Lord of the Truth

Chapter 527 Pampered children

Chapter 527 Pampered children

"Okay, okay, let's not exaggerate too much here." Robin waved his hands and shook his head, "You say the humans are the pampered children of the planets, and the planets push human geniuses to discover the internal energy system faster? How did you come up with something like this? This theory can be easily disproven for two reasons. The first reason is that the method of internal energy training is not very difficult or Something full of mysteries, It is actually the easiest one of them all one doesn't even have to know about the patterns to use it, unlike the Nihari Divine Tatoo system for example."

Then he continued to explain, "The energy gathering center is an organ like any other in the body and it is present in all intelligent creatures in the area below the navel, how can it stay hidden forever? Someone must discover the use of that area sooner or later. When someone discovers that this area can store energy, he will immediately work to find a way to gather energy from his surroundings and keep it there which will head to find that way of creating solid foundations, and after he reaches a certain level of strength, let's say level 10, he will not be able to advance further except by studying a heavenly law, and after that, then you will have to discover more about that law in order to improve your strength further and build more powerful and much bigger solid foundations, By this point, you will have a complete internal energy system! The process is smooth and organized and only requires the passage of time and the accumulation of experiences to reach it. It is not mysterious and requires special enlightenment or anything like that, we can even take a step further and say it's primitive and natural..."

"... Let's leave that aside for now, I know that you would say if the internal energy system is so easy why do only humans discover it every day? Let us go to the second reason then that is even clearer, You say humans are the spoiled sons of the planets. Humans actually exist on the four planets, but how are they doing? They were exterminated on the farm planet, they are currently being obliterated on Planet Greenland, and they are raised on farms on Planet Nihari destined to be slaves or food. The only planet on which humans survived and evolved is the planet Jura and that is because for some reason there are only humans on it! Is this how the planet treats its spoiled children? If this is the case, then I represent all humans when I say that we do not want to be spoiled anymore!!"

Jabba spoke in a hurry, "But what does the planet have to do with this? All humans at some point have the upper hand, but for some reason, every time a traitor leaks the internal energy cultivation method, internal struggles occur that weaken the human side, and then another race that hates the humans comes and destroys them. Every time Humans receive a gift that gives them blatant superiority, but each time they lose it themselves. Can't we attribute the destruction of humans on the three planets to the stupidity of their leaders?"

"We can also attribute human superiority to the genius of the human children, why attribute the good things to the planet's spirit and the bad ones to the humans? Don't be ridiculous, can't you see what is happening here on Planet Greenland? The Treants have absolute advantages in every way, If this planet's spirit is kind to anyone it would be them!" Robin raised his shoulder slightly

Robin was categorically refusing to accept the fact that the planets' spirits had a hand in the matter, not because he was certain that it was impossible, but because everything he knew about the planet's spirit was extremely vague. How could Robin pin anything suspicious on the will of the planet spirit? Wouldn't that be too lazy?

Jabba scratched his head for a few seconds, "Well, in the end, it's just a theory that can be right or wrong. Let's leave the reason aside for now and focus on the obvious conclusion, which is that humans are present on all planets and are always the first to discover internal energy cultivation methods. Can we agree on this point at least?"

"Agreed. But what then? That's exactly the same conclusion I made to myself when I thought about it and hit the same wall. In the end, it's just an interesting piece of information but it can't be used for anything practical given our current low level of power and simple understanding of the universe. All we can do is admire how interesting it is and then forget about it." Robin giggled upon hearing this

"Good! At least now we have a point we can move on from." Jabba suddenly clapped, then took out a flat, transparent stone from his void ring and passed it to Robin

Robin received it indifferently and waited for Jabba to explain what this was, but suddenly he raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw that his fingers had swelled several times when he looked at them through the stone. When he turned the stone to the other side, he found that his fingers were still the same size, but now the pebbles on the ground looked much bigger!

Here Jabba intervened, "This is called the revealing moonstone. When you look through it, you will find that it has the ability to magnify things ten times their original size. The Greenlanders here use it to detect the presence of very tiny insects and the proportions of herbal ingredients when they make wound pastes or injury powder. If you place more than one detector moonstone under each other, the magnification effect will double, reaching hundreds of folds!"

Robin nodded his head several times with a smile, "Hmm, this is actually a useful item for doing research. You won't need it now since you have an Eye of Truth, but it is extremely useful for most researchers and chemists, it seems that the Master Law of Truth choosing you was not out of the blue, it wasn't just about you seeing the Heavenly Law cores or the Heavenly Laws' embodiments, right? Boy, what were you searching for behind my back, hah?"

"hmm to tell the truth, during the four years that followed the declaration of war, I didn't have much to do, other than taking charge during major battles. The officers took care of everything else, so I had a lot of free time." Jabba scratched his head a little while smiling in embarrassment, "Returning to our topic... When I came to the idea that humans might have a special status above that of other intelligent creatures, I wanted to come and talk to you about it but you were in seclusion for a long time, plus I didn't have any evidence as they were all theories, so I decided to research the topic further instead of waiting until you come out and present the topic to you and waste your precious time without evidence, I didn't know you already had an idea about it by then. The first idea that came to my mind was actually very simple, it was to make a comparison between Humans and other intelligent creatures, so I can see if there is a tangible difference between us."

"...At first I did not achieve anything. The external form is not a standard, and the internal organs are also very similar in terms of working principles. They only differ in their location and perhaps their size to match the shape and the needs of the different-looking physical body. I said to myself that this is certainly not the only difference. But, I did not have the means to research more deeply at that time until I read some reports from the headquarters about the customs and traditions of people in Greenland and learned about the revealing moonstone, and then a new phase of exploration began..."

At this point, Jabba stood up and went to get 4 containers that were tightly wrapped in special ways. Then he pulled out a table and placed it in front of Robin. He placed the containers on it and then began carefully removing the packaging. It quickly became clear that the four containers contained blood.

then he spoke in a serious manner, "Here is a sample of my blood from when I still possessed the body of a Nihari giant, I wrapped it in a special way to prevent it from going bad it should be good as new, there are also a sample of the blood of two brothers of the Astral race and the Dwarf race, in addition to a sample of the blood of one of the young men of the Borton family. Master, please take your time and use the revealing moonstone to examine these samples and tell me what you think."

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