Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 241 The Return Of Minions

POV BoobaFet:

A consciousness floated in the darkness. The darkness slowly faded away, revealing blurry shapes of pillars and walls emerging from the shadows.



Your previous spawn point was destroyed.

Spawning at the main spawn point of the faction.


He felt panic, remembering plenty of potential factions that were destroyed or vanished between updates. It was even worse now when LOMM was no longer just a game.

'The tower was destroyed? What even remains of our faction? Something must remain, as there is still a valid spawn point.'

He still felt hopeful, knowing their faction would exist as long as the dragon that ruled it lived.

Soon the darkness vanished entirely in a flash of bright white light. The feeling of stable hard ground touched his feet as he looked around, his eyes wide from shock.

He stood in the middle of a large, circular chamber built of dark polished stone.

Massive black pillars rose from the ground all the way towards a tall vaulted ceiling.

A tall and colossal statue of a dragon chiselled out of volcanic glass glittered in the middle of the circular chamber under the light of large fireplaces spread along the walls.

Reptilain-looking monsters kneeled under the statue, quietly mumbling and whispering.

'Are these... kobolds?'

More lights flashed around him, masked figures appearing all over the dark chamber.

Suddenly the sounds of heavy steps came from the long corridor leading to the chamber.

The sound of metal hitting the stone and clanging loudly echoed between the tall smooth walls.

Soon golden glowing eyes appeared in the darkness of the corridor, quickly closing towards them.

Booba sprang into alert with the other players, grabbing their weapons as they watched something close towards them.

"Be careful. We don't know where we are and the situation!" he glanced towards the gnomes mumbling under the statue.

They ignored the players around them as if they were in some trance.

Soon terrific and tall silhouettes clad in shiny black armour with runes glowing all over them barged into the chamber.

Their eyes were glowing in agitation as they pointed their long polearms at the masked players, their blades brightly glistening in the gloomy lit-up chamber.

The players remained standing there, seeing the green dots floating above their heads, marking them as allies.

"Damn, it looks like the faction upgraded a lot."

"Hey, Mr. guard, where can I get the armour like that you are wearing?"



Your faction, Vesuvian Draconic Kingdom, is currently at war with the faction: Alvamora Kingdom.


POV Vesuvius:

The dragon quietly rested on the plain outside of the city. His colossal body looked like a small mountain of stone, crystals and magma.

He was absent-minded as he read through all of the abilities that waited to evolve.

'I always underestimated my enemies, and it always stabbed me into my ass. Now I will move only at my full strength. I will start with the most important one, my scales.'



Evolution options:

[Pasive Mana-Shielded Dragon Scales] ---> [Active Mana-Shielded Noble Dragon Scales] (Natural Evolution):

Description: The advanced version of Chargeable Manareinforced Runic Noble Dragon Scales that preserves all of their old properties while also allowing them to form a shield of energy around them.

The mana consumption rises with the distance of the shield from the scales.

Their base material also turned much more resistant, endurant and lighter by the process of the dragon turning adult. The more mana fed to them, the more resistant they get.

[Catalistic Dragon Scales] ---> [Resonating Noble Dragon Scales] (Special Evolution) :

Description: The advanced version of Chargeable Manareinforced Runic Noble Dragon scales that preserves all of their old powers.

Additionally, they can resonate with spells and abilities using the scales as a medium, increasing their power and mana efficiency while preserving all of their old properties.

The more mana fed to them, the more resistant they get and the more powerful the resonation.

Their base material also turned much more resistant, endurant and lighter by the process of the dragon turning adult.

[Mana-Life-Enchanted Dragon Scales] ---> [Mana-Life-Reinforced Noble Dragon Scales] (Special Evolution):

Description: The advanced version of Chargeable Manareinforced Runic Noble Dragon Scales that preserves all of their old powers.

However, they can use both mana and lifeforce to reinforce their integrity against incoming attacks by a unique combination of lifeforce aura shield and mana magical barriers while preserving all of its old properties.

The more mana and lifeforce fed to them, the more resistant they get.

