Lord of the Truth

Chapter 517 Grand plan

Chapter 517  Grand plan

"...Second brother Theo? You survived the invasion of the Flame Empire?! What about my first brother Caesar, Grandpa Galan, and Grandpa Brian? Is everyone okay?!" Richard stood up slowly, almost unable to believe what he was seeing. His features changed for the first time since he entered the hall, turning from the kind smile that seemed as if nothing would disturb it, to a shock that gilded the minds mixed with some joy.

Theo let out a long sigh when he heard this question, and his face changed as if he remembered something he didn't want to remember, "...A lot has happened since the day you and my lady left. The Flame Empire intensified the attack greatly until--- Then we decided to form a battalion and escape, but then---"

Richard opened his eyes sometimes in surprise and closed them other times in sorrow. His heart sank in the first half of the story, especially when he heard of the death of his grandfathers and a large number of people he knew when he was young. But he was able to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that his brothers and a good number of the Burton family had survived that massacre... Ever since he escaped that day, he had prepared for himself that he would become an orphan. The fact that there are people remaining from his family is a reason for joy.

Theo continued to tell the story til he reached the point where everyone had been rescued from the ambush and began to explain Robin's revenge against the Four Empires and the Ansectral Contenent, but Richard's features changed slightly and he interrupted, "Let's leave this aside for now... How did you convince the Nine Suns Monarch to help you?!"

"Convinced him? You underestimate your father's innovations too much, little prince." Theo did not mind changing the subject since talking about the past was heavy on his heart anyway, but he laughed in a low voice and then looked beside him, "Get us something to drink."

"Yes." The Nihari giant bowed slightly, then went to the bar and began to pour something into two glasses. He quickly returned and served them respectfully, "Eastern Silver Vine Wine, I hope it pleases you both, My lords."

Then he returned to stand next to Theo as if nothing had happened.

"...What is happening here?!" Richard placed the cup on the table and looked at the giant, whom he called the Nine Suns Monarch, from top to bottom, as if trying to find something wrong with him.

"No need to be skeptical Your Highness, it is indeed him, Kandal the son of Arinov, the son of Ashira, Prince No. 7 of the Northern Ashira Giants Tribe. What...do you think we will be able to kidnap him and replace him with someone else?" Theo shook his head gently and took a sip of wine, he hadn't been this relaxed in years

"But how?! That person has the Fourth stage of the Body Strengthening Divine Tattoo, he already became an Emperor hundreds of years ago and has many martial achievements to his name. He has burned down countless intelligent race members and single-handedly burned down the main cities of nine Nihari Giants Tribes that provoked him, The flames burning those nine cities reached the sky so everyone called him the Nine Suns Monarch. Many say that he is one of the 10 most powerful emperors in the world. There are also rumors that the Ashira tribe was the richest tribe in the northern region thanks to his expansive business. This was before I showed up, of course. The Azil tribe became the richest in the world nowadays."

Theo nodded several times, "You are right, this person is indeed one of the most powerful powerhouses in the world, Whether, in individual or economic strength, it is indeed hard to find his match. But what you do not know is that he is the person who controls the underworld in Nihari as well... This person is the actual head of the Fire Salamander Organization."

"The Fire Salamander Terrorist Organization? This is not very strange. Everyone is talking about the source of the Ashira tribe's outrageous wealth and about the rare and stolen items that constantly appear in their famous auctions. It is no wonder that the largest criminal organization works for them... But what does this have to do with anything?"

"Sigh~ How can I tell you this... When your father was still in Nihari, he invented a mind control technique called Soul Enslavement and used a trick to bring Ugas, the leader of the Eastern Region Branch of the Fire Salamander Organization, under his control by making him read that technique and practice it. " Theo also placed the cup on the table and began to explain to Richard gently, "Before your father left Nihari, he gave Ugas a few orders, including that he should obey me when he saw me, and several other things... but the most important order he gave him was to try to subjugate the rest of the branches of the Fire Salamander Organization under his control..."

"...Since that time, Ugas has been trying to get closer to the leaders region Chiefs and their assistants with only the big head remaining... Only yesterday were the Five District Chiefs finally able of the rest of the regions, using all possible tricks to make them train the soul enslavement technique, and little by little he was able to enslave the leaders of the organization in the western, southern, central and even the Northern regions. He simply subjugated all the region Chiefs and their assistants with only the big head remaining... Only yesterday were the Five District Chiefs finally able to request a meeting with the actual boss, the Nine Suns Monarch, and convince him that they had found a power-up related to the Second Heaven's Chosen and that he should try it out. In this way, they were able to make him accept the Soul Enslavement and become on our side!"

Richard slowly sat down, "...So in Samary the Nine Suns Monarch is working for Ugas now, and Ugas is working for you, did I understand correctly?"

"We all work for your father, I'm just a mediator between them." Theo shook his head

"Oh... And what do you intend to do with all this?" Richard raised his eyebrows slightly and asked

"Many things... Your father has drawn up a long-term plan for Planet Nihari and implementation has already begun, but all the success in implementing that plan can't be compared to meeting you today. I have waited years to complete the subjugation of the Nine Suns Monarch in order for us to meet without anyone disturbing us, Even the Emperors of The Azil tribe would not dare to send their soul sense to spy inside this palace!"

"Aha... And then what?" Richard leaned back on the huge chair

"Your father sent you good things," Theo took out a space ring from his pocket and with a slight movement took several things out on the table, "I will explain to you the uses of all of them and explain to you your role in the upcoming events. It may take a little longer, but you will definitely get out of here in one piece."

Richard's eyes lowered slightly to look at the ring, then he returned to look into Theo's eyes with a blank face, "Thank you for your trouble, second brother, but I will get myself out."

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