Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 32: The Movement Under the Dark (NSFW)

Chapter 32: The Movement Under the Dark (NSFW)

Somewhere around the Orc King Cave that Alex was slain previously, a group of mysterious peoples gathered.

One person sat in the gorgeous chair that out of place in this dense forest and had 2 guards behind him. in front of him, three people wore black assassins cloak that looked like his subordinate, seemingly informed him about something. 

The person who was sitting in the chair wore beautiful armor with a glass of wine in his one hand, he has serious expression after one of his subordinate that wore black cloak told him a piece of news from Arkhaim town that made him in bad mood. He twirled the glass in his hand as he savoring the information he just got.

It seemed he was the leader of this mysterious group. After twirling his glass for a moment, his hand stopped, and with a serious expression he asked his subordinate that brought the news in front of him once again to truly confirm it

??? : Are you sure the one who killed the Orc King is not that fuckin bitch but someone else?

subordinate 1 : Ha! this one confirmed the truth of this news from the adventurer guild!



The seeming leader threw the wine glass in his hand to his subordinate face that just answer him, as it made a loud sound.

The subordinate received it calmly and ignore the pain in his head with a calm face, and answer the leader-like person with a flat calm voice

subordinate 1 : Ha! this one already did as the young master said, and only spread the information to one of the people that worked in Federic house manor. for Young Master information, the one that manages to slain the Orc king is just one adventurer. from the information this one got from the adventurers, it seems a lucky newbie manages to slain the orc king when the orc king already dying. Apparently, the adventurers called him Cringe King Alex.

Even though the content of the information is quite ridiculous and made the leader twitched his expression, but the subordinate face is still serious and calm.

Looking at his subordinate serious expression, the seeming leader started to twitch his face more, before making his face distorted in angry expression and started screaming angrily after


subordinate 1 : Ha! This one saw the Orc King material in the list of items that will be sold by the adventurer guild, but, for some reason, there is no magic core in it. leaving aside the truth about the newbie adventurer slaying the orc king, the fact that the Orc King death in the adventurer's hands and not lady Alein is certain.

??? : GODDAMMIT!! IT'S WASTING ALL THE MONEY I GOT TO ARMED THAT FUCKING USELESS PIG!!! haaah... haaah ha... that damn bitch!!! I thought I could weaken her battle power a little before the main event started!! but she seems to be blessed by the goddess of luck!! FUCK IT!!!

The seeming leader stood up in anger and frustration before started leaving with his seemingly 2 Bodyguards that wearing full body armor in hand. He leaves the seemingly subordinate that wore a mysterious black assassin cloak without saying anything to them.

Seeing the seemingly his leader already left. the subordinate 1 looked at his other two teammates

Subordinate 1 : How about the other preparation, did the mad dragon plan already start moving?

Subordinate 2 : Yes captain! this one already used artifact his highness gave to me before!! and it's already begun as we speak now!

subordinate 1 : Good, how about your side? did you already inform "him" to start escalating his action soon?

subordinate 3 : *nod silently

subordinate 1 : umu, it's a pity that we couldn't weaken lady Alein battle power, but with the absence of the vice Guildmaster, soon, with this plan, we could weaken the town power level to more degree, and be done with his highness quest.


Come to think of it, it's already time to prepared the Beast stampede plan as the main event almost approaching soon...

The other two subordinates started thumping their left chest as a salute Before they disappear. If Alex was here and saw the way they salute, he sure started screaming [the hell!! isn't that the salute in Attack on T*itan??!].

After seeing the other subordinate left. the subordinate 1- no the mysterious person smirked toward the seemingly his leader direction left and vanish mysteriously...

--------------------------- Back to Alex POV------------------------

*NSFW scene started here




[Master~ ahnnn master hard, thick thing is dddeep inswide mee~ yess! yweeesss!!! mooore!!]

Chali shaking her hips excitedly while having a thirsty woman face as she moving her sexy waist vigorously on top of my body. As she moving her waist up and down, Her drooling moist wet pussy started to devour my cock greedily before continuously gave a heavenly pleasure.

She continued to ride on top of me before slowly moved her bewitching beautiful face that dyed with lust towards mine and started sucking my lips and tongue in cowgirl position.

As her voluptuous body pressed its softness to my body that still laid on the bed, I returned her kissed by sucking her tongue greedily inside her sexy mouth before started embraced her voluptuous mature body back.

