Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 31: 9 minutes 58 seconds!

Chapter 31: 9 minutes 58 seconds!





Explosions after explosions occurred wherever I and Black Wyverns clashed! 

A giant large crater could be seen throughout the battlegrounds, leaving traces, showed how fierce and destructive our battle is. Even though I and Black Wyvern doing aerial battle, the sword energy, and blood magic crash toward the ground from time to time made the area under our battle became tattered and damaged like being hit by an earthquake.

The Black Wyvern madness made me controlled the battle area easier, using its madness as an advantage I lured it to the place that far from Chali and my hidden base, so I didn't have to worry and could fight to my heart-contented and finished the battle faster.

As our battle continued, the sky above the battle already begun cloudy and darker, a sound of thunder started to appear from time to time.



The rain gradually became heavier the longer I fought with the Black Wyvern and the winds blowing stronger as the rage inside my heart became stronger.

Crackle cractk!

All of a sudden, the temperature in my surrounding started to drop sharply at the same time with ice armor that suddenly formed and enveloping my body with its beautiful transparent crystal like color.

[Embraced by Coldness : Boost Ice magic damage by 50%. you could control the temperature 1 km around you to gradually drop up to -20 degree and slow the enemy unit movement speed by 20%(max), increase the DEF of the friendly unit by 10%]

Ice Armor[Rare] : Enveloped your body with easy to move ice armor. Increase DEF by 50%

My eyes always focused on the mad Black Wyvern while I slowly activated my new skill.




Before long, we started to continue clashing at each other again in the sky, from time to time some of the Wyverns join the battle to assist the Black Wyvern but I slew them down with a fast energy blade. 

With the boost of storm incarnation, my movement speed had already reached the speed of light, not only that, I could change my attack pattern flexibly by flicker my body with Blink skill

Blink blink!!



The Black Wyvern magic and attack actually could sometimes hit me, but my brain always calculated it, and before I knew it, I already used backtrack to evade it. 

The most dangerous skill the Black Wyvern had was its Dragon breath because it ignored DEF stat and the immune skill that I got from Lord Class Monster title. but it's the same with the Black Wyvern too, as I always counter it with my own after Black Wyvern used it!





Our stalemate continued but I couldn't let this situation continue like this! I didn't have time to play around with this Black Wyvern!

My attack became more fierce as I overworked my brain that already enhanced with super sensitivity and high INT. Slowly, I could feel blood started to drip from my nose at the time I overworked my brain, and my head twitching in pain, but I ignore it.

The thought inside my mind right now was full of how to finish this battle quickly and saved Chali!


I scream hoarsely and the nosebleed became stronger as I started besieging the Black Wyvern with energy blade and blood blade that formed by the fallen wyvern blood. 



The Black Wyvern tried to counter-attacking it with its claw attack and its own blood blade magic in vain as I always evade it by a hairbreadth. 

We both couldn't use rupture skills as we both immune to the negative condition, so this barbaric way of fighting was the most practical if we want to finish each other lives.

CRarararrrCK cratk!


Suddenly, the area around our battle became colder and the rain started changing to snow as the temperature in the air dropped sharply! before long, the once ordinary storm became a snowstorm in the span of a few seconds.

The Black Wyvern realized its movement became slower with the sudden change of the weather and started roaring in madness as a little hint of fear could be seen in its lizard eyes.


Feeling its life being threatened, the Black Wyvern started killing its own kin with blood magic and tried to recover its health

[Like I will let you do that easily?!!]



I interrupt Black Wyvern by killing the wyverns before it could do it. After seeing this scene, the Black Wyvern became angrier and started crazily attacking its own kin more recklessly!



With the Black Wyvern in a frenzied state, I couldn't intercept all the wyverns from being killed by the Black wyvern who attacking its own kin in madness.

Seeing the fast-changing situation throughout the battle, my overworked brain started working harder! after a while, I started looking at the skies, the thunder became bigger and louder which shook the earth under it mightily.


After seeing the ragging thunder in the skies, I confirmed the estimated time remaining to end this battle and realize it's already 9 minutes after I started put Chali in a safe place.

