Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 860 860 How To Tell Them

Chapter 860 860 How To Tell Them

Once the groups were sorted out, Wolfe gathered his witches and prepared to cast a flight spell around them.

"Grand Dutchies Guardian, we will meet you back in Forest Grove soon. We need to make one quick stop before we go back home, but we won't be far behind your transport, as I can fly much faster than the helicopter." Wolfe explained.

"That won't be a problem. I have a team there already waiting on you. They can deal with the political part and then return to tell me the results. I am headed to the west to oversee our troops, in case there are any issues with the defence against the dungeon raiders." The Guardian agreed.

The two shook hands, and the Guardian prepared to head back to his helicopter, which was being fitted with a digital suite so he could keep watching and directing the battle even as he travelled.

Once he was loaded into his ride, Priya turned to Wolfe.

"So, where are we off to, Saint Noxus." She asked.

"We are going to meet some friends. Well, a magical construct, who is rather friendly. I haven't gone to see him in a while, but I want to memorize the spell, so I can recreate it. The full Guardian spell that the others have as their Familiar would be better, but I would have to find the original core for them, and that is buried at some unknown location in the mountains, after the continent was reshaped.

So, the version that was used as staff in the Lumix Household should be sufficient.

Once I know the spell, we can send them as Guardians to smaller towns, and to accompany trade shipments. With that extra dose of magic, nobody will question our trade groups, or really have the power to challenge them. It should be enough to bring stability to the Frozen Wastes without relying on increasing numbers of Fae and Demons leaving their homes to help us.

I know that they're actually eager to come, but we can't just cede the entire world to them when we should be protecting it ourselves.

Plus, I am hoping that the assistant there might know a spell to prevent dungeons from opening in our villages. Kind Intentions might do it, but it might not, as the other party views them as a benefit, and nobody will actually die on our side, as time will be reset once the dungeon closes."

Cassie shook her head in dismay. "Just how much power do they have to spare that they can do something insane like that?"

Wolfe shrugged. "Forest Grove could do it as well if we knew the spell, or had someone sufficiently skilled in time magic. From what I understand, it's only about a hundred Rank Five magic users to cast the spell, and we've got the equivalent of more than that."

Priya laughed and repeated in a mocking tone. "It's only a hundred Rank Five."

That made the others smile.

"Alright, maybe my view of what is normal is being warped from hanging around there." Wolfe agreed, as he lifted them into the air and waved to the citizens and protectors below him.

They waved back as he flew them away from the city and gained altitude before going supersonic so that the noise wouldn't disturb the people as much.

"It is still strange flying so high. It almost feels like we're standing still in the sky, with the ground so far below us, but I know that we're actually moving faster than anything has a right to be flying." Ella sighed.

Priya nodded in agreement. "That's Sylvan City there, on our right. It looks like a farm village from here, but it's hundreds of kilometres from where we started, and it has only been a few minutes."

Their destination was the airbase north of Forest Grove, so they flew past the edge of the forest, taking the most direct route at ten thousand metres in the sky. From this distance, most of the people on the ground wouldn't even be able to see them, even in the clear areas where they weren't above cloud cover.

They didn't need to worry about getting lost, Wolfe could feel the magic in use both in the city and in the hangars where they were building cargo airplanes. The shipment for the Incubi Kingdom was coming along well, and Wolfe wondered whether there would be demand for an actual passenger airline in this world soon.

Mostly it was just cargo now, and some merchants accompanying it. It had been centuries since people had travelled outside their home nations, and most rarely left their hometowns at all.

Flying across the continent on vacation or even for business would be a massive cultural change for everyone.

"Hey, there are a lot of people from Myrrh Coven headed for the edge of the Fae Forest. We should go see them in, so they don't have to wait." Cassie noted as she looked back.

"We won't be long here. I just need to get the spell and introduce you all. Once the spell knows you, it should let you in again. Or perhaps not, as it was last updated during the war." Wolfe noted.

"Do you think that they're aware of everything that has been going on in Morgana Coven? It was broadcast, but I'm not sure if the signal carries that far." Ella asked.

"Well, if they're sending an entire delegation to us, I can assume that they know, unless it's an entirely unrelated matter, which seems unlikely. They usually just send a message and have someone from the border towns come to see us." Wolfe agreed.

Explaining the threat of humans from another world attacking them using a spell that looped time, so they wouldn't even know that they had been attacked unless someone outside of town made a record, would be a cause for real concern.

The difficulty for Wolfe was how to tell them politely that he didn't have a real solution to it yet, and the best he could do was to throw a few protective spells at them and hope that it worked out for the best.

That seemed unlikely to go over well, so he was going to have to get that automaton spell and learn to use it, so he could give them a solid answer that didn't involve them fending for themselves.

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