Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 73 - 72 All is Ready

Chapter 73: Chapter 72 All is Ready

Translator: 549690339 |

The burning bonfire illuminated the green pupils of the gray wolf.

The sudden attack of the malevolent wolf startled everyone.

Bi Fang reached for a burning piece of firewood and smashed it down onto the body of the wolf, a shower of sparks fell onto the snowy ground, and the piece of wood was actually snapped in two.

On the other side, Zheng Tianfang also thrust his spear at the wolf, and with the combined efforts of the two, the wolf collapsed to the ground in less than a minute into its entrance.

The toppled Wu Mingtao had yet to come to his senses, still smashing at the wolf repeatedly with rocks he found who knows where.

“Grass! Grass! Grass!”

Seeing that Wu Mingtao could still fight and roar, with only his clothes torn at the back, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and then burst into laughter at his loss of composure.

“Hey, that’s enough, it’s already dead!” Zheng Tianfang laughed and shouted.

Wu Mingtao let go of the bloodied rock and collapsed to the ground, his eyes empty.

“Is this a Wolf King?” Hu Hao asked, feeling that this lone wolf coming over definitely wasn’t simple. Its entrance just now was as frightening as the ghosts in horror movies.

“It’s not the Wolf King, but a Subordinate Wolf, probably one that failed during the previous turmoil,” Bi Fang examined the wounds on the wolf’s carcass. Although the fur was somewhat charred, one could still vaguely make out bite marks and traces of blood. “The Wolf King didn’t kill it, instead, it used it as cannon fodder to test us. It saw the discord among us and found a weak spot, hoping to trade one for one.”

“If the probing had been successful, it would have been the perfect time for the Wolf King to attack. Even if it wasn’t successful, it still conveniently eliminated a competitor.”

Hearing this, Wu Mingtao kicked the wolf’s carcass a few times with his uninjured leg, enraged.

[Damn, they can even perceive that?]

[Is this really a wolf? It’s smarter than people! ]

[Wolf King delivering meat?]

[We’re having meat tonight.]

While the Shuiyou reveled joyfully, undulating wolf howls suddenly arose.

The wailing wind carried the deep howls that seemed to cover the entire snow forest, a display of intimidation by the wolf pack.

Such an audacious pack of wolves.

Did they really think they had them nailed down?

Bi Fang narrowed his eyes, “Let’s find a big tree stick, sharpen it, and stick it up its ass. Roast this beast until it’s well done…”

Bi Fang then turned to look at the others, who were huddling like quails, and said calmly, “And then eat it!”

On the campfire, a large skinned and bled wolf was being slowly roasted over the flames.

Hu Hao, meanwhile, turned it from time to time to ensure even cooking.

Bi Fang was also making weapons and traps, while explaining to Lin Xue and Zheng Tianfang beside him.

After all, he couldn’t rely on himself alone to make traps and weapons.

“To deal with wolves, just having spears is not enough, we also need to make traps and prepare remote attacking methods.”

“As a medium-sized predator, many ranged weapons are actually not very effective. Here I will teach you about a throwing weapon called the Dart, which is very powerful.”

“When the Spanish conquerors invaded the Aztec Empire in 1519, they found that Darts launched from a thrower could even penetrate their armor!”

That powerful?

Many viewers subconsciously recalled the heavy and sturdy plate armor of the Middle Ages. What kind of weapon could actually penetrate armor? And if it hit the flesh…

[That powerful? Does everyone have a Qilin Arm?]

[Must be some principle of physics, right? Otherwise, how could it be so strong; the maximum throwing distance of a wooden javelin is only about thirty meters]

[Could this even take down an elephant?]

“Hey, a viewer guessed it right!” Seeing the barrage, Bi Fang smiled.

“In primitive societies, people would use Darts to hunt bison and mammoths. Even in the early stages of the resistance war, given the objective environment and the near absence of our own military industry, our weapons mostly depended on battlefield captures. Due to their unstable sourcing and insufficient numbers, we also made extensive use of primitive cold weapons such as broadswords and Darts as a supplement.”

“How do you know so much?” Lin Xue, who was bending over to listen carefully, flicked her hair. She was curious; not only was the other party an excellent Wilderness Survivalist, but he was also well-versed in many historical details.