[I think it's strong enough to finish that mad wyvern]

Gnununu *rumble rumble

*58,57,56... *tik tok tik tok

The sky started to rumble like a giant beast growling and prepared to spew out something magnificent at any moment!

Looking at the ragging sky, I started to lift my red rapier toward it

*40,39,38,37..... *tik tok tik tok


It didn't take a moment, all of a sudden, the blue giant thunder struck towards the tip of my rapier and made it radiating in bright blue color.

*20...19...18... *tik tok tik tok

*crakle crackle

Some residual thunder cracking around my body, magnificently dyed me look like a thunder God, at the same time, its made my eyes shining white brightly like the king of the Olympus God in legends, Zeus!

[Loved by Thunder : Boost Lightning magic by 50%. you could control natural thunder and empower your body and weapon by absorbing the thunder to deal with critical damage at the next attack once. the stronger the thunder the bigger the critical damage]

I prepared my attack as I had a distorted face that's caused by the tingling pain of the raging thunder enveloping my body, toward the Black Wyvern. while I was at it, I charge all my rage and resentment to this one and final attack!

Lightning strike [Rare] : Convert your 1.5 ATK damage to Lightning Magic damage. became one with your sword to deal damage to your enemy at lighting speed.

I aim my sword towards the Black Wyvern as I screamed with a cold and hoarse voice

*10...9....8...*tik tok tik tok

[Sword technique:








The giant beast thunder-like sound reverberated strongly in the surrounding environment that swept by a snowstorm, at the same time my body and sword became bright lightning!

My white glowing body and sword creeping in the sky like a giant thunder into the Black Wyvern body at lightning speed! The dark clouds above the sky split in two and the trees under my feet started to tossed around wherever I traversed through it!

*5...4.... *tik tok tik tok



*3...2....1..... *tik tok tik tok

The Black Wyvern screeching its dying scream full of pain after being struck by my sword technique.

Without looking at its condition, I already know the Black Wyvern was already defeated. Without further ado, I hurriedly used the Blink skill towards Chali's location as some notification ringing inside my head at the same time

[Your Monster in Human Skin title triggered]

[Congratulation you have tame The Iron Blood Wyvern]

[The Iron Blood Wyvern and its follower registered as your pet in the Otherwolder skill pet list]

I ignore whatever notification that appeared in my mind because I could feel my head was already at its limit and throbbing in pain a lot. I didn't have any spare energy to savor about anything else inside my head, except saving Chali at this moment.

I used the Otherwolder skill party function to scan her whereabouts and headed toward her location immediately.

*0... *TOK

[Chali!! cancel your Absolute Stealth skill immediately!!]

Chali's pale and bloodied body started to become visible. After seeing her grave condition, without hesitation, I hurriedly pasted Ultra Mana Body[Unique] skill to her.

Within a few seconds, I could see the hole in her chest started regenerating at rapid speed, and made me sighed in relief after seeing it


Chali looked at me and smiled weakly before fainting.

I hurriedly embrace her body and checked her complexion. After feeling a hint of redness started appearing in her pale face, I looked at my surrounding for a while before I started to teleport the both of us to the almost finished furnished mansion in our hidden base with her.

After arriving there, I hurriedly go to the shower inside the main bedroom and clean her bloodied body with warm water from the shower after I stripped her naked.

I didn't have any leisure to enjoy her dynamite sexy mature body for now, as my mind now was full with how to finish this quickly, because I know my body and mind already at its limit and I could faint in anytime,

That's why I cleaned her body quickly and dry her wet naked body with a dry towel inside the bathroom before moved her into the bed.

After finishing doing all of this, I sat in the bed beside her and looking at her who still sleeping peacefully with a complex expression plastered on my face.

'I hated my conceited self so much!, I regret my own foolishness and low self-control to the "other me" inside my heart.... I don't know why "That" thing keeps emerging, not long after I arrived in this world!'

With this thought inside my head, I started to recall the scene when I first came to this world. but before I could be lamenting more about it, my head already as its limit as it made my vision started to darken and lost my consciousness...

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