Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 670 Alternate Plan

Chapter 670 Alternate Plan

They waited in that room for over an hour as the sounds of battle raged outside the Palace before anyone came to update them. To their credit, it was a ranking officer in their military, and a member of the Palace Guard, who had actually been at the fight.

"Patriarch Noxus, I'm sure you're aware by now that we have an issue. That was a scouting unit from the Fallen, and they have a much larger Crusade Army on the way. What you might not be aware of is that they have a spell to track travel spells, so it's not safe to send you away through magical means.

I'm afraid that you will have to remain inside the Palace for the duration of the conflict.

Normally, they are short, no more than a single season, but I was informed that there were pressing issues back home that you wanted to deal with in person. The King will be along to see what they can do to help you with that. He is currently in a debriefing with the Generals of the War Council, but he shouldn't be more than another hour before he is ready to speak with you."

"That is fine. The defence of the Kingdom and the Palace comes first. Are you certain that there will be a full army coming behind them, or is it possible that these are advance scouts, intended to report the combat readiness of potential targets?" Wolfe asked.

"The army has been spotted within our borders, it looks like they opened a portal here this time. So, one battlefield or another, we will have to deal with them. It would be better not to have to do it right here at the Palace, but by the time that we get an army mobilized, it might be too late to do anything but fight them here.

Unlike most Palaces, there is no town around this one, everything is inside the spires. So, if they're going to attack, it will be directly on the Palace, or on a town further away."

That made sense, but it also meant that the conflict was inevitable, and unless they wanted to flee the area, they really were going to have to wait it out.

Once the soldier left, Wolfe settled in to wait, while Dana searched the library in the sitting room for more reading material, and the others tried to decide on a distraction.

"Dana, can you find me a book of Earth Magic with a spell to recreate an item that the user knows well? My skills with Earth Magic are lacking, and I have need of a spell." Wolfe requested.

"You are thinking of aiding the King in his battles? I heard that Magi don't traditionally get involved in such conflicts." Carmine asked.

"Traditionally, no. But after the war with the Witches, where they nearly wiped out the entire species because they wouldn't fight, that restriction has become somewhat flexible. I, personally, have no problem fighting to defend myself from the unreasonable sorts." Wolfe shrugged.

"So, the earth spell you want is to make a defensive weapon?" Dana asked as she searched the books in the room.

"Yes and no. In the lower levels of the fortress city where I come from, there is a saying: [Peace Through Strength]. If you have the power to stop anyone from messing with you, then you can have peace.

These people obviously think that they have something that can challenge the King, or they have enough numbers to overrun his armies. If we can change their minds about that, then there is a good chance that they will go away." Wolfe explained.

"Or they will just attack somewhere else." Rail reminded him.

"That is a possibility, yes. But we can only be in so many places at once, and even temporarily sending them back to their home world would be a good start."

"So your grand plan is just to make them go away and become someone else's problem?" Millie, the older of the twin Bloodletters asked with immense disappointment showing on her pale features.

"We could just kill them all and let the underworld sort them out. I have it on good authority that there is an excellent sorting system there." Wolfe suggested.

The three bodyguards looked at each other for confirmation of what they had just heard, then began to smile as they looked back at Wolfe.

"You know, maybe working for a Magi Patriarch won't be as dull as we had expected. What sort of idea do you have?" Risa asked.

"Well, if I can find the spell to recreate an item I know with Earth Magic, then I will show you." Wolfe explained.

He was also searching through the inheritance for it, but the spell was somewhat confusing when you needed a particular spell and didn't know how it should be categorized. There was no section for creation spells, so he had to go through the Earth Element spells by name to find what he needed.

"I think that I found what you needed. It's a simple Earth Elemental spell, called [Create Complex Item]. Does that sound right?" Dana asked.

"Yeah, that should do. I know that the witches tend to mould the earth naturally, but I don't have the experience to do that, so I'll use a spell circle to get what I need."

Wolfe had seen all of their equipment apart dozens of times, and he had a rifle among his gear, so if he needed to create an item that would make an army go away on demand, he should be able to come up with something.

Most of the Demons that he had seen here weren't as massive as the Wrath Demons, and if both sides had protective magic and magical weapons, it would be a fairly close fight, even against a medieval human army. Against a mundane advanced army, it would likely be about the same, but once you started to blend the two, things made a rapid turn for the deadly.

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