Lord of the Truth

Chapter 518 A deferent man

Chapter 518  A deferent man

"What? What do you mean you don't want help? If I, an adopted brother of yours who accompanied you since birth, can't help you, then who would? What is it, you are calling me the second brother but you don't see me as family?" Theo responded angrily and then scanned the ring and brought out a few items, "Just look at this, your father knows that your mother passed you the Life Fire Cultivation Technique up to the second stage, so this metal tablet contains the complete third stage of the Life Fire Cultivation Technique, by using it, you can break through to the Sagehood Realm and reach level 40 without problems. And here are some golden weapons, the best that the blacksmith of our planet can currently make, and here are these talismans made by the astrals, and with them, you can attack and even kill high-level sages, and here--"

At this moment, Richard intervened, waving his hand, "There is no need to continue. Don't get me wrong, second brother, if you brought me something of your own doing, I would appreciate it and accept it from you even if I didn't really need it, but since that man is the one who made this meeting possible and he is the one who sent those things, then sorry, I don't want them."

"...This man is your father, the man who gave you your life. It wouldn't hurt to show you some respect." Theo furrowed his eyebrows, he was starting to understand a little what was going on

Richard laughed, "Father? I wasn't a very bad student in Uncle Rafael's nobles classes. You attended a few classes as well. Isn't a father's primary role to take care of his family and protect his wife and children? Did this guy do that? He didn't even show me his face since I was born! Father, you said? He doesn't qualify for this title. Maybe we'll call him the person who slept with my mother and then ran away, Now that would be a better description."

"Richard! Your father did not abandon you and your mother. He did not go on a trip to fool around with women or explore the world and leave you behind by his own decision. Rather, he had to leave and was very glum when he left, we all saw how he was that day, This is regardless of the fact that he did not know that your mother was pregnant with you in the first place... Your mother is a wise woman she must have said a thing or two about his departure, so how can you hold that against him?" Theo spoke sternly, "Secondly, his life was not full of roses and candy here. I heard a lot from the head of the Fire Salamander Organization in the Eastern Region, Ugas, about your father's life during the twenty years he spent here. If you want, I can tell you a few things that happened to him and the torture he was subjected to, do you think he was happy to be exposed to all of this just because he wanted to get away from you?"

Richard shook his head with the same slight smile, "Second Brother Theo, what is the use of talking about this now and why are you so agitated? I have nothing against you, I know that you were a victim of that man like me, after the Siege of Jura, you were chased around with the rest of our relatives in the Ancestral Continent like dogs every day in a kill-and-be-killed situation, and why? because that man showed so many innovations that he made those thugs covet us, and then he ran away and left us to our fate. Are you telling me that none of you had hatred in your heart against that man while you were in that situation?"

"No! Your father bought me when I was a naked, Tongue less child, standing on slave platforms, and made me what I am today. Your father saved Caesar when he was still an infant and his mother left him to die in the Outer Beast Zone, and he raised him and educated him until he became the Black Flame General that everyone feared and respected him. When your father took the reins of the Burton family they were just a small Earldom that all its neighbors were trying to take a piece of, Within a few years, he left it as the largest duchy in the Black Sun Kingdom and maybe the whole continent. When he was with us, the entire Ancestral Continent would recoil for fear of even mentioning the name of the Burton Duchy." Theo hit his thigh with much force,

And then added, "...Was there hatred in our hearts after the Jura disaster? Yes. We hated ourselves because we had lost everything he had built because we were not strong enough to defend what he had spent his life doing! Your father was and still is a great man, if Mrs. Mila was still around she would have slapped you for what you are saying!"

"Do not mention my mother's name while defending that man!" Richard hit the armrests of his chair with both hands and stood up angrily. His sage aura exploded and violent green flames began to burn in his eyes and hair. He looked like a devil coming straight from the bottom of hell, " When that man came to see me a few years ago I told him exactly what happened to my mother and how she died a horrific death. Did he not tell you the details? Did he not tell you how I saw my mother die in front of me in the most horrific ways because of his actions?! Of course, he will not, he will say that she is dead and keep the way she died secret. How can the great Robin Burton tell people that such and such happened to my wife?"

Then Richard looked up and started laughing hysterically, "Hehe, after years of waiting, he sent me a ring with supplies HAAAHAHAHA. I should have guessed this. This is what he did with the information I told him. He went and disappeared again as usual, Hehe, but it's my fault I should have expected this, That bastard did not shed a single tear as he listened to what happened to his wife, nor did he flinch when he saw my condition. The whole time he must have been thinking: Oh, now I have to give up my research and adventures for a while to save that boy, otherwise my reputation will get worse, but let me disappear again for a few more years first!! Hahahaha F*ck him and his help, let them go to hell together!!"

At that moment, Theo was forced to involuntarily slam his back to his seat in terror, He merely looked at Richard's face in shock without saying a word... Richard, who was wearing a mask with a kind smile on his face, had disappeared without a trace, and a terrifying persona took his place.

He was worried when Richard first walked through the door and saw his submissive demeanor, but seeing the bloodthirsty aura of the person standing in front of him now... Was that an act? If Theo was not sure that Richard would not attack him, he would have activated his shadow movement and fled immediately!

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