When I woke up from my fainting a while ago, Chali suddenly embraced me after seeing a guilty expression on my face. I told her that I wasn't in the mood to do it, but she keeps embraced and kissing me. 

The situation escalating until she started giving me a titjobs with her enormous big alluring boobs. After feeling the pleasure that her voluptuous breast gave when it sandwiched my cock, I couldn't hold my libido anymore and my rod started twitching as it became hard before I knowing. 

She keeps telling me that what happened before wasn't my fault but her, she said because of her weakness, she couldn't protect me, her precious master.

But deep within my heart, I knew all those things happen was because of my greed in the first place.

As I have this thought when I having sex and making out with her at the same time, slowly, she separated her mouth before greedily inhaling some air to take a big breath after kissing me in satisfaction.

After that, she continued to embrace my body once again as her hips keep moving faster in cowgirl position

[Mwaster~ sthop being sad and frustrated~ ywou know itsnot mwaster fault~]

She whispered at my ear softly with short breath while moving her hips as her moist mature pussy devouring my hot rod greedily


I embraced her with a guilty expression and started moving my hips together with her as it made her moaned in ecstasy!

[Mwaster~ YESS!!! AHHnnnNN!!! SWOO DwEEEpPP!!! cummmm~ cummmiiiinggg]


After she moaned in ecstasy, her pussy started twitching madly before her love juice squirting around, splashing, and flooding my hard and thick cock and my groin area.

I could feel her moist inside pussy became tight before making me ejaculated together with her.


After the first orgasm, we continued making love once again in a different position for 6 hours as we drown in our lust. I ejaculated many times inside her womb and made her had an orgasm so many times altogether before making the bed drenched in her love juice, dyed the room with our love-making smell.

After a few seconds, she laid in my chest tiredly and weakly embraced me as she panted heavily after squirting so many times

[haa... ha... master~ stop blaming yourself okay~ I don't want to see master with that gloomy expression... after all, it's all happen because I am too weak and useless....]

Chali looked at me weakly and smiled charmingly at me with a hint of sadness. looking at her charming lonely smile, I started to caress her cheek gently and tried my best to smile at her. before long, she unconsciously started sleeping on top of me with a satisfied expression.

Sigh.. stop with this gloominess, I couldn't make her more worry...

'Come to think of it, Chali's face somehow became prettier ever since I bought the skincare for her. Did the effect gets enhanced when it's in this world? hmmm... let's think about this thing later, more importantly, about today's incidents.....'

I embraced Chali's body softly while started thinking about today's incident.

'It's my greed and my conceitedness that almost got her killed. I still can't forgive myself deep within my heart! come to think of it, I wasn't like this the first time I came to this world...

I always careful with every step I took and proceed steadily, but since I get stronger in a short time because of Absolute Copy, I begin being arrogant and conceit. I get drunk because of the sudden power that I got without too much effort. 

The climax is when I slay the Orc King and met the beautiful lady Alein, when I realize a beautiful and amazing person like her recognizes my worth, my previous low self esteemed suddenly raising to the sky and I started became more conceited before, unconsciously... that "fucker" that once used to be my dark past, breaking from the prison that I set inside my heart in the past.

Maybe it's because at the times when I still living on earth... I....., sigh...

anyway, even though meeting Madam Catherine warn me a lot and somehow reduce my arrogance to some degree, but, deep inside I still underestimate this world and treat it as a game... maybe it's time I stop escaping and taking things more seriously here...'

I looked at Chali that still sleeping soundlessly at my chest and moved my gaze to look at my palm seriously

[I don't want to see her like that ever again.... that painful expression and that weak smile.. she is my first companion in this world, my first woman, and my new family member.. I must grow up, and slowly erased the bad habit I have on earth slowly..


I must become more cool-headed and control myself and that "fucker" better in any conditions... even though it's really hard since I live in this sword and magic world... at least I have to find a method to keep it in a leash now]

I make a vow to myself after firming my heart in resolution. I swear to make this time painful experience to grow more strongly! and protecting something that I deemed precious for me!

[Come to think of it....]

I moved Chali's body slowly and cover her with the blanket. I exit the bedroom noiselessly and left the mansion after I wore my clothes and jacket.

