humans become, the laws of the universe prevent them from exceeding the age of 100,000 years without outsource support, and these types outsource support that can prolong life is extremely limited, the most famous of which is that it possesses a planet and be its ruler. I am now offering you 300,000 years of additional lives, during which you can reach high levels of power and increase your original life span, and after you abandon me, you will rely on your own life force to live for another hundred thousand years. This is not a bad deal at all if you want my opinion. And who knows? You may change your mind after 300 thousand years when you become stronger and decide to remain my owner and defend me. You have options, that's all that I'm saying."

Robin's aura calmed down again when he felt that the deer girl didn't care for it, and his eyes became very cold as he looked at her... The planet's spirit is indeed not as childish as he was expecting, and it can even be said that engaging with her is very dangerous. He obviously threatened her two or three times already but even in such a situation, she's still trying to get his favor. what kind of self-control is this?

And what's with that *there are things I'm not allowed to say*? Who authorizes her to say what she says and who gives her the information?!

"You make sense, but your offer is still useless to me, I'm the type who gets bored quickly, what will I do with 400,000 years? Tsk tsk~ What else do you have?" Robin abandoned his serious looks and decided to go with the energy of the planet's playful spirit.

"Hmm, I can give you the--" The deer girl tapped her cheek a few times and began to speak.

But Robin raised his hand and interrupted her, then looked towards the tree parent spirits, "Have you lot heard enough? What was said now should be enough to make your decision easier, but our conversation later should be a little more private, and the ten-minute deadline has expired anyway. Tell me what you have decided... Surrender or destruction?"

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