Bonus option:

[Composite Dragon Scales] ---> [Manareinforced Composite Noble Dragon Scales] (Special Evolution):

Description: The multilayered scales where each layer has its own unique properties to provide maximal protection while preserving all of their old powers.

Their first layer consists of Chargeable Manareinforced Runic Noble Dragon Scales capable of using mana to form and infuse them with a defensive barrier.

The more mana fed to them, the more resistant they get.

Their base material also turned much more resistant, endurant and lighter by the process of the dragon turning adult.

The second layer consists of piercing-damage-resistant scales capable of stopping attacks that would usually get through the first layer.

The fourth layer consists of soft and flexible scales highly effective in absorbing blunt physical damage and distributing it along their whole surface to mitigate its effects.


Vesuvius looked through all of them, immediately crossing the third option, 'I am already moving my vitality in that direction. This would turn redundant and wasted upgrade when I learn to transform mana and lifeforce freely.'

He frowned when he looked at the second option, 'Also, the second also feels wrong, my scales are most important for defence, and I should focus them that way.'

Vesuvius looked at the two remaining options, thinking intently about which one to choose as both of them went in the direction he wanted, 'Both of them achieve the same results just by taking a different route.'

'With my domain and my nuclear body, I have more than enough mana to feed it. I could extend the shield from them to envelop also my armour.'

'On the other hand, the second option is mana free and looks like it would greatly work against any damage.'

(AN: Btw, let me, please know if I should make this detailed selection process for all abilities, as it is a lot of them at once or just the most important ones and skip just to result for the rest. Also, you can write in a comment which option is better.)

"I am sorry, your Majesty. " Suddenly, a soft voice came from underneath him, making him turn his eyes down.

POV Alesia:

The young elf kneeled on the ground facing her master. She looked petite compared to the enormous black dragon.

His two golden eyes were locked on her.

"I have failed your Majesty... I let intruders trample and destroy your land." she felt like crying, tears forming in the corners of her heterochromatic eyes.

The dragon immediately spoke, his voice quieter than usual, "No, you didn't. You have done all that was in your power. I will not punish my loyal minions when they put all of their efforts into fulfilling my will. You have built a city as I ordered. It was the fault of the local kingdom, and they will be punished for that."

Alesia felt warm, the vast weight that was on her heart instantly vanishing, 'I have not failed. I have succeeded.'

Filled with the new energy, she stood up, straightening her back and spoke with a much more careless yet still respectful tone, "Your Majesty, I came here to announce to you that the immortals have returned."

'It was about that time.' Vesuvius looked towards the city, swarming with kobolds repairing all of the damage after the siege.

He flapped his huge wings, rising into the sky, the clouds of smoke spreading in all directions.

POV BoobaFet:

The player nervously looked around himself, the feeling of uneasiness palpable in the air as all the players chatted.

"We are at war with the whole kingdom. We are fucked!"

"Don't panic. We are likely operating from shadows. There is no way that this is an open war."

"Haha, long time no see Booba!" Booba turned back, noticing the bulky fat dwarf walking towards him, the layers of armour under his mantle loudly clanging.

Loud clattering and clanging resounded through the chamber as the lines of the heavily armed guardsmen split, allowing even a taller armoured figure with a long red cape flowing down their back to enter.

"His Majesty will now meet with you, be respectful and follow me." The tall officer signalled at them and stepped into the dark corridor.

The players immediately rushed behind him, their black mantles rustling as they carefully squeezed around the armoured guards.

"His Majesty? It looks like the faction really grew while we were gone. Apparently, it is a kingdom now."

The players quietly walked, following the fluttering red cape in the darkness, their eyes wide as they watched the long black corridors with a tall ceiling supported by tall pillars.

"Where is Lili?" Booba looked around, worry rising within his heart when he noticed her missing.

"I don't know... hopefully, she is alright with all of the chaos out there."

"She must be. She was always too careful to get entangled in that mess." Still worried, he pushed it back as they neared the end of the hallway.

Soon they spotted the bright light before them, causing them to squirm their eyes as they slowly got used to it.

They stepped into a vast empty square with burned craters all over it.

Suddenly the air around them turned hot, and the darkness enshrouded the whole square.

"Welcome back, my minions. I have work for you."

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