Last Egg: Reincarnated as a Dragon in a Game

Chapter 240 The Return Of The Dragon

POV Vesuvius:

The dragon hovered in the sky, his two golden eyes glowing brightly like golden reflectors.

The atmosphere around him burned in flames, with smoke swirling and spiralling around him as if he was the eye of a hurricane.

The storm raged across the black and burning sky, with lightning striking, constantly splitting it into fragments.

The dragon looked around him, his eyes going wide in anger seeing the burning city underneath him, the massive breach in the wall, and human soldiers on the streets standing over dead kobolds. He never saw that city, but he knew it was his.

Suddenly two bright blue lights flashed in the distance, their glow mixing with the purple of the burning sky. The two ships aimed their weapons at the dragon and unleashed their attacks.

Vesuvius didn't even bother with them, interested in how he would fare against them.

The two blue bolts blasted through the sky, drawing blurry blue lines of light across it.

They hit the dragon, making two massive blue explosions of light and energy.

The blue explosions washed over his armour, searing and partially melting its surface.

"That was it, mortals?! Hahaha." the dragon erupted into laughter that shook the land and sent ripples through the air.

With just a single thought, mana poured into his beautiful crystal horns, which resonated with his domain, amplifying its power even further.

The lightning flooded the sky and instantly descended at the two skyships, blasting through the barriers around them, shattering them into millions of blue fragments of light before drowning the ships in electricity and plasma.

His anger from the years ago when they destroyed his tower woke up within his two hearts, the flashback of similar ships destroying his property running before his eyes.

The air temperature in his whole domain immediately rose, with the storm intensifying.

He opened his mouth, his voice falling upon the city underneath him, "Mortals, you have sinned against me, the messenger of the dragon god, and I shall burn you all."

The buildings in the city shook under the soundwave that pushed everyone towards the ground.

A bright purple light flared up in his mouth as the purple flames climbed up his throat and filled his mouth to the brim.

He opened his mouth, and an explosion of purple super-hot flames and black smoke burst out, the whole sky glowing with the air rippling.

The massive waves of flames descended towards the fortified camp outside of the city.

A blue bubble-like barrier rose around it, and the purple inferno smashed against it, enveloping it in purple flames.

The barrier cracked and then shattered as if it was made of thin glass. Finally, the flames landed amidst the frozen soldiers and tents, the fire flooding everything.

[+250 XP]

[+150 XP]

[+200 XP]


Waves upon waves of purple flames kept streaming out of the dragon's mouth, making the whole sky glow in purple as the flames spread through the camp, devouring everything in their path.

[+150 XP]

[+250 XP]

[+200 XP]


The humans, tents and supplies evaporated, and the soil under them vanished, the flames melting all the way to the stone bedrock underneath it.



You are now level 55

You are now level 56

You are now level 57

All stats increased!

+15 stat points

+3 ability point


The whole city turned so quiet that no one even dared to breathe. Vesuvius looked at the still-present mass of volcanic explosion that floated in the air, frozen by his will.

'Such a power?!' he felt his mind almost explode, enjoying the feeling of control that his domain powers gave him.

The dragon raised his second hand, and loud rumbles resounded throughout the city, and the ground shook with the temperature quickly rising higher and higher. He felt the force under the soil answer his call and heed his wishes.

The next moment, magma geysers burst from the ground, enveloping every human soldier, their bodies disintegrating in the heat.

The dragon moved his hand again, and all of the levitating stone and magma moved back towards the destroyed volcano, rearranging and returning to its original state. The rock and magma were piling upon each other, forming the original shape of the volcano.

Finally, Vesuvius looked at the lake of magma that used to be the camp of the human army with satisfaction and calmed down, with only ambers of rage remaining within him, 'Time to finally move and subjugate this whole kingdom. I had enough of playing around.'

He wanted to finally burn down all of these responsible for the damage to his property and minions.

The storm calmed down, and the tremors in the ground vanished. The flames burning in the sky were extinguished, leaving only thick black clouds behind.

With his enemies dead, for the first time, he realised how huge he was, his minions looking just like ants under his gargantuan hill-like body.



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The servers will be publically open in seven days.

Welcome to Lorenia

The game has been updated with new changes and improvements:

1. Integrated Forum

2. Remodeled status window

3. New world and regional threats



'Huh? Why now when I just woke up? It feels too unlikely to be just coincidence.' Vesuvius read through it multiple times, having a bad feeling about this whole situation.

