Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 841 841 Hello Again

Chapter 841 841 Hello Again

Wolfe took off toward the battle, extending his mana sense to see what was going on in the distance.

He could still feel the force of the barrier in effect, and the effort that the protector was putting into keeping it active. With the flashy nature of the human's magic, which often mimicked elemental magic, the people of the village had to be absolutely terrified by now, but thankfully, they were still alive and well.

The ground became a blur under him as Wolfe raced over the forest, leaving a wake that shook branches and disturbed every creature as he passed by overhead, too close to the trees to be noticed before he was within attacking distance of the army.

He had considered going high into the clouds, but if he could see through that trick, then they should as well, so he had stayed low and used simple physics to hide his approach.

But he had forgotten the most basic of aspects. He was a Saint, and expending what would be considered a significant amount of mana to a Rank Two or Three magic user. So, they didn't need to see him, they could feel the impending sense of danger as he approached.

The Fae protector of the town could feel it as well, but they could also tell that it was Wolfe, as the unique signature of the Magi's power was familiar to nearly every powerful creature on the continent.

Even if they hadn't been to Forest Grove to meet him in person, as this one had, they could all feel the power when he used overwhelming levels of power, like when he created the base for the new currency.

There was a strange magic surrounding the area, some sort of space and time array that Wolfe had never seen before, and the inside appeared to be trapped in a loop, or perhaps moved to a secondary space, slightly out of touch with the rest of the world.

It didn't stop Wolfe as he entered, the magic just flowed over him and let him pass. But the inside felt strange, and incredibly hostile, as if years of killing intent had been bottled up in this one space.

Wolfe stopped behind the enemy's lines and watched for a few seconds before they realized that they had been spotted by the incoming threat.

Then the army broke off their barrage of the barrier to turn and face Wolfe, while diverting all their power to the shield around their command group.

A strangely familiar command group, though he remembered them being more powerful than this.

"Emperor, it is good to see you again. I had not expected you to be reborn so quickly after our last encounter. But is it not a bit hasty to have returned to this world already, without even making the breakthroughs to your previous power levels?" Wolfe asked.

The young man sitting on the golden chair, carried aloft by litter bearers, turned pale as he heard Wolfe's voice.

"No, it cannot be. Why are you here, Demon?" He demanded.

"That's what I was asking you. This is my home you are invading, I live here. You are the one who does not belong." Wolfe replied.

"We have used the sacred Dungeon spell, how could you be from a dungeon when I last saw you in my world?"

The Emperor was stammering now, clearly confused and terrified to see Wolfe, whose power, combined with that of the two Rank Eight ancient ones who accompanied him, had been enough to shatter an entire Legion in seconds.

Today, he only had a small invasion force, a few hundred men, and they were not particularly powerful. If Wolfe had to hazard a guess, he would say that this was a training mission, and they had targeted the village because of its power level.

"I think that we need to have a long discussion, you and me." Wolfe informed the reborn Emperor.

But it was a discussion that they would have to wait on, as the Emperor channelled mana into a stone and vanished, along with his entire army.

Seconds later, the array around the city began to destabilize, and Wolfe was forced back outside its perimeter. When it ended, the town was intact, the fields not trampled by an invading army, no thatch roofs had been burnt, and there was no sign of the conflict.

Even the villagers were startled to see Wolfe appear on the horizon, and began to happily wave at him, but not like a saviour, more as if an old friend had come to visit.

Wolfe waved back as he considered this new development, and landed next to the town's protector.

"Well, that was something else." The Fae whispered, as he looked around the town with just as much confusion as Wolfe.

"Protector, we have a visitor, is there a special event today? Or would you like a less formal dinner with the Saint?" An older woman asked.

The Fae smiled at her. "I have a question for you. What were you doing this morning after breakfast? Just give me a run-down woman asked.

The Fae smiled at her. "I have a question for you. What were you of your itinerary for the day."

The woman shrugged. "I finished cooking, then went to the gardens to prepare ingredients for lunch, and now we're here."

The Fae pointed at the sky, which was clearly well into the afternoon already.

"Well, that is odd. Perhaps my memory isn't as good as it used to be. I will get started on dinner right away, Protector. My apologies if I missed lunch."

The witch looked very concerned about her mental health as she shuffled away to the garden to get ingredients for dinner, leaving Wolfe and the Fae alone.

"I think that they don't know anything happened. Everything is precisely the way that it was the moment that the attack began, and nobody remembers it, except for me and you.

It might be because we are more powerful than the spell, though that might not be the case. Perhaps it's because I'm not originally from here and because you were forced out before it closed?"

Wolfe shrugged. "The man who calls himself Emperor said that he cast a Dungeon spell. I have heard of the magic in the Demon Realms, they're pocket dimensions stuffed full of monsters. Why he would think that sort of spell would lead him here is a mystery."

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