I headed outside the illusive barrier and landed on the group of winged giant lizards after awhile. Yes! It's the wyverns that I tame! The Black Wyvern was resting his body weakly as its recovering his wounds. 

There're only 24 ordinary wyverns that left after the battle, they all started to purr cutely after seeing me.

After seeing them, I harden myself before taking out my rapier from my inventory skill. I gripped my rapier strongly that my hand started trembling and sighed after a few moments before loosening my grip that still held the rapier

[Sigh... I already promise to be more cold-headed and think more thoroughly... the pros are more rather than the cons if I keep them alive... stop being petty Alex!]

I put my rapier to my inventory and slap my face to sober up after. I looked at the Black Wyvern and approached him before patting his head gently


[From now on your name is Sable!]

I patted the still unconscious Sable and leaned my back to his huge Body as I checked my new status



name : Alex

Age : 26

Job : Magic Swordsman

Titles : [Otherworlder] [Lord Class] [Monster in Human Skin] [Puhi Slayer] [ Become The one with mana] [Magic swordsmen] [Loved by Thunder] [Embraced by Coldness]

Lv 8

HP : 530.000

MP : 13.312.500

STR : 42.000

AGI : 16.000

INT : 28.000

ATK : 84.000

MATK : 112.000

DEF : 8000

Item : [clothes] [Jacket] [pants] [sandals]

Skill : Absolute Copy III[Unique] Online Shopping I[Mythical] Slash V[Rare] Ice Armor [Rare] Lighting Strike [Rare]Sword Mastery V[Uncommon] STR up large[Uncommon] Otherwolder [???]

skill slot : Ultra Mana Body (Max)[Unique +] Magic Eye[Unique+] Space&Time Magic (max)[Unique] Dragonkin V[Unique] Sky monarch V[Unique] Blood Magic V[Unique] Lord Class Monster[Unique] Super Sensitivity II[Unique] Dragon Breath I[Unique] Storm Incarnation[Unique]

Otherwolder [???]

Party : [Alex] [Chaliope]

Pet : [Sable]+[Wyvern]x24



name : Chaliope

Age : 36

Job : Beast Fighter

race : Werewolf

Lv 20

HP : 123.000

MP : 81.000

ATK : 57.000

MATK : 13.000

DEF : 2.000

Skill : Descendant of the Moon III[Uncommon], Beast Transformation II[Uncommon], HP Up Medium[Uncommon], Fist Art Mastery III[Common], Block II[Common], Regeneration I[Common]

slot: Dragonkin III[Unique] Lord Class Monster[Unique] Sky Monarch I[Unique] Absolute Stealth IV[Unique] Herculean Strength[Rare]



name : Sable (Male)

Age : 120 years old

{Iron Blood Wyvern}

Lord Rank

Lv 110

HP : 120.000/1.470.000

MP : 1.500.400/2.406.050

ATK : 160.000

MATK : 280.000

DEF : 20000

Skill : Magic Eye[Unique+] Blood Magic V[Unique] Dragonkin V[Unique] Dragon Breath I [Unique] Sky Monarch I[Unique] Lord Class Monster[Unique] Claw(max)[Rare] Corrosive Breath VIII[Rare] Iron Scale V[Rare] Poisonous Skin[Uncommon] STR up large[Uncommon]

Condition : Normal (Postmadness)

(Postmadness) : After got its intelligent robed, the monster status condition became [Mad]. the Intelligent started recovering a little after getting tamed by Alex and the status condition became [Normal]. The mental age regressed to 1 year old after recovering its [Mad] status condition.


[My MP amount became ridiculous as expected, sigh... I have to remember to not get carried away, there is always another sky above the sky. hmm... Chaliope became slightly stronger is reassuring, she could defend herself and hunt the monster above her level now. and Sable status condition... as expected... it seems someone has robed his intelligence]

[that's why he could only roaring and charge in madness when fighting with me, that's the weird part that I felt when fighting with him. If he is a Lord Class Monster he should have a high-intelligence and be able to talk. 


To rob the intelligent of lord class monster... it couldn't be an ordinary person, and what did they planning to do by letting the mad Lord Class monster freely near here... did someone plotting something? thinking and speculating like this will not take me to go anywhere, it'll be better to think about this again after I collect more information later...]

After having this thought, I Looked toward the starry sky before calming my mind from the messy thing that happened today...

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