“Live streaming, huh? How can one get by without some skills?”

Faced with questions, Bi Fang smiled. He had made a special effort to understand this knowledge so that he could converse with his audience during many of the journeys, to avoid dull moments.

Making a dart wasn’t difficult, otherwise, it wouldn’t have been widely used by humans in primitive societies.

Its main shape is a wooden base with a raised front end to support the dart, and a hook at the bottom that can temporarily clip to the tail of the dart. These could all be carved out with a knife.

As he explained, Bi Fang had already created a rough model. He held the front end of the tree stick, mounted the short spear on top, and a usable dart was completed.

“As I throw with my hand, the launcher will be subjected to the torque from swinging my arm. While rotating in a vertical plane, it will also propel the dart itself, allowing it to launch with a higher initial kinetic energy, just like more effective long-distance shooting with a sling.”

Bi Fang gripped the base and with a forceful swing, the dart mounted on top soared out with a piercing scream, cutting through the air and driving straight into the mud ten meters away, nearly burying itself completely!

Feeling the power of the dart, Zheng Tianfang and the others were shocked, then thrilled. The more powerful the weapon, the greater their chances of survival, right?

[Damn, Old Fang is really awesome. He seems to know everything, even the physical principles!]

[Fake Wilderness Survivalist: Sleep one night, and the tool is made. Real Wilderness Survivalist: Makes it live and even explains the theory!]

[Lu Wentao: Achoo! Who’s talking about me?]

[Master Fang is about content streaming. Do you think live streaming is easy nowadays?]

[Ah, isn’t it easy? Is it not good to be just a super streamer?]

[Upstairs, I have a friend…]

Bi Fang picked up the short spear from the ground and handed it to Zheng Tianfang, asking him to practice aiming.

“Now the wolf pack is eyeing us greedily, so don’t throw it far off. Otherwise, we’re likely not to be able to find it again. Do it like I just did, aim at the ground, draw a circle about ten meters away, and throw it into the circle.”

“A skilled dart thrower can almost achieve a hit rate of one hundred percent within thirty meters, but you can’t reach that level overnight. I just need you to be able to throw twice when the wolf pack gets within fifty meters.”

Faced with Bi Fang’s instructions, Zheng Tianfang nodded, taking the dart and began to practice intently.

Bi Fang continued to make a few more darts. He wanted to ensure that each person had at least two, as there would be no time to change darts when the wolf pack charged.

“I’m sorry.”

Hearing this, Bi Fang was taken aback, turning to look at Wu Mingtao seated beside him.

“I, I’m injured and I can’t run.” Wu Mingtao spoke hesitantly, deflated like a dried cucumber, “I just, I’m just afraid you would leave me behind…”


Bi Fang cut him off, smiling. Clearly, he didn’t take the previous incident to heart.

The hardest thing for a person to face is their own fears. There was no need to be too harsh on someone who was simply afraid.

Wu Mingtao was just plain scared, much like a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger, a means of self-protection.

Bi Fang, showing magnanimity, extended his hand for a handshake to make peace with Wu Mingtao.

Wu Mingtao, looking into Bi Fang’s eyes, finally gripped his hand tightly after a long pause.

“Let’s get to know each other again, Bi Fang!”

“Wu Mingtao!”

[Damn, is this what male friendship is like?]

[Such an easy forgiveness, feels a bit perfunctory]

[What else can you do, fight to the death? In face of a common enemy, unity is the only option, right?]

[In my entire life, I’ve never watched such a thrilling live stream. It’s like a rollercoaster ride!]

After the handshake, Wu Mingtao seemed to have let go of a massive burden, but soon sighed again, looking at the bandages on his leg with a complicated expression.

“If tomorrow, if the wolves come again tomorrow, and if we can’t escape, you can leave me behind. I think I can at least hold them off for a while for you…”

“Cut it out!” Bi Fang stopped Wu Mingtao’s defeatist talk, “I will get all of you out of here, don’t think too much about it.”

No matter what the future held, his task was to do his utmost to get everyone out. Not for the system rewards, but because this was not where they were meant to end up!

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