Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 671 Dakka

Chapter 671 Dakka

[Create Complex Item] really was a simple Earth spell, but in practice it was going to be incredibly annoying to cast. Because of its simplicity, it created every part of the item individually, using layers in an array. So, in order to make even the rather simple rifle that he was accustomed to, Wolfe would need to create a total of sixty-five layers to the spell, instead of creating it as one ongoing spell.

But the advantage of that was that he would know that he had done it correctly, or the rifle wouldn't assemble when he finished the spell.

The Demons watched with great curiosity as the pile of pieces gathered in the air in front of Wolfe as he cast his spell, then slowly assembled themselves into the strangest staff that any of them had ever seen.

"That's a piece of human technology, isn't it? I have never seen it, but I am certain that I saw something like it being carried by your people when I looked into the portal the day that they sent the assistants through." Rail commented.

"It's a rifle, a human ranged weapon. On their own, they can't even take out a rank three defensive spells, but when you enchant them with spells, or use a lot of them on one target, they can be brutally effective." Wolfe agreed.

"Interesting, so you enchant it like a sword, and it uses that magic for ranged attacks? What a curious thing that the humans have come up with." Dana remarked, now paying full attention to Wolfe's work.

"Actually, it was my idea to enchant them, the human armies that use them aren't magic users. They don't have any witches in their armies, or Magi blood, so they have no affinity to it at all." Wolfe reminded her.

"Not even warlocks? You know they can sign pacts with more powerful creatures to gain access to magic." She asked.

"I haven't seen any in their armies, they're very anti magic, they even use magic negating weapons, like the ones that were used to poison Carmine. But I suppose there might be a few hidden warlocks among them."

The rifle assembled, fully loaded, and Wolfe began the spells to enchant the ammunition and the rifle so that he could save some mana later when it really mattered.

Because they were going to be facing magic users, he didn't hold back as much, and upscaled the [Wind Blade] and [Cluster Grenade] spells on the bullets to Rank Six. It caused a deadly aura to emit from the weapon, but that would fade as the bullets were fired.

"Now, we just need permission to use this." Wolfe laughed.

"It's easier to get forgiveness than permission. How about we go find the King, and then we can show off for him? He should be out on the walls, so just follow the sound of battle." Risa suggested.

"Alright, Risa, you're with me, the rest of you can wait here for a minute so that you don't get in trouble when I inevitably get yelled at." Wolfe agreed.

The girls laughed, but Dana put her book away and got to her feet anyhow.

"Ah, yes. You're not going to miss out on seeing the new spells in action, are you? Alright, come with, but try to stay out of sight so we don't cause more trouble than we have to."

Risa led them at a jog through the Palace, toward where they could hear the King shouting orders as the army began to gather around them.

"Your Highness, I have a tool with me that should convince them to leave in a most efficient manner." Wolfe announced as he came out of the stairwell and onto the parapets.

"A Magi tool that ends wars in a judicious manner? If you had such a thing, why was it not used in the last war?" He asked suspiciously.

"It's a new development. Might I give it a shot?" Wolfe asked.

"Of course, do you need me to amplify your voice?" The King asked.

"Not necessary, this is generally employed after negotiations have failed."

Wolfe shouldered the rifle, while the King curiously examined the device.

The armies down below had formed into traditional ranks, shoulder to shoulder, row upon row. Infantry in a frontal Phalanx, archers behind, where most spells couldn't reach them.

But when you were firing down from the thirtieth floor of a tower, four hundred metres was nothing.

Wolfe smiled as he flipped the safety from locked to fully automatic, and gently squeezed the trigger.

The rifle chattered, and the brass casings flew through the air, while a series of [Cluster Grenade] explosions tore through the phalanx.

The shields were enchanted, but to roughly a Rank Four level, and the bullets simply tore through them before detonating under the protective wall.

Fifty rounds were gone in a matter of seconds, and Wolfe created another loaded magazine. The first dropped to the ground and the second was slotted in while Wolfe adjusted his aim up. If the loss of the Phalanx didn't change their minds, firing into the Command Group should.

Everyone around was too stunned to say anything, even during the reloading process, and Wolfe had already begun firing again, peppering the defensive array around the Command Group with enchanted bullets that made it flare and glow with pinpoints of light.

Even after fifty rounds, it was still holding strong. Their Commander was no slouch, but Wolfe had the cure for that. One more magazine was created and loaded, and he was about to fire again when the horns from down below started to play a new tune. Three long blasts, then three short and three long again.

It was a retreat signal, and the whole army simply started running.

They didn't pack their tents, they didn't even remove the arrows that they had planted in the ground beside them for their next shots. The horns blared, and they ran, leaving the dead behind.

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