Lord of the Truth

Chapter 566 Reality of eternal life

Chapter 566 Reality of eternal life

Both Robin and the little girl asked at the same time, "Who are you?" Then they looked at each other again for an unknown time

Robin raised his eyebrows slightly, "There is someone on this planet who still doesn't know who I am? This makes me a little disappointed..."

"I know you well, Emperor of Conquerors, but..." Finally, the deer girl took a few steps and gently extended her hand towards Robin's silver avatar, then finally spoke again in a sharp but gentle child-like voice, "This silver soul avatar of yours... a silver soul is not something that can appear in the young planetary belt, how did this happen? Who ARE you?!"

"Oh, can you determine this just by looking? Although I don't understand what a silver soul is yet, it can be said that I have been lucky since I was young in matters of the soul. I was blessed with a soul that was much stronger than average, and then I created powerful soul techniques that pushed my soul to this strength, I never thought I would have this strange silver soul transformation, but I think it's a good thing. You could say that my silver soul is just a coincidence that resulted from an accumulation of unplanned events." Robin, still had his hands behind his back while raising his eyebrows slightly. Even the Tree Fathers couldn't be sure that his soul had become stronger than their own, They felt only it was strange,

"Amazing... I thought I would never see anything like this again.." The deer girl spoke gently, still moving her hand over Robin's face.

 Robin left it for a few seconds and then asked, "And you? If that huge orb is the spirit of the planet, are you its consciousness?"

"En." The deer girl pulled her hand and nodded with smiling eyes. She looked very cute.

Then, with a slight wave of her hand, she sent an orb of gentle light toward Robin, which in turn allowed the light orb to touch his avatar.

After closing his eyes for a few moments, Robin opened them with an expression of shock and surprise, "Did you just give me your refinement method?!"

"En, The soul force is one of the biggest factors in refining a planet's spirit, with your current soul strength, you will finish the refinement process much sooner than them." The deer girl nodded and pointed toward the three Tree Fathers' soul avatars

Although they could not move or speak, their aura could easily be felt, and the trio's aura now was one of anger and panic, Robin felt that they were about to explode internally!! ...But no way, let them try as much as they want.

Robin laughed for a moment when he noticed the reactions of the three Tree Fathers. He understood them. Just a short while ago, they were celebrating that the refiners had become only 5 after finally getting rid of Hoffenheim, and swearing to never let Descartes enter this domain again after he declared his loyalty to the invaders, but suddenly a new rival appeared for them, and according to the words of the planet's spirit, he will even be much faster than them, How are they supposed to feel?!

What really surprised Robin was the way the planet's spirit was approaching him. Even if she was disappointed with the Tree Fathers, they had still accompanied her for more than two hundred thousand years. Is it normal for her to sell them cheaply like that?

"Interesting..." Robin raised his hand to slowly rub his chin, then pointed towards the planet spirit with a smile, "Then please do tell, why should I refine you?"

"Why not? Haven't you heard enough from Descartes? I can be very useful." The girl tilted her head to the side, furrowing her eyebrows. She looked as if she had been wronged

"Oh, you know the details of my dialogue with Father Descartes as well?!" Robin raised his eyebrows again. Although Descartes had already announced that he had sided with the True Beginning Empire and began cooperating with them to protect the new borders, he definitely did not mention the details of the meeting between him and Robin to anyone!

But now this girl spoke as if she were sitting with them... His interest in the spirit of planet Greenland increased again.

"What you heard from Descartes does not make you useful, but extremely dangerous." Robin shook his head gently, "What else do you have?"

"Eternal life is not useful for you? You may say this because you are still young, but do you know what old people do to secure for themselves one more day of life? You have eternal life that is easy to obtain, but you say it is dangerous? You are too difficult to please, uncle." The deer girl raised both hands in a way that suggested helplessness

"...Uncle? Do you know how old are you?! ...Never mind, your eternal life isn't worth a single coin, you can sell this crap to those idiots over there, not me." Robin laughed and pointed towards the three Tree Fathers' souls

The three Tree Fathers didn't know if they should feel humiliated or be pleased that Robin wasn't interested...

"That isn't too nice of you! Do you think I lied? My eternal life is the real deal!" The deer girl put her little hand at her waist, sounding a little angry but still adorable

"I haven't said it wasn't, but that doesn't mean it isn't dangerous!" Robin shook his head, "Let me ask you a few questions and your answers will determine exactly why this is dangerous, what do you think?"

"Hehe, that sounds fun, ask!" The girl clapped

"First: Does this eternal life mean that I will become immune to killing, or does it indicate that my natural lifespan has only become unlimited?" Robin raised a finger and asked seriously

"Immune to killing? Your imagination has gone too far, uncle. How can I make you unkillable? I will only connect your lifeline to my vitality, I am destined to live 5 billion years or so before my core begins to decompose and explode, this way you too will have a long lifespan of 5 billion years, and after my death, you will return to drain the life force from your own life vine as you do now, you can even find yourself another planet spirit to refine then, meaning you won't lose anything or die with me... It may not be eternal life in the literal sense, but 5 billion years it's not too bad either, don't you think?"

" Hah~ What does a person like me who is living among countless conflicts all the time do with this much lifespan? I pray every day to stay alive until my matter in Planet Nihari is finished! This eternal life of yours would only benefit me if I remained hidden somewhere, and even then I know my luck in these matters too damn well, even if I escaped everything and remained hidden underground problems would come to me and I would find someone to kill me." Robin gave a chuckle, he is about 200 years old but he was very close more than he can remember, and once his body actually died! 

"5 billion years? This is indeed tempting, but no one will stay out of trouble for that long. let's move on to the next question: After you are completely refined, will you be subordinate to me forever or can someone else refine you for themselves? And if this is possible, will this only happen after I die or can you follow someone else during my lifetime?" Robin raised a second finger, this question had been on his mind ever since he learned that all the Ancient Treant could refine the spirit at the same time.

The deer girl put her hand on her mouth and giggled, "Pfft, what a strange question, uncle. I am not your wife to continue my life as a sad widow after you die. Of course, if you die, I will need another owner. Plus, I am designed to follow the strongest possible owner, so if someone comes and defeats you, I can choose to abandon you and let him refine me, even if you are still alive, so you should stay strong! hehe."

Robin opened his mouth, raised his eyebrows slightly as if he was surprised, and began to clap, "Beautiful, beautiful... So even after refining you, I will have to deal with people who want to take you from me, right? Even if I tried to hide under the ground somewhere to enjoy my new lifespan, everyone would look for me to kill me so that they could take you from me." 

Then he pointed at the deer girl casually, "How nice, so let me get this straight, after I refine you not only will I still be killable, but you will also give a very strong motivation to all the powerful people in the world to come and kill me. Did I understand this correctly?"

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