Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 859 859 Gather The Protectors

Chapter 859 859 Gather The Protectors

It took most of an hour to get all the prisoners moved without the crowd mobbing them as they had the ones outside the courtroom.

However, now that they had doled out public punishment to the offenders, the rest of the population seemed to be in a much better mood. There were some who would likely never be forgiven for their crimes, but others were already back at work, despite walking tenderly, and often without their shirts to avoid aggravating the lash marks.

Wolfe addressed the crowd in the city through the television broadcast. "Well, it has been a pleasure to get you all sorted out here, ladies and gentlemen. There are Guardians from Forest Grove inbound, and they will arrive in the next few minutes before we leave. We thought it would be better if those who travelled to be here went home with their new Protectors, both for safety in the woods and to help introduce them to the rest of your townspeople.

They should have been watching the proceedings, but there will be plenty of questions about the entire process, including the parts that didn't make the news.

I would personally appreciate it if you would make the transition easier on your new Protectors, as your well-being is their primary concern."

As if they had been waiting for his cue, a pair of helicopters flew into sight from the north, coming from Forest Grove, where the selection had been made.

They landed on top of the building for lack of space elsewhere, and remained hovering while the new Protectors departed. The building already had one vehicle on the helipad, and wasn't intended for vehicles as large as theirs in the first place.

They had picked entirely Fae for the region, which seemed odd to Wolfe, but most of this region was Fae controlled to begin with. The Protectors for the Sylvan Coven were mostly Fae, with only the ones along the border having Demons in their ranks.

The Forests were their natural home, and the Demons had relented relatively easy, in exchange for promises to help them with the desert regions when it came time to increase crop yields.

Wolfe, accompanied by his witches, went to the balcony on the roof where he could meet the people, and be in clear sight of the crowds outside.

"Welcome Protectors. If you can either call out the town that you have chosen, or hold up a sign, those who have travelled to see the trials will come to see you. We will be returning to Forest Grove for a meeting of Continental Representatives, now that the otherworldly humans have returned.

Are there any questions, or would you like to meet your people now?"

A tall and lithe troll woman wearing a dress made of rough leather and painted bones smiled at him. "I think it is best that we start meeting our people right away. Trolls are very protective, and now that I know there are some here, I can't wait to meet them."

"In that case, I have an idea. One at a time, step to the balcony, which is enchanted with air magic to make your voice carry. Introduce yourself and call out your town name, so the people can come to you. Then I will help you down to street level so you can meet in person." Wolfe offered.

The troll smiled and skipped over to the balcony before waving at the crowd.

"Good day everyone. I am Garra, the new protector for Komesk township. If there are any of my people here, please come forward, so I can meet you. Again, I am Garra, and I am greatly looking forward to meeting and getting along with the people of Komesk township."

Wolfe created a platform of gravity and wind magic in front of her, and lowered the troll down to the street, where a small group of young witches and two human men stepped up to meet her.

They looked a bit shocked at the friendly hugs that the fearsome looking troll was giving them, but they would soon learn that trolls were only scary to those they considered enemies. If they liked you, they were very affectionate.

She stepped aside, and Wolfe brought the platform back to the roof for the next protector, a Treant with shaggy bark all over his body, to address the crowd.

His voice was a deep, grating rumble, like a landslide forming words. "I am Steve, formerly of the Darkwoods, and now Protector of Maris Village. If there are any residents of the village present, please come to see me on the ground."

The village was only a few kilometres away, and half the town had come here to see the trial, so he had a large crowd moving up to join him.

That was satisfying, as he wouldn't need to do the introductions twice. They lived deep in the woods, with tall trees all around, perfect for a Treant, and the village was a bit more spread out than others, as they had previously survived by gathering magical resources that grew in the forest.

One after another, they went through the protectors, until only one was left. A Rank Six Nymph stepped onto the balcony.

"As you may have guessed, I will become the local Guardian, with oversight of the immediate region, as we are the largest city in the area, and therefore have the strongest Guardian. My people dislike using our real names in conversation, so you may call me Guardian, or Miss Nymph. It is a pleasure to meet you all, and as we won't be travelling, I will only ask to meet the Elders for now, so that we can work on a plan to begin the magical enhancement of the gardens and defensive spells in the area." She began.

"What about the farms? Will you be casting anything on the farms around the city walls?" One middle-aged witch called out.

"Of course. The farms are an essential part of every town's upgrades. Not just for the food, but for the other resources that they provide. We are close enough that we will be able to reach the main underground highway in under an hour, which will make it easy to trade our goods anywhere on the continent.

There will be many meetings in the near future, but for today, my primary concerns are keeping the town from being targeted by attackers from other worlds, and to improve the quality of the gardens in town to reduce the strain on our farmers." She agreed.

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