Lord of the Truth

Chapter 526 Origin

Chapter 526 Origin

"...Tell me what happened to your body."

"...This isn't something I can say with a word or two, I'm afraid the explanation you are looking for is going to take quite a bit of your time. If you don't mind listening now, Would you like some tea? I got a fine patch by chance during my time Leading the Sixth Legion." In front of Robin's question, Jabba smiled and did not answer immediately. Rather, he got up and went to one of the corners of his tent and brought some firewood, Then he brought the jug, and quickly a small cloud formed above it and it began to rain drops of clear water, then he dropped a few glowing green leaves into it.

Then he asked while making the tee, not looking at Robin, "Master, Did you receive a report regarding the history of the cultivation techniques on the Farm Planet?"

Robin raised his eyebrows slightly, "You know about the farm..." but he didn't seem very surprised

"Just a little bit~ I peppered Amon with questions and made him talk, but there's no need to blame him, he didn't mean to reveal the secret." Jabba laughed slowly.

Robin smiled when he heard this. Is it easy to make Amon talk? Amon is the non-crowned Demon king at this moment, and this is not only due to his previous encounter with Robin.

He made his way from just a high-level Demon to one of the Demon kings in a very short period of time, and the rest of the kings depended on him in external communication and politics almost entirely. How could Jabba make him speak his secrets with a few words? If it were that easy, Billy would have known what was happening a long time ago!

Then Robin nodded twice. After his first meeting with Demon King Moren, emissaries from the Demon army came to visit him more than once.

Although they were not able to meet him due to his absence in the closed-door seclusion that lasted for almost four years, they left reports for him regarding everything that might interest him about the Farm Planet.

"May I ask what interested you most in the reports about the history of cultivation techniques in the Farm Planet?" Jabba asked again before dropping a few more tea leaves into the fridge

"Nothing very interesting, honestly... They use an internal energy system that is somewhat different from the one we use in Planet Jura, but the main idea is the same, which is to use the laws to strengthen the energy gathering center and allow it to build more solid foundations, But it didn't come as a surprise as it is the same with the internal energy system in Greenland as well. In addition to this, they use certain techniques to strengthen their bodies and weapons and enlarge their bodies, but it is all empty talk and the use of external methods because the internal energy technique they use is full of loopholes."

"Did the report mention who invented this internal energy system technique on the Farm Planet?" Jabba asked emotionlessly

Robin's smile grew, reaching ear to ear, "So you also noticed..."

Jabba looked sideways at his master, "Maybe. I honestly don't know if we're talking about the same topic here."

Robin waved his hands and went back to leaning on the back of his chair, "Then I will go along with you until I hear your opinion first... According to the history of the farm planet, there were humans living on it about 300 thousand years ago. Under the pressure of the intense war that was raging on the planet at that time due to the large number of different races, One of the geniuses of the human race laid the foundations of the internal energy system, and thanks to him, the humans there got a chance to catch their breath and even control the situation, until the technique eventually spread and the rest of the races and began to cultivate it. At this point, the mortal war turned into a massacre of energy cultivators, and the first race to be annihilated was? actually the human race, how ironic."

Jabba nodded a few times as Robin finished speaking, "Doesn't this remind you of something? According to the history of planet Greenland, the first to invent the internal energy training technique were humans before the technique leaked to the Treants, and according to the hidden history of Planet Nihari, the Humans were also the first race to obtain the internal energy training system before the First Heaven's Chosen came and invented the Divine Tattoo system so that they would be more suitable for the Nihari Giants, and of course, there is no need to mention the race that discovered the internal energy system on the planet Jura..."

"Go on..." Robin nodded excitedly

"...If we take a step back and see the entire picture along the four planets, we will find that the internal energy training technique has always been the first thing that appears when it comes to energy cultivation, and we also find that it is humans who discover this technique every single time!"

"...Continue..." Robin leaned forward again, all of his teeth now visible due to his wide smile.

"...The Treants only exist on planet Greenland, the Nihari Giants only exist on Planet Nihari, and the half-humans exist only on planet Farm and Planet Nihari. Humans are the only race that is present -or were present at some point- on the four planets, in addition to the fact that they are always the first to step towards the energy training path. Isn't it safe to say that if we select one race to be bet on being the chosen one, it will be the human race?" At this point, Jabba stopped and looked at Robin out of the corner of his eye

*Applause sounds*

"Excellent, wonderful..." Robin started laughing loudly and clapping so hard that he almost lost feeling in his hands, before he leaned back on the back of his chair again and looked up at the tent, "Ahh~ Haha, it's a nice feeling to find someone smart to talk to."

"You... Have thought about this before?" At this point, Jabba raised his eyebrows in surprise. He thought it would take him a few hours to argue with his master until they finally reached a conclusion together, but it turned out that there was no need for that.

"Of course, I thought about the matter since I sat with Fugon and heard from him the cultivation history of Planet Greenland. It might have been a coincidence on the planet Jura and the planet Nihari, After all, there are only humans on Planet Jura, or at least that is what we see currently, although seeing all these intelligent races on all the other planets makes me doubt whether there are actually other intelligent races on the planet Jura at one point, but our human ancestors won the final war and exterminated them? I don't know. History does not mention anything like this. It is not unlikely that an extermination war actually occurred in Jura before the era of energy cultivation, which led to the annihilation of the rest of the races at the hands of humans, but it is just speculation at the end."

Then he added with a wave of his hand, "..But how can such a coincidence also be in Planet Greenland? At this point, it is impossible not to notice it. So doubt began to enter my heart regarding the origins of the races, and then the report came from Farm Planet and it directly confirmed my doubt." Robin explained as he waved excitedly, "I don't know whether humans are a chosen race or something like that. After all, humans were either exterminated or enslaved on 3 out of 4 planets, but there is undoubtedly a connection between the origin of humans and the internal energy cultivation system."

"Then here me out, why don't we take this assumption of yours a step further..." Jabba poured the boiling tea into two cups and passed one to his teacher before sitting down in front of him again, "If we said that the internal energy training system is the origin of all cultivation paths, this would not be an exaggeration at this point, right? But why are humans the ones who discover it every time? It is not as if there is a noticeable difference in intellect between humans and other intelligent creatures, and there are creatures who are better than humans in terms of contemplation and merging with nature, such as the Treants or the astral race, it would have been more logical for them to discover the cultivation path first, but they did not."

"You mean..." Robin furrowed his eyebrows slightly, he had basically forgotten that there was a boiling cup of tea in his hand

"What if we assumed that humans are the pampered children of the planets and that the planets' spirits push the geniuses of the human race to explore the internal energy cultivation system first to strengthen the human race before others?"

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