Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 7: Chapter 6:2: Chen Heng’s Extramarital Affair? Part 2

Book 7: Chapter 6:2: Chen Heng’s Extramarital Affair? Part 2

Watching Sirin happily skip away, Chen Heng prepared to cook sausages in another pan. A plate of fried rice wouldn’t be enough to quell his third elder cousin’s fiery temperament.

Fu Hua was alright. Chen Heng was sure she had vented all her anger the day before when she had beaten him up. But Xuanyuan Yiyao was still fuming.

“Elder Brother, are you planning to have an extramarital affair?” Just as Chen Heng was about to start cooking the sausages, Luo Li’s cold voice unexpectedly came from behind him.

“Little…Little Li? When did you get here? Also, calling it an affair is a bit much, don’t you think? It’s not like this counts as cheating.” Chen Heng turned around to find Luo Li leaning against the kitchen counter, eyeing him.

Luo Li was the only person who remained a blank spot in Chen Heng’s Absolute Precognition.

While he could see everything about everyone else, no matter how strong they were, even those like Ryougi Shiki currently possessed by Root, he couldn’t see what Luo Li would do even one second later.

It might be due to a hierarchy suppression of time abilities.

Hence, Luo Li always managed to surprise Chen Heng when he least expected it, like now.

“Oh? So, you’re denying the relationship but not the extramarital part?”

“…” Chen Heng was at a loss for words.

“Never mind, Elder Brother. As long as you’re happy. Some things are beyond one’s expectations,” Luo Li said and promptly disappeared, leaving Chen Heng utterly perplexed; he could not figure out how she had disappeared.

“…” What does she mean by that? Chen Heng was baffled.

He had never been in a romantic relationship in either of his lifetimes, and he just couldn’t fathom girls, especially under circumstances like this, where his Absolute Precognition couldn’t help him. This baffled him even more.


“Mmm, it’s delicious! I never thought you had this kind of culinary skill, Little Heng. Hold up! Don’t think I’ll forgive your sins just because of one meal.” Xuanyuan Yiyao threatened Chen Heng with her small but formidable fist, while rapidly demolishing the plate of egg fried rice before her.

“Sure, Third Elder Sister, enjoy your meal first. Only then will you have the energy to beat me up,” Chen Heng conceded, sliding a sausage onto her plate.

“That’s what I like to hear. And this sausage isn’t bad, either.”

Chen Heng knew he was safe now. Xuanyuan Yiyao, the foodie, couldn’t resist the allure of good food. A glowing plate of fried rice was all it took to win her over. Too simple.

In fact, Xuanyuan Yiyao had nearly let go of all her anger from being confined to bed for three days because of her eldest sister’s beating.

But don’t get her wrong; it wasn’t just the luminous fried rice that made her forgive Chen Heng. He also had to offer up some sausages.

“Master, how does it taste?” After placating one person, Chen Heng turned to appease his master. Though Fu Hua’s anger had mostly cleared up, he needed to make amends properly.

Sorry, I was wrong, but I dare to do it again.

Chen Heng knew that if he courted trouble in front of Fu Hua, he’d surely get a good beating. But he couldn’t help doing so; the feeling was intoxicating.

Of course, Chen Heng absolutely wasn’t a masochist.

“Delicious,” Fu Hua stated plainly. She never denied facts, although she sometimes chose to remain silent.

Actually, anyone who saw the glowing fried rice for the first time would be amazed. After tasting it, their mood would become joyful, and oddly enough, this fried rice seemed to have the power to make people calm and content. Fu Hua couldn’t help but say that points truly worked wonders.

For some reason, her disciple always managed to annoy her in strange ways and, just as quickly, dissipate her anger. Fu Hua found this quite exasperating. This made her feel helpless against the situation.

What a troublemaker.

After finishing the meal, Bella, also known as Dragon Bella, took charge of washing the dishes, while Sirin eagerly guided her. Chen Heng had little faith in this combination, so he assigned Luo Li to supervise the two of them.

One person washing dishes, and two people watching…

“Elder Sister Yiyao, when does Jixia Academy’s next semester begin?” Chen Heng asked while sitting on the sofa. Although he had already gathered this information through his Precognition, he decided to ask again to avoid exposing his Precognition.

“Huh? Didn’t I tell you?” Xuanyuan Yiyao inquired.

“No, you didn’t. You were so excited with your camera that you left without briefing me on the details of Jixia Academy’s next semester.”

“Speaking of which, how did you break the camera without me realizing it? When I handed my camera to Big Sis to show off, she couldn’t open it, and the memory card was completely ruined….” Xuanyuan Yiyao’s words trailed off, but Chen Heng knew what had happened next.

“I just used my attraction ability to destroy the memory card. You didn’t notice because your perception of energy isn’t very strong.” In reality, it was nothing like that. Chen Heng simply didn’t want to expose his identity as a multi-ability user.

According to Root, many of Chen Heng’s basic details had already been erased from the world’s records by Chen Heng’s ancestor. Of course, this was to protect him from unnecessary disturbances.

It was not that there was any real danger, but it would be quite annoying if someone kept bothering him.

“Is that so?”


“Since you put it that way, I’ll trust you one more time. But if I find out you’re lying to me…” Xuanyuan Yiyao shook her fist.

“Don’t worry. How could someone as intelligent as you fall for my lies twice?” Chen Heng teased.

“That’s true.”

With your level of intelligence, I could… Never mind, it’s best not to think about it. Not suitable for children.

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