Live Streaming: Great Adventure in the Wilderness

Chapter 72 - 71: Decision

Chapter 72: Chapter 71: Decision

Translator: 549690339 |


Seeing that Bi Fang had completed the task did not surprise him.

The number of real viewers watching his live stream had reached a staggering one hundred thousand, with popularity approaching three million, most of which were attracted by the thousand spaceships sent by Lin Chang previously.

This data had no water content, far surpassing Lu Wentao of Shark TV, and could even be said to be incomparable. Presumably, the other party should be whining in bed by now.

Even just looking at the average viewing segment for the mainline mission, so far, it was more than enough. But he wondered what would happen if the viewership dropped below fifty thousand later on, lowering the average?

Withdraw the completion notice?

Unfortunately, rewards could only be settled after the entire task was completed. It would have been great if he could receive the rewards in advance.

Bi Fang really needed the support of the System now.

Dealing with the wolf pack was a necessity. If he could receive part of the rewards in advance, even if it was just a boost in physical fitness, it would greatly enhance his chances of victory…

[Ding, do you wish to receive part of the rewards in advance? Note: Final settlement will be deducted accordingly.]

Bi Fang was whittling a wooden stick, and upon hearing this, his hands didn’t stop as he continued to explain to his Shuiyou.

“People call the Birch Forest the ‘Family Forest’ because birch wood is firm, symbolizing the stability and harmony of a home, making it an excellent material for crafting wooden spears.”

“Making a wooden spear is quite simple. Just make sure the spearhead isn’t too thin or elongated, otherwise, it’s prone to break, and then roast it in the embers of a campfire.”

“Be careful not to set it aflame. Keep an eye on it at all times. When the color turns black but it hasn’t ignited or started to shine, then it’s ready. Wolves and bears differ; wolves don’t have thick hide, so this hardness is sufficient.”

” when wolves come close, you stab them,” Bi Fang said as he forcefully stripped off a piece of bark, “Stab hard. Mind the distance-not too far, and not too close. Too far and you’ll miss; they’ll have enough time to attackbefore you can reposition. Too close and you won’t be able to react.”

[Can you make one that’s ten meters long, just thrust it from a distance!]

[What are you thinking? Why not prepare a forty-meter sword?]

[But why not climb a tree? Could wolves climb trees like bears do?]

[Right, wolves can’t climb trees, can they?]

[Useless. As a graduate student in biology, I can responsibly tell you that wolves are very patient. They’ll just wait for you to run out of strength and fall, not leaving. Even if you endure long enough, they’ll take turns standing guard.]

[Ah, that so…]

“That’s right. In fact, climbing trees is useless against most predators. Those that can climb aside, those that can’t are patient enough to wait for you to fall, and by then you won’t have the strength to resist—you’ll be at their mercy!

Bi Fang spoke in an even tone, but the information he conveyed made the fear of wolf packs even greater.

Although birch wood was hard, the hunting knife was obviously sharper, and soon, a wooden spear was crafted.

“Here you go!” Bi Fang handed the sharpened spear to Zheng Tianfang for him to roast over the fire.

But Zheng Tianfang didn’t take it and just looked over at him.

Bi Fang looked around and saw that everyone was watching him. He couldn’t help but smile and said, “It’s useful. At least you’ll have something sharp in your hands to defend yourself.”

After a moment of silence, Zheng Tianfang eventually said nothing, took the wooden spear, and inserted it into the campfire, roasting it as Bi Fang had instructed.

Just now, Bi Fang had given him a misconception. But after thinking about it, he figured it was likely the illusion was a result of excessive stress, so he said nothing in the end.

Seeing that Zheng Tianfang had no reaction, Bi Fang continued to whittle wood. At that moment, he had taken the System’s advance on the rewards, receiving one Skill Advancement Ticket and one Enhancement Point.

The Skill Advancement Ticket was used by Bi Fang on Field Army Level 5> without a doubt, it was the skill that could most enhance his combat capability in a short time. Now he was Special Forces Level 1!

His body’s capabilities had been completely transformed, his memory of various combat skills was much stronger than before, as well as various reconnaissance and anti-reconnaissance abilities, combat skills across different terrains, the overall level had been raised by more than a level!

The Enhancement Points were also added to his Precision, reaching twelve points. Now his coordination and reflexes, as well as his Sixth Sense, were stronger than an average person! A world of difference from before!

Although it might affect the reward settlement, this was the optimal solution at the moment.

Just when Bi Fang thought everyone agreed with his idea, Wu Mingtao suddenly stood up shakily and, looking at the silent crowd, pointed at Bi Fang.

“Wait… you guys, are you really going to listen to him? All that bullshit?

Hu Hao noticed something was off with Wu Mingtao. The continuous mental shocks had already brought him to the edge of a breakdown.

He got up, intending to restrain Wu Mingtao but was thrown off instead.

“Why do you all trust him so much? Did he lead us out? No! Look around, it’s all wolves! They can see us clearly in the night, while we can’t see anything!

Wu Mingtao turned and pointed toward the snowy slope, pitch black to the point that no one knew what was out there.

“Can you talk about something else?” Zheng Tianfang hugged his head.

“I have to say it, I must! Look around, this is a damned place! By what right does he lead us out? We’re five people now, and it keeps decreasing!”

“Three days, or two days? It hasn’t been many days combined, so why listen to anyone now? An internet celebrity? And his crudely made wooden spears?” Wu Mingtao picked up a wooden stick from his side, weighed it for a moment, and then threw it away.

Little did he know that this act antagonized all the audience, who began to curse him out in a frenzy.

[What’s up with this guy?]

[An idiot, definitely. If it weren’t for Master Fang just now, he would have been dead already. Does he even have the right to whine now?]

[If not listening to Master Fang, then whom? His mother? I’ve been annoyed by his stupidity for so long, always dragging everyone down, spreading negativity all day long, and now he even questions Master Fang?]

“Why are you babbling on and on?” Hu Hao was a bit angry, feeling that Wu Mingtao had completely lost his head, lacking any rationale, and completely forgetting who it was that had been leading them out of trouble all this time. “Because I want to survive, I don’t want to be eaten by those wolves!” Wu Mingtao’s eyes were bloodshot.

“You’re scared.”

Bi Fang’s words sharply interrupted Wu Mingtao’s agitation. He turned to look at Bi Fang, slightly stunned, as the words pierced like a needle, deflating his bluster like a balloon.

“You don’t need to speak those grandiose, empty words. What’s wrong with being scared?” Bi Fang looked at Wu Mingtao’s evasive gaze, his tone serious.

“Me? Scared? I’m not scared at all!”

“Not scared?” Bi Fang repeated.

“Not scared!”

“I’m terribly scared,” Bi Fang shook his head slightly.

“Shows clearly,” Wu Mingtao was still pretending to be strong.

“I’m not ashamed to admit it, I’m scared to death,” Bi Fang shook his head, “What good are tough words going to do?”

“Cut the crap!”

Wu Mingtao, feeling exposed, flew into a rage. Hu Hao, seeing that the situation was getting out of hand, stood up intending to restrain Wu Mingtao again, but was pushed away and fell onto the snow.

With that push, Hu Hao also lost his temper. Just as he was about to retort, he suddenly saw the flash of green light behind Wu Mingtao. He was about to warn him, but it was already too late.

The flash of green leaped forward, pouncing on Wu Mingtao’s back, ferociously biting and forcing all his unspoken words back down his throat!

Wu Mingtao screamed in terror as Zheng Tianfang immediately grabbed a wooden spear and stabbed it into the wolf!

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