Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 842 842 We're The Dungeon Mobs?

Chapter 842 842 We're The Dungeon Mobs?

The Fae turned pale and cast a protective charm on himself. "We know that spell as well, but it has other uses. It puts a portion of the world into a time loop. You can use it to test strategies or find cures for diseases because every time that the spell loops, everything is reset back to the way it was when you arrived.

Nobody dies, no time passes in their minds, and even the food they ate returns to them. Anything that is taken out will reappear, but the spell takes an immense amount of power. As in, two Demon Kings working together, or a massive group ritual that has to be ongoing for the duration of the spell."

"Wait, you say that it normally is cast on a specific area, as in a spot in your world. The way the Demons described the ones in their Realms sounded like they were a separate space entirely." Wolfe asked.

The Fae nodded. "We cast it on a spot in our world. But that's not the only use. You can just cast it and let the magic decide who the opponents should be. If you die inside, you will just be ejected back home intact, but if you leave voluntarily, you will return to the condition you were in when you finished the fight.

At some point, somewhere, it was rumoured that one of the denizens of the lowest planes cast thousands of them at random, making them pop up through the Demon Realms, in an attempt to let his people escape close enough to the upper Realms to start a war.

But it didn't work, and they couldn't leave, the spell only let others in to attack them.

For the longest time, it was assumed that the spaces it created were just random, but once a Fae Queen analyzed the magic, she realized it was actually a real spot in a random location. Now, it looks like someone taught it to the humans, and they're just treating it like the Demons do, as if it was a whole new reality, not a real place stuck in a time loop."

Wolfe smiled. "That would explain why he was so surprised to see me here. I fought him on his side of the portal last time, in his world. He likely had no idea that it was possible for real people to appear in the dungeon spell."

Back in his home palace, the Emperor of All He Sees was discussing exactly that possibility.

"Someone bring me the Emissary. Either I will have answers or I will have his head." The Emperor demanded.

After a few seconds, a man who Wolfe would have also found familiar, at least for his uniform that marked him as part of the Fallen Armies, stepped in, flanked by a pair of guards.

"Emperor, what seems to be the issue? Did the spell not work? Our most Holy God powered it, there should have been no problem." The man asked.

The Emperor was shaking with rage as he answered. "You said it would take me somewhere to train, a safe spot where I could not face true mortal peril. But when I arrived, there was a Saint there, one versed in the most powerful of Elemental Magics, and the same man who killed my previous body.

He claimed that you had sent me right to his doorstep, an invader in his own home. So, tell me Emissary, were you trying to have me assassinated?"

"Emperor, you misunderstand. There is no way that you could have died there. Even if you seemed to, you would return here safely. We have used it a thousand times before to train our troops.

Now, I don't know how the scenario was chosen, or why an old nemesis of yours would appear there, but perhaps it was a test of courage? Never before have the occupants of a Dungeon faced an enemy that was truly overwhelming and impossible to defeat.

If you activate the ritual again tomorrow, it should bring you to a similar place to train your new body, and I will accompany you to see if there is some flaw in the magic that is bringing the creature that troubles your mind to life inside the spell."

The Emperor considered that for a few minutes before replying. "I will bring a different group of guards, to see if it was simply a twist of fate that brought me to him. With your power, perhaps an enemy of that level might appear again, but with a different party, I can't see ending up in the same spot twice."

In the village, the Protector led Wolfe to the Mayor's office, where they had both a better phone than the Protector's cellphone, and a high-powered radio in case the Fortress City couldn't be reached by more modern means.

"I will send a message on both. Many others will have heard your distress call, and I should let them know that it has been taken care of." Wolfe agreed as he settled into a seat behind the desk.

[Morgana Fortress, this is Wolfe Noxus. The issue at the besieged village is now under control. I will be returning soon with all the details.] Wolfe announced over the radio, so that all the nearby villages would hear and be able to stand down their state of alert.

Then he picked up the phone and found the number for the Morgana Fortress switchboard.

The call rang twice, and then a pleasant voiced woman picked up on the Morgana end. "Morgana Fortress, how may I direct your call?"

"This is Wolfe Noxus. If you can please put me in contact with either the members of my delegation or a member of the Council, I would appreciate it." He requested.

Then he sent a mental message to Cassie, Ella and Priya. [I am on the phone with the switchboard, can you ask them to put the call through so everyone can hear?]

He could feel Ella laughing at his redundant communication methods.

[Fine, let's hear what you have to say that is so important that Reiko needs to hear firsthand.]

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