He immediately opened his status as he became interested in its changes.




Name: Vesuvius Dragor Ignatius Cremator

Race: True Dragon (Noble Cursed Nuclear Volcano Catastrophe Runedragon)

Evolution: 5

Growth Stage: Adult Dragon

Level 57 (3260/57000XP)

Stat point: 35

Ability points: 21

Vitality (VIT): (492-->1659 + 5) x 2.95-->3.57

Intelligence (INT): (536-->1401+ 5) x 1.25

Strength (STR): (456-->1587 + 5) x 2.2-->2.7

Agility (AGI): (458-->1591 + 5) x 1.1

Defence (DEF): (519-->1713+ 28) x 1.2

Endurance (END): (426-->1527+ 5) x 1.35

Magic (MAG) : (612-->1561 + 10) x 3.95-->5.07

Faith (FAI): (172-->344 + 5) x 2.1



<<Dragon Domain - (Catastrophe - incomplete) (LV 4)>>


Draconic Curse Magic (LV 14), Draconic Magic of Anger (LV 16), Volcano Controlling Horns (LV 13), Miracles of the dragon God (LV 1), The Curse Heart (LV 6),


Chargeable Manareinforced Runic Noble Dragon Scales (LV 20), Manalife Noble Draconic Vitality (lv 16), Erupting Pressure-Forged Corium Armour (LV 15), Officer-Grade Magitech Nanites (LV 6),


Nuclear Noble Dragon Breath (LV 16), Volcanic Tail Canon (LV 7), Acid-Toxin Glands (LV 7)


Bite (LV 3), Claw (LV 5),


Fly (LV 12)


Nuclear Mana Reactor Body (LV 6), Draconic Fire of Might (LV 12), Radioactive Charged Volcanic Gasses Glands (LV 11), Noble Dragon Aura (LV 13), Dragon Hoard (LV 12), Dragon Eyes (LV 12), Liquid Breathing (LV MAX), Inner Fire (Life) (LV 1), Dragon Voice (LV 13)


[David], [Last Dragon], [Mountaineer I], [Statue], [A tanky boy], [High Mage], [Heavy Tank], [Master of Life], [Candidate for the Volcano Dragon Lord], [Runic Body], [Knight of Hyperion], [Warior], [The Saviour Of Azerlisia], [Giant Slayer I], [Controler], [Will of the Curse], [Blast Furnance], [The Golden Dragon of Dragons]


[Greater blessing of the dragon god], [Supreme Priest of Dragon Cult]


Vesuvius read through his status, his whole body turning stiff when noticing the huge rise in his stats.

Regret immediately filled him, 'If I underwent the metamorphosis after becoming an adult, I would be much stronger now. I wasted such an opportunity. Well, there was no way to know, and maybe I would be dead now if I didn't go with it before.'

He ignored something he couldn't change, and instead, he studied his status more in-depth, 'To unlock higher profession titles, I have stats, but I lack in other requirements. For magic, it is more magic schools, for warrior and tank I lack techniques.'

POV ???:

The man stood up from the ground, the air still hot from the collum of flames that descended from the sky.

He was shivering, his face distorted in madness as the last dreams of adventuring vanished from his mind.

"Hahaha, adventuring in a world where beings like this roam? Nonsense, they can burn down whole armies. What could one adventurer with a sword do? I will rather spend my life ploughing fields."

He looked back towards the sky, his eyes distorting in immense horror when they fell upon the ginormous dragon flapping his wings on the sky, each flap sending waves of hot air all the way towards the ground.

Then a cold, cruel voice that carried the explosiveness of volcanoes in each word shook with his body, "This is the end of peace, my minions. This is a declaration of war, and we will take this war towards the enemy!"

Seven days later:

POV Random Farmer:

A farmer stood on a field, wiping the sweat from his face. The hot summer sun was baking on his back.

Suddenly the farmer froze as lights flashed all over the fields, with humans and other beings dressed in shabby plain clothes materialising out of nowhere.

'Is it again this season? It was about time my back was hurting from this hard work.'

He sighed, seeing the immortal beings swarm towards him with greedy eyes. He cleared his throat and spoke, "Ohh, come here. I have work for you. I need your help to...."

However, an even louder voice boomed from behind his back, causing him to close his mouth.

A soldier stood there looking towards the incoming wave of immortals, "Immortals, this kingdom is at war and needs your assistance! Join the royal or local army, and you will obtain the rare privilege of getting sent straight towards the frontlines after short training!"

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