Is It Too Late to Leave the Chat Group?

Book 7: Chapter 6:1: Chen Heng’s Extramarital Affair? Part 1

Book 7: Chapter 6:1: Chen Heng’s Extramarital Affair? Part 1

Yes, Xuanyuan Yiyao had been bedridden for three days due to a beating because of Chen Heng’s deception, so she came to settle the score.

In fact, Xuanyuan Yiyao had come two days ago, but Chen Heng was busy participating in the Holy Grail Carnival’s PUBG competition and cleansing the All the World’s Evils at that time, so they missed each other perfectly.

She came again yesterday morning, but Chen Heng still hadn’t returned.

This morning marked Xuanyuan Yiyao’s third visit to find Chen Heng.

As the saying goes, “At first, one goes at it with full vigor, but with a second attempt, the energy starts to wane, and by the third, it’s completely exhausted.” And there’s another saying, “Three times is the limit.” This time, her anger wasn’t as great as before, but if Chen Heng did not show up soon…a real beating was likely in the offing, and it wouldn’t be just Xuanyuan Yiyao coming.

[TL Note: The first saying means one’s enthusiasm and motivation would gradually diminish with each subsequent attempt. The second saying implies one should not make the same mistake three times; it is a call to learn from past experiences.]

“Luo Li, why did you come out of Elder Brother’s room?!” Just as Chen Heng was about to finish making egg fried rice, Sirin’s incredulous voice came from the second floor.

“Huh?” What’s going on? Chen Heng listened carefully while preparing the egg fried rice. This was a major drama; even males were curious.

“Because I spent the night in Elder Brother’s room; that’s why I came out of there. Is there a problem?” Unlike Sirin’s voice, Luo Li’s response was filled with the laziness of just waking up, as if it were the most natural thing. Chen Heng felt that Luo Li was pretending.

“This is a big problem. You-you-you…what did you two do last night?” In front of Chen Heng’s door, Sirin pointed tremblingly at Luo Li, who was wearing silk pajamas and had just come out of Chen Heng’s room, while Luo Li stood by Chen Heng’s door, looking calmly at Sirin.

“Of course, we did what we were supposed to do.”

“What…what you were supposed to do? You two didn’t…” Sirin’s little head was about to explode from the stimulation. She was on the verge of venting steam from all her facial orifices like a kettle.

Although Sirin had once slaughtered the entire Babylon Labs, single-handedly defeated Theresa the shorty, and soloed historical heroes like Diarmuid and Alexander the Great, she was still an innocent, underaged girl.

Well, even though Sirin had become a five-core Herrscher and the Queen of the Void, she was still just a 14-year-old girl, and this kind of stimulation was a bit too much for her at her age.

“Ah, well…” As Luo Li looked at Sirin, whose face had turned beet-red, she felt she had messed around enough, and if she didn’t explain, this little girl might end up damaged.

“I’m not listening! I don’t want to hear it! I don’t hear anything! I want to find my elder brother.” Just when Luo Li was about to explain to Sirin, Sirin shouted three lines of denial and disappeared on the spot.

“Hah…she’s still just a kid; she’s no threat at all,” Luo Li said, oblivious to the irony that her words perfectly matched her own loli appearance.

After witnessing this major drama, Chen Heng realized Sirin was coming to find him, so he quickly focused on cooking.

“Elder Brother, tell me the truth. Did you spend the night with that little bit—girl—Luo Li and do that?” Just as Chen Heng was trying to cook seriously, Sirin jumped out of an amber-colored black hole and grabbed Chen Heng’s waist.

Chen Heng knew very well that a couple of days ago, Sirin was still calling Luo Li “Elder Sister Luo Li,” but because of this incident, she now referred to Luo Li as “that little…bit**”? Truly, the bond between superficial sisters was something else, and it was an eye-opener.


“It’s that, that… Ah!” Sirin struggled to find the right words for a moment. Then, out of embarrassment or something else, she bit Chen Heng’s arm again. Why again?

“Sirin, are you Bella? You keep biting people. Come on, let go. I’m cooking.”

“Ewder Bwodde, yuw musht be dooing dish on puwpose. Dish ish too mush!” (Elder Brother, you must be doing this on purpose. This is too much!) Sirin clung to Chen Heng’s arm with her astonishing bite strength, swinging left and right as Chen Heng continued cooking.

“Sirin, what’s going on in this little head of yours every day? I told you not to read those brocon erotica anymore. Did you read one again yesterday? And you didn’t even think to carry me back to my room when I passed out on the sofa last night. I slept on the sofa all night, and I didn’t go back to my room at all. How would I know why Luo Li was in my room?”

“Alright, I forgive you,” Sirin said after listening to Chen Heng’s explanation and finally stopped biting, getting off his arm.

“That’s not right. Elder Brother, you invaded my privacy again! My membership probation period is already over; why can you still see my history?”

“Oh, about that… Because I’m not only your recommender but also your guardian.” Chen Heng turned off the stove and covered the pot with a lid. Well, the fantasy version of fried rice was done.

“Guar…Guardian?” Sirin was surprised to hear this word and staggered two steps back, wide-eyed with astonishment. She had never expected such a twist.

Sirin had been quietly browsing some inappropriate content in the Dimension Administrators Association’s cultural section, thinking that Chen Heng’s period of supervising her as her sponsor and as an administrator was over. The material in the cultural section was just simply too awesome.

Little did she know that Chen Heng still had those guardianship privileges.

“Indeed, when there are two members in the group who are related, if one of them is a minor, the other can apply to become the guardian of the minor, and the administrator decides on the criteria for this. Let me tell you secretly, I not only have guardianship privileges but also the authority to protect minors.”

“Wait a minute, aren’t you the only administrator in our association? Isn’t this cheating, Elder Brother?” Sirin, who had little exposure to the outside world, was discovering the intricacies of society for the first time.

“Can you blame me for that? If you want to become an administrator, you can, provided you have enough contribution points,” Chen Heng responded.

“That’s not fair, Elder Brother. Your path to becoming an administrator seems so easy. Now, it requires 1,000 contribution points. How long would it take me to earn that much?” Sirin felt that given her current slow pace of earning points, she would never become an administrator, as there were limited administrator positions, only five.

Sirin thought about how Yakumo Yukari diligently carried out her tasks every day, yet her own progress wasn’t even close to 10 percent. Well, she decided against diving into the working world at such a young age.

“If you’re not satisfied, why don’t you find yourself a system? And while you’re at it, find a younger sister too. You’ll be responsible for her food, drink, and various expenses, earning points on your own. Plus, you’ll need a Dimension Administrators Association invitation letter, and someone has to request to merge your world and your younger sister’s in the Multidimensional World Consciousness Conference. If you can achieve that, I’ll grant you an administrator position.” Chen Heng calmly laid out requirements that were practically impossible for anyone else but him.

“Erm…Elder Brother, you’re the best! Mwah!” Sirin realized she might have been in the wrong and planted a kiss on Chen Heng’s cheek as compensation.

Sirin’s reason for this was mainly Chen Heng’s playfully pointing to his cheek with his finger, signaling her with his eyes. Sirin had no choice but to comply .

“That’s obedient of you. Let’s go eat now.” Chen Heng patted Sirin’s head in delight.

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